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What kind of things do you remember from Childhood

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Jane Report 7 Jun 2010 21:10

Anything with codeine will bung you up David lol


David Report 7 Jun 2010 21:19

Settled for soluable Solpadine

Seems the easiest way would be to LET this house while retting another.
Using an estatr agent or solicitor you can have a managed LET so you haven't the maintenance worries.

Selling it could take a year, maybe two, and we're not get younger


Janet Report 7 Jun 2010 21:19

If everyone wrote a short description of the street that they lived in as a child plus the occupations of some of their neighbours, this would be like a mini census ahead of the official one and could be helpful to those waiting for the 1921, 1931, 1941 and so on. It just needs some brave soul to co-ordinate the contributions in each town. Janet


David Report 7 Jun 2010 21:31

Would need the consent of The Crown and Whitehall and Government first.

Perhaps it's been considered

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 7 Jun 2010 21:53

Hi Janet,

I can't remember who lived in our road in Redbridge when I was young. Only some as I had three friends in our road that were older than I. There was Delia Baxter who went to America. Her mum was Audrey and they also had a lodger called Audrey but I can't remember her dad's name apart from Mr Baxter!!! We lived at 27 and another friend lived at number 3 Sandra Hunt who had a brother Colin older than Sandra. Then there was Ann Jeffries who was quite posh. Miss Pitman lived in the first house on the other side of the street to us and when I used to go in her bungalow she had beaded curtains across the hallway in brown and pea green big beads the size of a pea. She gave me some and I used to weigh them on my mums scales. Kept them in a big jam jar. My dad was the local builder so I knew everyone in the street. Mr and Mrs Tullock lived across the road with their dog Kelpie Tullock a wire haired terrier. I loved playing with him. I think there was 32 houses in our road and I am talking about 1950's. Our next door neighbours were Bill and Debby Smith who had no children. I called her aunty Debby and actually climbed over the fence when uncle Bill died in the kitchen, I would be in my early teen then. Aunty Debby was calling out Frank Frank who was my dad. He was out and I heard her calling so I just went over the fence which was about six foot high. I ran into the kitchen and uncle Bill was sort of sitting a a stool and was as grey in the face as ship paint. I rung for an ambulance but as I came back into the kitchen I heard the last breath leave his body. It was awful. I stayed with aunty Deb untill my dad came home and he told me to go home. Aunty Debby always bought me a birthday present and a Christmas present. She gave me six silver coffee spoons for my 21 birthday. I still have them somewhere still in the box and each spoon wrapped in tissue paper. There was also Mr and Mrs Palmer next door to Mr Tullock. Mr Warden the other side of them and Mrs Escott next to them. A relative of Billy Cotton the band leader lived up our road too on the other side to us the second house down and they had a sausage dog called Penny who I used to take for a walk. One day when Billy cotton was visiting he threw a cigar butt in the road and I brought it home!!!!! He had an MG car in british racing green and the numberplate was BC 1.


Frank Report 8 Jun 2010 09:13

Whats up with the thread, I have just posted my childhood memories from birth to V.E day and it all dissapeared.Will try again later.


Jane Report 8 Jun 2010 10:14

Morning Frank and All
That has happened to me a few times recently Frank.I do wonder if I don't press the button hard enough.It is so Bl***y annoying.

You must have known just about everyone in your Street Mel.That was interesting.I can only remember a few people from the road we lived in until I was nine.Next door on one side were 2 ladies.Miss Jackson and Miss Macfarlane,very masculine .Miss Macfarlane was a pharmacist in Boots and Miss Jackson was I think what was called a Floor Walker?They were lovely and gave me my first cat who we called Peter.They would take me to the beach sometimes and we would sing silly songs in the car.
The other side were Mr and Mrs Warren who I called Granny Warren and Grandad Warren.They had a grandson called Steven who I used to play with when he came to stay.
Next door to them was a lady called Miss Roberts and her niece called Marilyn lived with her.She was treated quite badly and her Aunty scared the pants off me.I think they had a wire haired Terrier.
A builder called Mr Luscombe lived opposite and he had built his own house.He used to ride a big Tricycle.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 8 Jun 2010 11:02

Morning All,

Thanks for the pics Mandy and Jane. Have emailed you both.

Dry this morning after yesterdays rain all day. The sky is a bit cloudy though with white and grey clouds and the sun peeping through now and then.

I wonder what OH is going to do today as he is moving the digger as I type.

Frank hope your feeling better this morning after your nasty experience.

Thoughts sent to Maureen in her traumatic time with her mum who is in my prayers.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 8 Jun 2010 14:49

The rain yesterday has flattened the last of my lupins in the border and it's been raining here on and off today. I had tied the lupin up but the stake has gone down to. It could'nt have been in the ground very far as it was so hard when I put it in.


Jane Report 8 Jun 2010 16:07

Oh Mel what a shame .They were beautiful Lupins.My Rhododendrum (spin the front garden has taken a battering and my Azalea .The ground is just covered in the flowers.We have had a couple of torrential downpours this afternoon.

I haven't heard anything more from Maureen .She knows that we are all thinking of her.I think she will be exhausted right now.

OH will be driving back from Birmingham later ,I just hope he doesn't get caught in any bad thunder storms.The spray on the motorway always scares me as you can't see anything especially with all the huge lorries.

Frank ,where is you post about VE day then?????


Annx Report 8 Jun 2010 16:09

Afternoon All,

Been rainy off and on all morning, so we've done errands and been to the library. Got more dvds out, A single Man and 2010. We think we have found some trellis with the right size holes!! Taking a tape measure when we go out tomorrow to check. Its at another little garden centre where we sometimes pop in and the old boy there usually gives me a discount.....even better!

Frank, I hope OH doesn't end up as accident prone as hair is white already!!!! lol

Mel, that is weird about the e-mail, last one to you in my 'sent' box was on Sunday?? Must be a glitch somehow. lol Your Lupins are lovely in the photo .......I felt just as if I was there with you again standing next to the border!! Shame the rain has knocked them down. Thank you for sending the piccies.


Annx Report 8 Jun 2010 16:33

Can just picture your OH on the digger Mel......I bet he loves it as much as his mowers. Its a good job Frank and my OH are not let loose with much machinery or we'd be rebuilding walls and fences I think. lol

Sid looks as if he's up to no good Jane! I bet Chester feels better now his btm has been sorted out. Will he be staying away or collected each day?

OH's car is booked in tomorrow for the aircon to be re-gassed ? I hope that sorts it out before any hot weather is back or I'll be hanging out of the window for some air. lol.


Jane Report 8 Jun 2010 17:29

Ann Chester goes on Friday with his bed ,toys ,and food.Ahhh!
I am pretty sure that Sid the cat was after nests.I will have to keep an eye open for him.
It's as black as your hat over Will's Mothers way lol.It looks like Chris may have a difficult journey on the M6.It seems like the dark sky is that way.We actually have a bit of blue up there now.


Tracey Report 8 Jun 2010 18:28

Hi Still have sick Monster here------Its sunny warm just light shower last night--Front & back roses are out but sorry to say have no perfume to them

I'd be here for ever if i was to name all (I- do-remember-95% ) who lived on my street -We lived in town so there was lots of familys-------
Sid would have had a fit if statue had moved ha ha


David Report 8 Jun 2010 19:10

My wife Ellen, a retired nurse of long standing is 62 years.
Regretably she has a few ailments, which collectively are a burden.

She used to suffer with migraines. Then after a period of dizzy episodes she was diagnosed as having labrinitis, for which she takes medication 3 times a day.

In addition Ellen suffers from high blood pressure aggravated by the labrinitis and a low thyroid level. For these conditions Ellen also takes medication.
She is also on a long standing antibiotic for something else.

BUT, on top of all this at 62 she still takes Premique Cycle to stop her hot flushes.
I have read that prolonged usage of this can cause porous bones in women.

All these ailments at the same time, all needing medication is unplesant. Yet a nicer woman a more self effacing woman Ive yet to meet.


Jane Report 8 Jun 2010 19:14

The road I lived in from the age of 9 we had Mr.Turner who built the estate.
Mrs Hocken ,teacher.Several other teachers ,a bank worker,China Clay worker.Car Salesman ,a Dentist,a Mad woman,and I can't think who else.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 8 Jun 2010 19:15

Oh David what a lovely thing to say about your wife. Ellen is only one year older than me.

Beef curry tonight I have just put it all on and the kitchen smells nice. Have'nt put too much curry powder in it for mums sake!!

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 8 Jun 2010 19:31

Mr Walker lived next door but one to us when I was a bit older and he was the equipment manager for West Ham United football teem.

We lived on a corner and at the bottom of our garden lived Mrs. Elmroth and her unmarried daughter. She gave me her daughters jodphurs and long riding boots which were a bit too big for me but I felt like the cats whiskers in them. Next to them lived Mrs. Hewit who married Mr. Hewit while I was young. She had been a widow for quite a while. she used to play the piano in pubs. On a summers evening you could hear her bashing away and singing too. All the old fashioned songs and she would go from one to another. When I went to secondry school I would walk with her daughter as she went to the same school. Then there was another bungalow which was detached on another corner which was occupied by a lady whose name escapes me at the moment and her husband, both quite elderly. and across the road to them lived Mr and Mrs. Leatherland. He had worked all his life on the railways and had full use of all rail services after he retired. He was a proper old gentleman and when he saw you would always touch his hat. He had a stiff leg and would go along at one pace at a time and then bring his other leg in line. It used to take him ages to walk down to the station at Redbridge. When I had learnt to drive and used to drive my dads builders van (an Anglia van) if I saw him coming home I would open the bak doors of the van and he would sit on the back and I would bring him home. He could'nt get in a car with his leg. Later on I moved into the bungalow opposit Mrs Leatherland in 1973 and she was a widow then. A little short Scots lady who always had a bag of sweets when I was young and if dad took me round there she would offer me one. Usually those white covered bon bons that made everything white because they were coated with icing sugar.


Jane Report 8 Jun 2010 19:39

Oh David ,You and Frank have said such lovely things about your wives .I wonder what Chris would have to say about me !!!!!!!!!!!.

Mel I love those Bon Bons.Haven't had them in years.The icing sugar would make me cough if I didn't suck it quick lol
I remember a lady at the top of the road ,she had a sausage dog and she had bow legs.


Jane Report 8 Jun 2010 19:39

SHIRL ,Have you ever had Moffat Toffee?