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YG Report 27 Nov 2010 22:12

Evening/afternoon DET & RMS!!

Wish it had been the jackpot and I would have shared it with you all lol!! We could have had a fantastic meet somewhere exotic and RMS & Aunty could have come too!!


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 27 Nov 2010 22:24

That would have been good :-0)) If only...sigh....

I wonder how much your life would change if one did win a large amount? Actually, I did know the son of one jackpot winner. The father + 2 others in the syndicate won (an awful lot each in the millions) in the early days. The son told me very proudly but I was having kittens thinking he was putting himself in danger of kidnap or bullying by telling all and sundry. The son was aged 12 at the time and you'd have thought he'd have known better. Apparently the father didn't change much. He gave up his job, bought a nice but not extravagant house, and wandered round from room to room because he was so bored. Strange that despite the family wealthy, the son STILL never had a pen or pencil - lol


LaGooner Report 28 Nov 2010 07:46

Morning all, First on the trhead this morning,my my what a change LOL. Bloomin cold here but no snow YET!!!. GGot loads to do today so hence being up in the 'middle of the night'LOL.


Mazfromnorf Report 28 Nov 2010 08:24

morning got any skis here its a sheet of ice have to go out though to church as we have a childrens service .so am going to get some good layers on .
thankfully the tax credits start again tomorrow so i can save for the heating bills .My boiler has been kicking in inspite of the fact its off so the frost setting must work lol


LaGooner Report 28 Nov 2010 08:31

Morning Maz, We have got the Christingle service at church later this afternoon. Littlies are going with Mummy and Daddy not sure if I am yet.


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 28 Nov 2010 09:18

Morning all - I might still have a small plastic sledge behind the shed....will that do??? Been watching the BBC news. I really feel for Pauline and Maz. And you still have a lot more to come! As long as someone from the Pack goes to the Christingle Service LG, they'd probably excuse you.

Glad the Tax Credits start again tomorrow. There is nothing worse than feeling cold indoors.

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 28 Nov 2010 11:40

Hi all, we had more snow last night.............after clearing it all away yesterday. Don't think I'll bother today.


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 28 Nov 2010 11:44

Shouldn't're probably snowed in anyway!

Only meant to spend an hour on here then get dressed, but got side tracked pushing a main branch back. The best laid plans of Mice and Men etc - lol


Mazfromnorf Report 28 Nov 2010 12:54

hi the roads are just passable here and the service was in the lounge so not too cold am home now to stay as yet we have had no more snow today .


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 28 Nov 2010 13:11

Keep safe and PUT THE HEATING ON!!! We're off out shortly - the farm shop is having a tasting weekend - anything for a bit of free grub LOL


YG Report 28 Nov 2010 20:01

Well, according to the news, we are catching RMS up!! In Wales there was a temperature of -18degs recorded overnight!!!


RockyMountainShy Report 28 Nov 2010 21:29


Isn't Wales supposed to be cold or is that Scotland with the mountains?


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 28 Nov 2010 23:13

Well....they both have mountains, although not as Canadians know it. The main point is that the reported temps are exceptionally low for the UK. We tend to get heavy snow fall (for us) and freezing temps Jan - Feb!

Hope every one is Ok and keeping warm and toasty. Have things warmed up slightly in Western Canada?

Oo, oo...we've had snow! Well, a few balls - lol


Mazfromnorf Report 29 Nov 2010 06:37

morning all we have baby mountains here some of the penines are quite high up we have 12 inches of snow here just waiting to see if we rae working or not today son seems to think that the school runs will be called off


RockyMountainShy Report 29 Nov 2010 07:09

Ohhh don't call off school just for a 'little' snow, put on your snow tires and plow though

Well, its -11 tonight and going up to -6 tomorrow! Beach weather! LOL -{:_))))))))


LaGooner Report 29 Nov 2010 09:11

Morning all, everyone safe and warm I hope.

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 29 Nov 2010 09:15

Hi everybody.

Who's that sitting on the beach in a bikini?

Walking in snow is very good exercise for the thighs and bum, I feel like I've been to the gym. I'm obviously not used to lifting my knees up.

Stay warm everybody and only drive if you have to.


LaGooner Report 29 Nov 2010 09:29

Morning Pauline, hope you are well. I have emailed you but still trying to track down my favourite piccy. Lost it somewhere in the depths of the lappy LOL


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 29 Nov 2010 09:32

Morning everyone - Think I'd dread the heating bills if I lived were RMS does...brrrr.

No snow here, and even the frost seems to have cleared except on top of the cars. Beginning to feel a little left out (sob sob).

The problem with snow tyres or chains in most of the UK is that we can never guarentee we will have enough snow to warrent the expense, and then of course we wouldn't be able to use chains where the road has been gritted. I do think some schools close too quickly, but I suppose if the staff can't get to them, there is not a lot they can do.

Back in 1963 or so, we had a lot of snow which hung around for 3 months. The School Inspector said that our rural 3 class Primary School had better attendence rates than those in the town. My friend was taken by her famer father on a tracor - lol. Even when I was working, about 10 years ago they shut the Secondary School early because of 3 inches. Pfft. Possibly in Kent, there is a cultural memory of one year in the late 80s when the whole County was buried in about 3 feet for about a week. It 'dumped' in the course of 24 hours.

Are we having updated pictures today Pauline?? Your regional airport is reportedly closed.


LaGooner Report 29 Nov 2010 09:42

Morning DET, just had a little flurry here but nothing worth speaking of. Our schools were never shut because of snow I can remember the winter of 1958 I think it was when we could not get out of our outside doors because of the snow drifts and helping Dad clear it so we could go to work or school. In later years I had to travel by Bus and train then 1/2 mile walk up a steep hill to my Grammer school 7 miles away and the world never stopped then either. Oh hell I'm starting to sound like my Mother !!! must be getting old and crochety LOL