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What kind of things do you remember from Childhood

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Frank Report 5 Jun 2010 15:59

Hi all,
Had a quite day, Sat in the garden reading yesterdays paper. Had coffee and biscuits bought out to me. Very muggy outside now, Microlights buzzing overhead. What a row.!!!! Ros feels a bit lifeless today, so I told her to take it easy, catch up on jobs tomorrow if she feels like it, if not theres always another day.
Poor old Shirl, How old are your Monsters ??? and how many they have been with you some time now haven't they ????

Jane I am glad you mentioned a garage, you could have been delivering BODY PARTS !!!!. I need a new right ARM and LEG, if you have a spare !!!!
Bet Mel, still hasn't been on the digger. !!! Her OH has got himself padlocked too it, get out the bolt cutters Mel, lol

Mandy, Where on earth do you keep a pool that size, NOT ON THE LAWN i hope..


Jane Report 5 Jun 2010 16:14

Frank we have had a Hot air balloon early this morning and a couple of Microlights too .
Is the muggy weather getting to Ros or is it the worry over you???????


Tracey Report 5 Jun 2010 19:07

Frank two girls 14 year-& 13 year olds --Going -on 20 --ha ha --been here three weeks --------


Tracey Report 5 Jun 2010 19:12

washed my Cool Comfy's so good for another day---Jane they are cotton Caprie pants----bought a couple of years ago when it was soooo hot -


Jane Report 5 Jun 2010 20:18

Shirl I thought your cool comfy's were your undies lol.


MillymollyAmanda Report 5 Jun 2010 21:41

Well what a day, its been so hot ,Jake and hubby went in the spa to cool off ,Jake had no swimmers with him ,so he just kept his pants on ,he thought that was funny ,and he was a bit worried about having to go home in just his shorts with no pants on.

The pool is nearly full ,anyone fancy a midnight swim lol
Oh and we don't allow skinny dipping ,cossi's must be worn lol


Frank Report 5 Jun 2010 22:03

Mandy, I'm on my way, and I haven't any swimming trunks !!!!! NODDY NODDY>
Sleep tight all, if you can in the weather. still got all doors and windows open.


Rosiemo Report 5 Jun 2010 22:16

Home made treacle toffee, door stop buttys with condensed milk or sugar on, plain crisps sprinkled with vinigar and bits of batter from the chip shop with your chips !


David Report 5 Jun 2010 22:20

Good night you lot


Tracey Report 6 Jun 2010 00:21

My dad would give us batter bit & crisp chip end's at night--love T/Toffee
made some last year for the monster's to taste..
night night all xxx


Jane Report 6 Jun 2010 09:05

Morning Everyone
It's a very murky and muggy morning and not a breath of air.Lots of lightening last night.Chris and I were still sat out at midnight with the flashes going all around.Poor Chester was a bit of a wreck.But we have had no rain!!

The Maureen who posted here last night was a different lady.

I only got up to let Chester out and make myself a cup of tea.Chris is snoring his head off still.But it is cooler down stairs so I will stay here.


David Report 6 Jun 2010 09:58

Do you remember Our Eli saying, Hey, are you putting it about I'm daft?
And Roy Castle replying, No, are you trying to keep it a secret LOL


Jane Report 6 Jun 2010 11:25

I don't remember that saying David.
Right I need to move it and groove it.I'm still in my nightie and Chris had only just taken Chester out!!!.
I don't think we have any Lily of the Valley Mel .I do love it so think we shall have to get some for he garden.


Frank Report 6 Jun 2010 12:13

Have tried growing lilly of the valley for two years running. never comes up. What am I doing wrong ???? My next door neighbour, when I was a boy had a border full about 20 ft long x 4ft wide. It smelt devine every year.used to give bunches to Mum, which she had everywhere.
Much cooler this morning, and my hand is going black, but no pain,still a bit swollen. Have scraped potatoe's for dinner and prepared the veg. Roast beef as usual. We will have it about

We have a tin full of peanut brittle, made by DIL. have a bit now and then. perfer the toffee to the peanuts.!!!!
Maureen, you have the same memories of most of us. Toffee apples from the fair, candy floss, 2d also from the fair. The apples were sometimes under ripe and bitter. but the toffee made up for it. How many of you tried to make toffee when your mum was out and burnt the saucepan.and the toffee was unedible.

We use to soak newspaper in parafin, dry it in the oven. then put it in a tin, light the paper and stamp on the lid, and stand back, as the paper burned it would BLOW the lit 20 feet or more into the air, with such a large bang. It would start all the local dogs barking. I was such a little angel. !!!!


Jane Report 6 Jun 2010 12:51

Frank ,you could have blown yourself 20 feet in the air too !!!!!!!!!!!You naughty boy.
I seem to be on a go slow today .I don't think much will get done except cooking dinner which at this rate won't be ready until about 2.30.


Jane Report 6 Jun 2010 13:31

Mandy how do you empty the pool.With so much water do you have a pipe or something that goes straight into a drain?Did you get any pictures?

It seems to be brightening up a lot now and the sun is trying to shine.I'm not sure it will make it though .


Jane Report 6 Jun 2010 14:30

OH is taking some photos of a plant we have but don't know what it is.I will be sending it to you Mel to see if you recognise it.It peels it's skin like a snake and out pop the flowers.I will send them to Ann too.


Frank Report 6 Jun 2010 14:50

Sounds like a Banana Jane LOL.

Mandy, I was the youngest of 10. !!! What I hadn't been taught I soon found ways of being a little BUGG#R. fireing clay balls off of long sticks, at the school windows was a favorite during the summer holidays, some would stick and slide down the windows like a snail had been there.!!!! Kept the window cleaners in a job.Trying to slide across the local river, on a BIG soil pipe. If you didn't make you ended up in the river. Stone and brick fights across the river with rival gangs.Aged about 10. My dad cut a broom handle in half for us to use as rounders bats. I wanted the one with the rounded end, When my brother wouldn't let me have it. I smacked him over the head with the other piece. and knocked him out. I also ran through an arch in the garden with his fishing rod across me chest. Needless to say the three piece rod turned into six pieces.
We would always be able to sustain ourselves (my mates and me) by pinching fruit and veg on our daily gaunts,out in the summer holidays. My nickname was "BUSTER" as I was always breaking something.


Jane Report 6 Jun 2010 15:00

Banana indeed Frank lol
You sounded like a little thug .I can picture you in your long shorts ,scraped knees a snotty nose and leader of the gang lolol
I used to scrump apples when I did my paper round.That bag came in very handy for keeping the apples in.My Friend Ann and me would go down the woods and sit on a tree that had fallen across the stream and eat the apples then chuck the cores in the water.I do remember having a few tummy aches after eating too many !!! The gripes

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 6 Jun 2010 15:17

It looks like some kind of Alliium to me or a lily perhaps.