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Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 30 Nov 2010 10:31

Don't think our airport is open DET, he's due back in about a week or so. Haven't looked at the forecast so don't know if it'll be better or worse by then.


LaGooner Report 30 Nov 2010 14:01

Not goody bags Pauline, yellow gym type bags with their Starting Brownie books and their neckies and woggles.

What little bit of snow we had is thawing fast at the moment as the sun is shining, not sure how long for though LOL.


Mazfromnorf Report 30 Nov 2010 15:11

well there are advantages of snowdays froggy came down to see me has gone back before the buses get stopped again
it keeps sowing here but has settled to yesterday


LaGooner Report 30 Nov 2010 15:44

HI Maz, It is starting to freeze here and unfortunately I have got to go out in it in a little while.


Mazfromnorf Report 30 Nov 2010 17:16

Take care i have been to the shed and back today

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 30 Nov 2010 17:19

I've been as far as the dustbin (directly outside the back door).


YG Report 30 Nov 2010 17:30

We have had more overnight, but it wasn't snowing when I went out this morning. Cleared all the car off and it came back with a vengeance!!! We have about 3 inches, but only light snow showers were forecast today, so they went wrong somewhere!! Hope they are wrong tomorrow cos they are saying we will have heavy snow!!

It is bloomin' cold and freezing my nether regions!!


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 30 Nov 2010 17:39

Evening - got to cook dinner in a minute, after we've 'sampled' the Xmas sausage rolls - lol

Glad you were able to have time with Froggie. He must have been getting stir I expect Pauline is. How are the food supplies holding up?

I've been outside twice - once to move my car out of the way for PC. Stood at the front door until she'd cleared it, lol. Then to get the welly boots in from the understairs cupboard which is accessed from outside (don't ask, too complicated). Managed to shut my thumb in the back door frame because I was hanging on to it in case it was slippery while at the same time trying to close the door to keep the heat in. Doh!

Safe journey and return LG.

edit - oops missed you YG. Glad you're back indoors in one piece. We were only supposed to have snow showers, but it hasn't stopped. Still, we aren't as effected as some, so shouldn't grumble


Mazfromnorf Report 30 Nov 2010 17:59

the main roads are being kept clear so the shops are coping but folk are panic buying Froggy went to iceland across our green and said they were rationing milk and bread .the worst is over for us in theory but the freezing temps will now kick in i expect
YG glad you are in i have been clearing the back bedroom today to keep motivated Naomi has left loads of her stuff about not in boxes but all over the place so have been packin it all up for her to take at some point


YG Report 30 Nov 2010 18:11

I'm sitting here watching the local news and the presenter is seven miles from here at a local village and it is horrendous. The blinds are closed so I hadn't looked out of the window till I saw it on the tv and it is well and truly here. Oh well, maybe a day at home tomorrow!!

Am going to get a bowl of soup and some pizza and sit here till bedtime!!

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 30 Nov 2010 18:16

Sounds like a good plan to me YG.

I close the blinds as soon as it starts to get dark, so I don't have to see how bad it is outside.

Mind you, it hasn't been so bad today, only light snow showers.


YG Report 30 Nov 2010 19:46

Well that was yummy!!! I'm full to burst now!!

And another two inches of snow has fallen since I came home at 5pm and the wind is getting up!

Oooh, to stay under the duvet tomorrow!! I hope!!


LaGooner Report 30 Nov 2010 20:25

Yoooo Hooooo all your ruler is in residence LOL


YG Report 30 Nov 2010 20:54

Good evening your maj!!


LaGooner Report 30 Nov 2010 21:00

Good evening loyal subject,how are you today?


YG Report 30 Nov 2010 21:33

I'm ok thank you!

Just found out that all the buses were stopped at 7pm tonight. It is not good!!


RockyMountainShy Report 30 Nov 2010 21:35

Stupid questions time - why are you rationing food, doesn't the stores have more food? Don't you people keep food in your houses or do you go shopping everyday?

Please forgive me, I'm not used to English weather yet.


LaGooner Report 30 Nov 2010 21:35

Oh dear, well I shall think myself lucky, no snow but very slippery I had to toddle down the path slowly so i did not slip on my botty


LaGooner Report 30 Nov 2010 21:39

I shop when I need to RMS. Keep a small stock of essentials in but I really prefer to buy fresh.


YG Report 30 Nov 2010 22:07

Our country is not used to such severe weather RMS and they won't invest in the equipment that could help keep us on the move as it would stand unused much of the time. The roads soon become impassable and delivery vehicles cannot get to places to make their deliveries so people tend to panic and buy more than they need while it's still on the shelves. Silly behaviour really, a bit like Christmas when they stash their trollies so full of food you would think the shops were closing for a year instead of a day!!!