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What kind of things do you remember from Childhood

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Frank Report 8 Jun 2010 19:45

Evening all,
Had loads of rain here today. but brighter now.

As I was going to say, this morning.
Was born in No 21, Highfield Road, youngest one of 10 had a twin sister who was 1 1/2 hours older than me. My next door neighbours were the Whitbreads, the other side Doubledays. He was a carpenter who would let me sit in his work shed and watch him at work, up the street were three "yes" three COPPERS. who were stationed in the village. across the road were the Jones. who had two sons the same age as my brother and me.I lived in that house till I joined the RAF in 1958.

My memory of the V.E. day celebrations, are quite vivid. Tressle tables streached down the middle of the street. Bunting and flags flew from all the windows. All the Mums raided their "Store Cupboards" and anything that was edible came out. We had all sorts of sandwiches. Fish paste, Corn beef, Egg, Cheese. What a treat. then of course there was Jelly and cream/custard. Cakes etc. The dancing and singing went way into the night. Everybody was so HAPPY


Frank Report 8 Jun 2010 19:50

Thank goodness, that went through.
Last night about 10.30 I took my sleeper and sat down for a while, I dropped off and Ros told me to get to bed. As I stood up, I tripped on the stool, and ended up on my back, with I am sure a Broken Rib. I just sneezed and blew my nose and the pain in my side is terrible.I not safe to be left alone. Ros said she has given up on me !!!


Jane Report 8 Jun 2010 20:36

Just going to have tea back in a bit .Spoke to Maureen just now.


Jane Report 8 Jun 2010 21:05

I think I might have given up on you by now Frank!!!!!!!.Don't fall asleep in the chair after taking your sleeper!!!!!!!!.You have probably wrenched your muscles.
I don't know ...honestly what are we going to do with you?

Maureen says thanks to everyone thinking of her .Her Mum is still very poorly with drip ,oxygen tubes etc.But quite up beat.She doesn't realise how ill she is.
Maureen is taking it in turns visiting her Mum with her Brother.


David Report 8 Jun 2010 21:21

You be careful Frank, you've had a few knocks recently


Annx Report 8 Jun 2010 21:49

Frank, when I told you OH had hurt his ribs I didn't expect you to do the same thing and the very next day!!!! lol Have a good rest tomorrow. OH is clutching his side every time he coughs and I have strict orders not to make him laugh........failed on that one. lol He has slept most of the afternoon and is quite bruised and sore. You men!! What a lot we have to put up with!!!


Jane Report 8 Jun 2010 21:58

Ann I think we are by far the stronger and safest,and it is us who have to look after the wounded.


Jane Report 8 Jun 2010 22:19

Off to bed now ,so Night Night .I think I am going to the pictures tomorrow morning with Fitz.I can't think what the film is lol.I think it is something like The boys are home.......I could be totally wrong though !!!.Will let you know when I have been .


Frank Report 8 Jun 2010 23:02

Thought I would pop in, before I have my sleeper. Ros has put three strips of "MICROPORE" across my back, where the pain is. I have googled the symptons, and it seems the best thing to do. If no better in the morning. I will ring the Drs. to put her mind at rest. She's worried, after my fall now this, what next she asks !!!!!

Annx, Hope the OH is feeling a bit better, I didn't do it to join him. HONEST. but the begger certainly hurts when you cough or blow your nose. It can run, if it wants tonight, I ain't blowing it.

What's all this about SAFE SEX then Jane ????

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 8 Jun 2010 23:22

I think we had better all club together and get one of those big padded suits for our Frank to wear WHATEVER he is doing. Frank you can't go on like this boy!!!!! You must learn to take things a bit slower.

Men!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What would we do without them?

Off to bed now so see you all in the morning.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 9 Jun 2010 09:21

Morning All,

Not raining at the moment. I have to go into Holsworthy today to the library for mum and get some chicken food.


Jane Report 9 Jun 2010 09:42

Morning Mel and all.
No rain at the moment ,just cloud and I actually got a bit sweaty on my walk so a little muggy I think.
Frank ,trust you to pick that up lol.How are you this morning? still in one piece I hope.
Must get washing in before the pictures.
I used some new moisturiser this morning a Niv** one.The smell took me back to my younger days when Mum always had a blue tin of Niv** Cream on her dressing table.It had a foil cover that you had to peel back.I loved to stick my finger in and get a lovely dollop.


David Report 9 Jun 2010 10:10

I think that smell is lanolin


Frank Report 9 Jun 2010 10:15

Still in the land of the living. Been to Drs. this morning. She thinks I may have fractured a rib. Going for X Ray later when Ros is ready to go out. When I have done that I will be sat in the conseratory watching the video's of 2nd WW. that we collected from Daily Ma#l, No rushing about for a few days. Who's going to do my lawns this week ????

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 9 Jun 2010 10:21

Frank let the girls out and they will do the lawns for you!!!

Have a nice time at the flicks Jane.


Jane Report 9 Jun 2010 14:51

No David it's not Lanolin it is the sweet perfume smell in the cream.

Frank ,let us know how you get on.

The film was brilliant ,a real tear jerker."The Boys are Back".Based on a true story I think by Simon Kerr.


Tracey Report 9 Jun 2010 15:06

Afternoon All---temp dipped low last night was chilly same this morning--
Do hope it warms up------

OG has to have more blood work--Dr not to happy with Kiddney results--OH up ward and onward tally hoooolol xx

Frank Ros should keep you in a bubble---OH my--even then you'd bust it??lolxxx
Is it a CD Frank this WW2 MOVIE Daily''m gave away?
At VE -Day city center was jamed Bottles being passed around women with trys of food --singing-- fellow up lamp post--Kid's getting passed from shoulder to shoulder---Great joy & laughing Sorry to say that feeling isn't around to much to-day


Frank Report 9 Jun 2010 15:32

It seems that I have fractured a rib, keep from moving around too much, was the advise from the Hospital. Rest as much as possible.
Had lots of rain while in town, overcast and clamey now.

Yes Shirl, they are the ones. I've got 1/5 then a jap and 8/13. don't know how many there were. I watched the first 5 yesterday. Going to start on 8 this afternoon.

Mel, If I let the girls out, the borders would all be over the lawn, and I would be looking at the firing squad !!!!

Glad you had a tear jerk Jane, better than a knee trembler !!!! Whats the film about, don't leave us in suspenders !!!!


Jane Report 9 Jun 2010 15:53

I hope you do as you are told now Frank.Ros is BOSS lol
I am not good at describing films,but briefly it is about a Dad struggling to raise his little boy after his wife dies and then also having his older son from first wife come from England to Australia to live You might get better info if you googled it.Well worth seeing.


Jane Report 9 Jun 2010 17:40

Mandy we have got rumbles of thunder going on now and you can guess who is squeaking and dashing in and out looking at the sky.I can't do anything with him when he is like this.Drives me nuts it does.
Fingers crossed for your pool !!!.How old was your other one?