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What kind of things do you remember from Childhood

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Frank Report 10 Jun 2010 11:07

Morning one and all,
Had another bad night, as soon as I moved,the pain started up. Was up at 4.30am. sitting in a chair with a cushion in my side.

Went down to water the girls last night, and do the greenhouse, Thanks for the rain.!!!!

Annx, Coming from your area you could be seeing the "RED KITE" there are quite a few around now. I have seen them at my sons in Edith Weston. and Rockingham Forest had lots of breeding pairs. You can often see them high in the sky between Corby/Uppingham.


Jane Report 10 Jun 2010 11:16

It was an honour to be allowed to ring the bell at the end of playtime.I expect some small schools still have the hand bell.hen we were somewhere last year on holiday ,I can't remember if it was Dorset of Suffolk,we drove through a little village and there was teacher ringing the bell in the playground.

Frank I have a feeling your rib will be giving you Gyp for sometime yet.You may be better off in an arm chair.Do you have a recliner?


Tony Report 10 Jun 2010 12:41

I think that is the only way to fix it, is to strap the ribs, my mum had the same thing I think that is where the expression "it only hurts when I laugh" came from, sorry Frank


Tony Report 10 Jun 2010 12:47

How things have changed we have a primary school not far away and they have a Siren started by a time clock
I can remember on a fine summers day we would sometimes get an extra 15 min at lunch time before they rang the bell


Jane Report 10 Jun 2010 13:19

What a filthy day.Drizzle Drizzle and more Drizzle.I am not going anywhere.Have just finished ALL the ironing.That will be the last until I get back from holiday.Hooray!
I have a pile of 11 books and need to decide which ,and how many to take .2 have just arrived from Amaz**


Jane Report 10 Jun 2010 13:21

They don't strap up ribs these days as it restricts expansion of the chest when breathing.


Tracey Report 10 Jun 2010 14:18

Afternoon All---------

Do they even sell ink now ? have'nt seen it in years----- always had to have a spare pen nib---I had taske to make up and give out Orange juice
at school anyone remember getting that????

Drizzle--drizzle damp--here was cold again last night OG had heat on###


Tracey Report 10 Jun 2010 14:24

Speaking of ribs--once gave my Dad a hug and cracked his rib--------


Jane Report 10 Jun 2010 14:47

I never remember having orange juice at school.Maybe it was just Scotland Shirl.We just had the disgusting warm milk with wax straws that got chewed and smelled like sick.
LOL Shirl the mind boggles.Don't make poor Frank laugh now that could finish him off !!


Jane Report 10 Jun 2010 14:51

They still sell ink Shirl Quink.I loved the smell of ink,and spent ages filling my pen ,then squeezing it out again, refilling, squeezing out.
OH has a thing about fountain pens.He has a drawer full.


Tracey Report 10 Jun 2010 15:01


WE ALL NEED A GOOD LAUGH-------Orange juice was given during the war-- Since we could'nt get fresh fruit would have thought it was in all schools???Frank may know??xxx


Jane Report 10 Jun 2010 16:23

I was born in 1954 Shirl so they had most likely stopped orange juice then.I know Mum had a bottle of orange juice I seem to recall it was quite thick and all young children were given that.Someone will know here


Tracey Report 10 Jun 2010 17:01

that's it Jane you had to dilut juice with water---Was givenn by the NATIONAL HEALTH--FOR SCHOOL'S & NEW BORN BABY'S


Jane Report 10 Jun 2010 17:35

I think it came in a clear glass bottle with a white top ,like a medicine bottle.
Shirl did you see me ask you the other day if you have had Moffat Toffee?


Jane Report 10 Jun 2010 17:36

No Mel today??

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 10 Jun 2010 18:17

Hi Tony so nice to hear from you again.

I never had orange juice at school either but from the clinic and it came in like an old fashioned medicin bottle with a blue top. I loved that probably because it did'nt have sugar in it. Now I have fresh orange juice with a drop of water in if I want a long drink as I still don't like squash as such.

I have made strawberry jam this afternoon. Mum likes it and home is best.

It's her 86th this Sunday. We are going to buy her a computer chair as she is always complaining about the hard chair she sits on at her card table. We've seen a cream one in Sta*les about £108.

Did a bit of weeding of the rockery outside the kitchen window as it was overgrown with ivy and a big stinging nettle had grown as high as the bird table and the tits could'nt get on the pesnuts.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 10 Jun 2010 18:18

I was typing as you posted that Jane!!!

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 10 Jun 2010 18:19

Mum has just turned the heating off which she has had on all day!!!!


Jane Report 10 Jun 2010 18:33

I won't be here to wish your Mum Happy Birthday on Sunday Mel so I will say it now.Happy 86th Biddy.
It's really breezy here now,no real rain today just that drizzle.I'm doing Saute Potatoes tonight .I love them but they always are a bit of a faff to do.Standing there turning them in the pan and getting splattered with hot fat lol


Tracey Report 10 Jun 2010 18:46