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What kind of things do you remember from Childhood

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Frank Report 10 Jun 2010 19:07

Evening all,
ThANKS FOR ALL YOUR KIND MESSAGES. Yes Tony "It only hurts when you Laugh," sneeze ,twist or get up from the chair,move about in bed, or take a deep breeth.

I was not only the Milk monitor but the Bell ringer also. I told you before what a little angel I was !!!!!

No Jane, I haven't got a reclinner. Just ordinary armchairs and sofa. I tend to sit in the chair with a cushion in my side. its more comfortable.

SHIRL, What a way to go.!!!!

We use to have that orange juice, after taking COD LIVER OIL. Yes it came in a oblong medicine type bottle, I think it was ribed down the back of the bottle.

Had a nice fresh roast chicken tonight. Jersey Royals ( (they are going a bit over now) roll on the new English.

Mel, have you got ripe strawberry down there, mine are just in flower !!!! Supermarkets have them, which Ros buys I'm not that bothered on any fruit ( Didn't have it during the War so never missed it, Like sweets)
Jane, when are you off, is it Dorset you are going ???? Take your wellies and oilskins. !!!!


Jane Report 10 Jun 2010 19:45

Not Dorset this time Frank .It's Suffolk near Woodbridge,near Wickham Market.I think Saturday and Sunday look ok .Monday might be wet ,and then dry.
You say 'what a way to go'.Chris had a patient 'Go 'that way.His poor wife.!
You mention a ribbed bottle .I thought a ribbed bottle meant it was poison.And dark brown bottles being ribbed comes to mind.


David Report 10 Jun 2010 21:42

Any one religious?

Are we waiting for him? Scared of him?


Jane Report 10 Jun 2010 21:57

No I'm not religious David,but I love an empty church with just me in there.There is something about it.I can't explain the feeling I get.I don't think I am waiting and not scared.( I assume you mean God)??
I went to Sunday School as a child ,sang in the choir from about the age of 10 to 12.Married in Church,had my children Christened,and sent them to Sunday School.None of us goes to Church these days unless it is for a wedding or funeral or christening.I just don't know what I think about Christianity .As long as I am compassionate and care about others (which I am ) then I am happy with that.
What has made you think of this? It's quite a deep subject!


Frank Report 10 Jun 2010 22:48

Jane, We are so alike. When my sister passed away,I was in Edith Weston, and had a call from my brother. I wanted to be alone, and walked round the villiage. I came across the Church, walked in and it was empty. I sat down for half an hour, and felt at peice with the world. Likewise I only go to C M Ds but I do pop into a church when feeling low.

Suffolk is quite a nice place, I had a Polish friend who lived in Woodbridge, and would go and see him when I was Stationed in Norwich. He brewed his own wine, and I never seemed to go back sober.

Bet you have all gone up the stairs to Bedfordshire. Good night, sleep tight. see you in the morning.


Jane Report 10 Jun 2010 23:04

I am watching BB Frank .God knows why as I won't watch it again after we go away.
There is nothing more peaceful than an empty Church.I know it may give some people the spooks but there is just something.

Night Night everyone xx


Tony Report 11 Jun 2010 00:02

Good Morning all
I might be lucky to catch someone before you all go to bed
I remember the orange juice and even more so the cod liver oil ugh
mum got it from somewhere we only ever had milk at school though



Tracey Report 11 Jun 2010 00:26

Hi Tony-----I'm still here ---No we were given Orange juice at school--I had to put a teaspoon in small glass and fill it up with water- We also had our ''wee'' bottle of milk--most have gone to bed --just us night owls


Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 11 Jun 2010 00:28

Hi Tony,

Was'nt pioson in blue glass bottles in the olden days. We have yet to find a whole one as it is OH's dream. We have a couple of broken ones dug up in the garden.

My cod liver oil was given to our dog as I would'nt have it anywhere near me but the dog had a lovely shiny black coat!! I used to put it on a saucer for him and his name was Tony. He was an Alsatian. Mum used to lay me in his front paws up the garden and I would sleep all afternoon and he would'nt move. When I awoke he would let mum know by giving a bark. I was about 4 months old at this time.

Off to the land of nod now so see you all in the morning if OH dos'nt race me off to Barnstaple to get mums pressy!!


David Report 11 Jun 2010 07:35

When I was a very small child my parents had a cat called Tiger Lily.
Mother told me a story once regarding that cat. She never had to feed it. It used to go to the fish mongers in Shields Street and come back with a fish heed.
On one occasion I was left parked outside the door in front of the bay window in my pram in the sun. Tiger Lily was on the window sill. A passing dog stuck its head in the pram and sniffed me. Tiger Lily jumped off the window sil on to the dogs head. The dog fled with the cat hanging on to its head.


Jane Report 11 Jun 2010 10:12

Morning All
I can just picture that David.I bet Tiger Lily's claws were dug in lol.When my daughter was a baby my cat Solo would sleep in the bottom of her pram in the conservatory.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 11 Jun 2010 10:28

Morning dry and quite sunny here.

Off out a little later so don't expect me for a while.


Frank Report 11 Jun 2010 11:37

Morning all,

Mandy, It will be a lot easier to buy one. You can get allsorts, even though I don't eat them. But I am sure if you "GOOGLED" you would get a receipe and how to do it.

Mel, I really couldn't tell what colour bottles orange came in or pioson. you could look in old "JUNK" shops, you might find one there.

My golden Lab. would lay in front of the fire with Mitzy the cat laying between his paws, he would not move till she moved, then get up for a streach. Both my children would ride him round the lounge, and he often knocked them over with his big wagging tail,!!!
Very overcast and dull, here. Ros has popped to Tesc#s for some bits and pieces.

Bet jane is getting packed, and getting excited about het trip ??? Rain and all.


Jane Report 11 Jun 2010 11:53

Not packing yet Frank.I am waiting for Chester to go before we get the cases down from the loft.It's not so bad packing for staying in this country as it all goes in the car .It's packing for flying I find a pain.
It 's brightening up here now after a miserable start.I can even see little patches of blue sky.
.I better get Chesters bowls washed out so BBL


Frank Report 11 Jun 2010 14:25

What a change in the weather, Bright sunshine at the moment. Ros out in the garden planting, I'm still nurseing my back. Just going to watch 1st World Cup Match.
See you later.


Tracey Report 11 Jun 2010 15:56

Hi Gang----Mandy you can make pizza dough ahead and PUT ALL TTHE TOPPINGS ON even freeze it--- to cook at later date -But you can make up
if its not going to stay in fridge to long un-cooked.


Tracey Report 11 Jun 2010 16:02

Frank my monster is watching WC--she plays soccer-- she cant find Canada or Scotland????--she ican play Defence and forward-----xx


Jane Report 11 Jun 2010 17:06

It's started then has it ? lol.It will be football,football,football!!!!!!!!!.Bring on Wimbledon!
Chester went off in a right tizzy and after he had gone I noticed his bed was still here.Luckily the girl was able to pop back later and pick it up.
I have just finished packing my case.OH did his earlier and is now doing the lawn and tending to the plants.
Fish and Chips tonight.I must remember to take my purse(Mandy!!!!!!!!)

Frank 's alright then stuck in front of the box.He will get square eyes lol

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 11 Jun 2010 17:46

Oh what a day I have had!! Went off to Barnstaple and bought mum her birthday Managers Chair!!!!!!! Came home and it was lunch time so I did that while OH put the chair together. Then he tells me he is going to dig up mums old border in the little back garden bit. If I want any of the plants that are in there to come and rescue them as he digs them out but he dos'nt wnat them left on the road for weeks so take what you want now or he won't bother!!!! So I have been pulling lumps of Phlox's and a blue geranium apart and getting all the twitch out of the roots and potting them up so I know I am not going to transfer twitch into the top border. The sun had shone all day and I am shattered and baking hot. Just had a cuppa but could do with another one.

So I did'nt get done what I wanted to today as I had to follow OH around while he sat on the digger.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 11 Jun 2010 17:47

Thank goodness my OH dos'nt like football................Hooray!!