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What kind of things do you remember from Childhood

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Tracey Report 12 Jun 2010 18:32

Hi Gang---Thank's Ann recipe came throught looks good---How would it
be with whipped cream instead of choc cream?????

OG has the same eye test next month as Ros Frank--but dont think he'll be able his is over a two hour waiting game----

Must get trellis for my roses at front window----this rain is making them heavy,--

DDD--Day here OG arthritis in his legs are bad----


Tracey Report 12 Jun 2010 21:41

HA HA --Ann I dont think OG quite looks at me as ''RAY-OF-SUNSHINE""

more like ''DEATH-RAY'' HA HA

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 12 Jun 2010 22:22

BIL and SIL turned up today with her grandson Thomas. He was here about 5 mins and OH had him driving the digger! I took some pics and Loraine took a video of him digging with it. His mum died last year and he lives with his other grandparents but Lolly has him a lot of weekends and sometimes in the school holidays. He is a lovely little chap about 6 or 7 years old. They stayed quite a while and I got out my old camera and between Lolly and i I got it working again!!! Spent the rest of the late afternoon watering the tunnel.

I downloaded that recipe but did'nt look to see if it came out or not!! Will have a look now. I saved it and then tried to open it but it would'nt open.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 12 Jun 2010 22:26

No can't open it Ann!!!!


Tracey Report 13 Jun 2010 01:00



Valerie Report 13 Jun 2010 03:46

Things I remember from childhood: gas masks at school, blackout curtains and windows criss-crossed with tape, sleeping in an Anderson shelter in my bedroom, the Children's Newspaper, old movies at the cinema and the Movietone News or Pathe News, pictures of King George VI (bless him), the Victory party in our street.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 13 Jun 2010 10:33

Morning!! It's mums 86th birthday today! Dry and sunny again. Hope it's the same for Jane and Chris. When I lived in Suffolk someone told me it was the dryest place in the country.

Got the recipe ok Ann thank you. It looks very indulgent.........................................

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 13 Jun 2010 10:41

Mandy sounds like you had a lovely evening.

Hope Valerie comes back with more memories.

I had a very strange dream last night but can't remember all of it. The bit I remember was going down this road on someones estate and the road had a beige carpet on it. I was with someone but I don't know who, and then there was this bridge that went off to the left over some very black water. The bridge was made like a jetty with big round posts in the water and the top was planked with no sides or rail and the whoe thing curved and you could'nt see the end. We went on it and I said I did'nt like it and it was the wrong way to go so we went back to the road.


Tracey Report 13 Jun 2010 14:23

~~****~~``**** HAPPY- 86-BIRTHDAY- BIDDY----~~~~XXXXXX



Tracey Report 13 Jun 2010 14:37

Afternoon ----DD- JUST NOW---

all this talk about fish& chips and such tranquil view's make me home sick xxxx

Hi Val---where are you from? Yes you had your money worth then at movies -- with two movies

Some of us would have the key of the house on string around the neck--
and you payed about a shilling a week for school dinners--it was good food to---


Frank Report 13 Jun 2010 14:48

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MUM" Mel, trust she has a nice day

Went to bed at midnight, was still awake at 2.15am got up watched tele till 4.30. rested and dozd till 7.30. My Ribs are playing up today. Better when standing or sitting upright.

Mandy, I miss not being by the coast. When I lived in Hullbridge, we were only a few miles from. Leigh on Sea, Southend. There were the cockle sheds all along the beach at leigh, and you could buy all your seafoods including large crab, which were cooked and dressed, We often bought one back for Sunday tea. It was great to take a walk down the pier. 1 1/2 miles. would often get the train one way or the other, depending how you felt. And there is something about the SEA AIR.

What about me and the CAKE, Don't I get a look in, because i'm a man !!!!!

Shirl, Hope OG gets on alright with his check up.


Fiona Report 13 Jun 2010 15:06

HI Everybody IT'S ME FIONA
I'm back and it's GREAT!!!!!!!
only a quicky chat still having to limited my time on the computer, CT scan results are back but I have to wait till next Thursday before I see the doctor and hear what he has to say.

Happy birthday to Mel's mum today xxxxxxx

Hope Jane has a good holiday

Will try and get on later in the week and let you know what the Doctor says.


Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 13 Jun 2010 15:28

Oh Fiona great to have you back and on mums birthday too!!

Thanks for all your wishes.

Mandy mums name is Biddy, yes thats her full name not shortened.


David Report 13 Jun 2010 16:03

Many Happy Returns Biddy

I'd love to live within sight of the sea or even a stroll or a smell.
Ellen won't be budged from the city


Annx Report 13 Jun 2010 16:48

Absolutely smashing to hear from you Fiona, we have all missed you!! Hope your scan results are good and look forward to hearing what your doc says and to your posts as and when you are able.

FRANK!!! I thought you were too busy doing dinners to bake a cake!! lol Will send it to you after this post.

Well done to that man is a very old rose then.


Tracey Report 13 Jun 2010 17:23

Welcome --Home-- Fiona-- you have been missed gland your on the mend and feeling better-Talk later xxx

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 13 Jun 2010 18:15

Mandy have a look at this site it has a pic of your rose on it.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 13 Jun 2010 18:17

Mandy don't buy one for your front garden!!!!!!! You already have one so pull up a bit from the bottom and you should find some roots on it. Just plant that spig and you will soon get another bush for nothing. Thats what I did with my damask rose from suffolk.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 13 Jun 2010 18:20

OR wait till sept. Cut a pice off your bush about a foot long (or a few bits) and cut the top slanted and the bottom straight just under a leaf jpoint on ripe wood. Put them in the ground or in a big pot and bury them about 6 inches deep and place in the shade. By spring you should see new growth on the tops which means they have rooted. There all for nothing!!!!!!!! It works.


Frank Report 13 Jun 2010 21:28

Evening all,

Fiona how nice to know you are getting along ok. We have all been thinking of you.

Just looked out the back, and it's raining cats and dogs. It's been black for some time, so I thought we would get it.!!!
Annx, Your rellie was a busy man wasn't he. 15 kids, two wifes, and they say IT'S Not good for you, Disn't do him any harm. !!! good luck to him.