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What kind of things do you remember from Childhood

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AnninGlos Report 22 Jan 2025 22:48

I record it and watch it so I can skip the adverts.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 22 Jan 2025 21:11

I have saved the curry and just had soup tonight . It was my homemade with lots of veg in so it filled me up and its all gone now.

I was going to say to turn the tv off for a while and then plug it all in again. I don't understand why they have three controlers unles its like my old telly in the bedroom which I can't work at all but that has a freeview box with it and two handsets.

I am going to watch Granchester after its finished on ITV does anyone else watch it?


Annx Report 22 Jan 2025 21:00

Thank you Vera, it's hard to take one step at a time at the moment, but it does help to be able to talk to my friends on here.

It's a shame you are having a problem sleeping and have a headache. I hope your body needs to catch up now and you will have a better night tonight. Nuisance about the tv channel seeming to be stuck. I did a quick google and the easiest thing to try was switching the set off and unplugging it for a while which you may have tried. The other suggestions looked more complicated for me, but your daughter knows the tv so will probably know what to do when she comes. The visit from your granddaughter and boyfriend is something to look forward to like you say.

Good idea to do the curry Mel, so you can freeze half if you need to.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 22 Jan 2025 18:08

Those tops on the bleach do vary. Sometimes I can get them off ok and sometimes I can't. I take a big breath in and hold it and go for it with all my strength and it works most times. Can't ever do it with my left hand. I must admit to not always screwing it on tight but I worry I may drop it onthe carpet and it will leak. I have even used wide neck plyers!!!

Did a little bit of scraping in the garden today but not a lot but every bit helps I just wish it would stay clear for longer than it does.

The birds have been feeding like crazy today and now I have Jenny Wren coming to my feet for mealworms as well as Robby. I can't grow them quick enough.

Sorry you have a headache Vera and hope you manage to sleep a bit better tonight. Have you ever tried the talking books? I used to get them for mum and they made her sleep well.

Just made the chicken curry so I may save it for tomorrow if Stu comes and if not I shall have it myself and put half in the freezer.


SuffolkVera Report 22 Jan 2025 16:34

Ann, you’re not a misery; you have things on your mind and better to talk about them to us than bottle them up. However, as AnnG says, try not to let your imagination run away with you. Things are rarely as bad as we think they are going to be and you’ll be surprised how well you will both adapt to any necessary changes. Sending you a gentle (((((hug))))) <3

We are having some problems with getting the programmes we want on this new TV. Last night OH got into Netflix and watched a film. When I wanted to watch the lunchtime news I couldn’t get out of Netflix so OH had a go. He seemed to be flicking backwards and forwards on 3 different remotes without achieving anything so we gave up and watched the news on my iPad. Daughter will come up again after the funeral and go through everything with us.

I don’t know what is the matter with me lately but I just cannot sleep. I’m a comfortable temperature, I’m not worrying about anything and, apart from a few twinges, I’m not in pain so I should sleep like a log so why don’t I? Last night I slept from about 11.30 to 12.30, then I was awake till 6 am when I slept till 8 am. I’m still managing to get through jobs I need to do but I now have a permanent bad headache, though not a migraine thank goodness.

Just had a text from one of our granddaughters. She and her boyfriend want to come and see us in a couple of weeks and will stay the night so that’s something to look forward to. They live in Manchester and we haven’t seen her for about a year though she texts from time to time. I’ll have a headache after that visit as she never stops talking ;-)

I’d better get my pork casserole in the oven. I meant to put it in the slow cooker early this morning but I forgot to take the meat out of the freezer.

EDIT. Sorry Annx. I missed you there. I was probably typing when you posted.


Annx Report 22 Jan 2025 16:18

Thank you AnnG and you are right of course about my mind running on and second guessing. It won't help my tummy. As you say we could sort someone to come and do our small garden. I remember when we moved here, there were 2 ladies in the close who had help with the garden.

Fancy that woman buying so much! She might do car boot sales as well. The more they sell the better to help the Charity though.

I've spoken to OH and a nurse, who brought me up to date, and he has had a shower this morning so is out of bed now. He might be home on Friday once they are confident of his med doses. She said that in 3 months they will assess whether he will need a defibrillator fitted.

I went to update the neighbour who called round before and he said he was coming over when his wife came back from popping to another neighbour up the close who had had a stroke! They'd bought us both a lovely Peace Lily plant which was kind. His wife popped over after she got back. Their son, who is in his 40s now had a stroke at age 21.

I've had some soup and a glass of milk but may do the fridge tomorrow. I've just had a wrestle to get the top off some bleach, those caps with the pinch sides. I ended up crushing it against the worktop between the handles of the tin opener.

That sounds a better idea Mel, then you can manage to do it all.


Annx Report 22 Jan 2025 16:18

Thank you AnnG and you are right of course about my mind running on and second guessing. It won't help my tummy. As you say we could sort someone to come and do our small garden. I remember when we moved here, there were 2 ladies in the close who had help with the garden.

Fancy that woman buying so much! She might do car boot sales as well. The more they sell the better to help the Charity though.

I've spoken to OH and a nurse, who brought me up to date, and he has had a shower this morning so is out of bed now. He might be home on Friday once they are confident of his med doses. She said that in 3 months they will assess whether he will need a defibrillator fitted.

I went to update the neighbour who called round before and he said he was coming over when his wife came back from popping to another neighbour up the close who had had a stroke! They'd bought us both a lovely Peace Lily plant which was kind. His wife popped over after she got back. Their son, who is in his 40s now had a stroke at age 21.

I've had some soup and a glass of milk but may do the fridge tomorrow. I've just had a wrestle to get the top off some bleach, those caps with the pinch sides. I ended up crushing it against the worktop between the handles of the tin opener.

That sounds a better idea Mel, then you can manage to do it all.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 22 Jan 2025 14:34

iV'E MESSAGED sTU TO SEE IF HE WILL COME TO ME TOMORROW. Sorry did'nt mean to shout I had been doing pictures.

Suns still out here and its 7 degrees and pc says cloudy.


AnninGlos Report 22 Jan 2025 13:30

Ann when you start second guessing what is going to happen in the future is when it affects your stomach. At least it does with me. But you are leaping ahead aren't you with your worries. I am sure when G comes home he will have been told what to expect in the future and you will hopefully be surprised. You can always find a gardener or a person who will do what you want then to in the garden. Try not to let your imagination run away with you. (I am sure I remember the ladies on here saying similar to me 4 years ago. It will be good if he does cut back so you can slend more time together. :-)

Mel, sounds as if you have too much on at the moment to worry about feeding Stu. He has no problem with changing the arrangements around so I would do what you need to do and leave it for this week.

It was cold in town this morning and I didn't buy anything except a small toblerone in the pound shop and a book in a charity shop. I couldn't believe my eyes in the charity shop there was a woman in front of me who had bought 10 carrier bags full of stuff, and just as I thought she was going to pay she would say, 'oh I have spotted something else'. And it was mostly china and glass. I reckon she has a market stall somewhere. She spent about £150. Good for the hospice charity anyway.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 22 Jan 2025 10:29

Morning girls,

Misty moisty morning here but bright so I think the sun may burn the mist away. Its 2 degrees and pc is telling me to expect rain showers by Sunday.

Ann the power pack is good if you camera battery runs out you can put it on charge if you're out and about. I'm glad I am not the only one whoi had'nt cleaned the fridgeout since before Christmas its something I forget about! and the other thing you need to get is one of those chairs to walk with like oh had and I have one too. I can walk much better with the chair like going round the supermarkets I can always walk better pushing the trolly. Mum was the same but she wouild'nt have a chair.

Stu messaged me last night at 11.23pm to say he has a friend coming to have his carbs tuned tonight so he won't be able to come to me but I can go there and he will do something quick. I have the postman coming for the parcel today and I need to go and get deisel in the car so I think I will forget it and see if he will come tomorrow.

My bruise from my blood test has just turned yellow now. It was very black and very wide this time and the nurse is usually so good you hardly have a mark.

Love and wishes as always to G when you speak.


Annx Report 22 Jan 2025 09:54

Morning All,

There's a mist over the field at the back and 2 degrees here. I slept a bit better but visits to the white friend followed by the time I went to bed and this morning, due to being worried and the shock I expect, as waves of what happened keep coming over me. I'm thinking we won't be able to stay here much longer as we have so much clutter that still needs clearing and the garden is going to pot and I can't manage it all now. Perhaps I'll feel a bit better in a day or two. Sorry to sound such a misery.

Yes I'm glad I'm getting one now Mel and it should arrive today. I'll pass your regards on when he phones and the good wishes from you all. He didn't want any money while he's there and I doubt the library has any books that would interest him, even if there was one. I thought about taking some of his own but he'd fret they might get taken by someone and I don't know which he's read anyway. I might clean my fridge today while it is nearly empty and it hasn't been done since before Christmas as well.

I never thought about power cuts Anng so that makes a power bank even more handy. He's already said to me he's going to have a complete change of lifestyle, was going to cut back as contracts run out this year anyway, so I hope so. The place you had your meal yesterday sounded nice with the menagerie that children would love.


AnninGlos Report 22 Jan 2025 08:02

Good morning all 1 degree here and very dark. slept well. Chiropodist today, it is all go here.
Nothing else going on. probably catch the bus into town at 1010. BBL

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 21 Jan 2025 22:49

That certainlky was a lovely present of the owls and to be able to have them on her hand must have been wonderful. I did see the barn owl the other day at just dusk hunting over the back field and you just have to stand and watch it till its out of sight.

I have had the fridge out this afternoon as I hav'nt done it since well before Christmas. Lots of thing went in the bin and I now have room in there!! even in the salad drawer.

I am pleased you bought a power pack as I find mine very handy to have just incase. Give G my regards when you next speak to him please. Been thinking of him today being in hospital and having nothing much to do. I wonder if he has had the library round? or maybe they don't do that now with all the infections that are about nowadays.

Vera something nice to look forward to the little do for your friends wedding anniverary. What was on the menu? we used to get menu's for the bell ringing dinners and they were always nice.

I have sent another parcel by the poostman for collection tomorrow but it came up a bit different today and it said I hadtwo items when I was only sending one. I shall have to see if the postman turns up withthe label and if not I shall have to try again or go to the van on Thurday as I canceled one and am hping I have done it right. Iv'e not had a problem before.

Well I am saying night night now and hope you all sleep well tonight.


AnninGlos Report 21 Jan 2025 22:36

Yes best to match your phone which mine does. I actually thought it would be good in a power cut.

Good idea to keep doing all the small jobs too, besides keeping you occupied it gets them out of the way.
Do you think this will encourage G to cut back a bit on all his jobs? To ease the stress?

Vera I do dislike talks that are read out verbatim. I start to lose interest and just wish they would come to the end of the page. It gives the impression that their knowledge of the subject isn't that good.
Nice to have a 'do' to look forward to in a couple of months.

Lunch was very nice today 13 of us on a long table and very pleasant. It was in a local pub restaurant which was very busy. The interesting thing is that they have a menagerie of animals in the grounds. All in separate enclosures. A large pig, a goat two pigmy goats, a lot of ducks and chickens and a couple of rabbits. and a lot of fish. good for the children to see in the summer.


Annx Report 21 Jan 2025 19:36

He told me the scan is to make sure it's all as it should be Mel. He said he will be taking a lot of tablets now, but they told him it is nothing to what some people take!

You have been busy and got a lot done Vera and lucky that the parking charges hadn't started for some reason. There's no life to a talk when it's just read out is there. That's nice you have an invitation to look forward to as do the couple who are arranging it and have had some difficult years of health problems. I hope you sleep better tonight.

I'm making myself do a few jobs each day and today I decided to clean the dishwasher. Couldn't find any cleaner, so I looked on line and have run it with a cup of vinegar and then baking soda as suggested. I must go and look if it's worked.

I too keep finding holes in socks lately I bought a number of pairs of plain black ones last time and have saved the odd good sock to match with the next odd good sock. It was a good idea but after a few washes there are many shades of black, so they don't match that well.

That was a wonderful surprise for Colin's sister Mandy. I bet she would never have thought it was Owls that she loves.

I've ordered a power bank that says it is for my phone AnnG as it is confusing all the kinds there are. It will just be handy to keep for times like this or travelling any distance or going anywhere when your phone charge is low and you haven't noticed or might need to make a lot of calls.


MillymollyAmanda Report 21 Jan 2025 18:19

You've done very well today Vera doing all those jobs, frozen stuff can be heavy to carry , I need some new socks I said to Colin the other day whats that mark on the side of my sock ,I put my finger down on it and then realised it was my skin I could see through the sock , so they went in the bin then blow me the next pair I put on were the same , I'll have a look in Bon Marche or Tesco's when I'm out next .


SuffolkVera Report 21 Jan 2025 17:35

Another grey, dank and misty day here with not a sign of any sun. It’s very cold as well; not a nice day at all.

I’m glad the hospital volunteer was so helpful Annx, and it sounds as though OH is making progress. I’m sure he will be home with you soon. I’ll add my voice to the others and say that eating little and often is the way to go at the moment. Keeping busy will help too. We’ve had a power bank for a few years now but have hardly used it. Daughter bought it and I can’t for the life of me remember why though I know there was a reason; it wasn’t just bought on a whim. I’ve just dug it out and must see if I can find the instruction leaflet as it would make sense to keep it charged up.

What a lovely birthday surprise for your sil Mandy. She must have been thrilled.

I agree with you Mel that you should hang on to your teeth until it really becomes necessary to have them out. Then if you need it you can have a complete new plate.

I am still not sleeping very much but must be getting enough as I am more or less functioning, though I do feel tired all the time. I’ve had a couple of busy days, which haven’t been helped by me not falling asleep till around 5 am and then not waking till 9 which is late for me, so I seem to be playing catch-up all day. Yesterday I did loads of washing and other household jobs in the morning. In the afternoon we had a meeting of one of our clubs. We’ve always met in the evening but we are all getting on a bit and several of our members don’t like being out at night in the winter and numbers can drop quite low, so we are experimenting with afternoon meetings in the winter. We’re looking at November to February inclusive, then evenings from March to October. It does mean we won’t get anyone still working to join the club but we don’t seem to attract younger members anyway.

Yesterday’s speaker was a lady talking about her life as a journalist but it was mostly about the famous people she had interviewed and what she thought of them. She had it all written out and just stood and read out what she had written so it wasn’t a very lively talk. While we were there one couple handed us and a few other people an envelope that contained an invitation to their diamond wedding ‘do’ in a couple of month’s time. They have booked a private room in the town’s only proper hotel and are expecting around 60 people. There will be an early evening 3 course meal and after the meal there’s some entertainment though I am not sure what. There was a menu included for us to make our choice from 3 items in each course as the food has to be pre-booked. Wasn’t that nice of them. I hope it all goes well for them as they have had a terrible few years with serious illness and the wife was told on Christmas Eve that, when she recently had her gall bladder removed, another cancer was found. It is hoped that it is in the early stages and will be readily treatable

Today I changed beds and got all the bedding washed. Then I went into town. I had a haircut booked for 12.30 and decided that, if I had now got to pay for parking, I would do as much as I could while I was in town. When I got to the car park the 3 pay machines were covered up and had notices that said “Free Parking Today” so that was a plus. I had time to go to the bank first and then had my cut-and-blow-dry before walking up to Iceland and getting a load of stuff there as Tuesday is oldies’ discount day. I staggered back to the car with 2 bags of mostly frozen stuff and put it all in a couple of cool bags I had left in the boot and then went into Roys. I bought several birthday cards and treated myself to 6 new pairs of socks as mine all seem to be going into holes at the same time. I eventually got home about 3 pm and I was really ready for a sandwich and a nice cuppa. I would have got more shopping if OH had been there to do some bag carrying but I do get on quicker if I shop on my own.

Well, I had better go and sort something out for dinner. I only had my snack lunch a couple of hours ago but OH had his at 1 pm as usual so will want to eat again before too long. I hope you all have a good night. Stay snug and warm.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 21 Jan 2025 16:17

I've had the sun all day again so I am expecting it to rain soon and to forget when to stop. Pc is saying rain tomorrow and its 6 degrees here now and no wind.

Its so good you got some things to oh Ann he will be glad of those and the paper. Did you give hime some money? as they can buy thing in the shop sometimes if that hospital has a shop so he could get his paper each day. Do you know if its just a routine scan to see that the stent is seated right? or is it to do with something else?

Its good you have eaten something today so keep it up and also great you have been able to speak to him again. I still check I have locked the back door before bed and check the cooker knobs after cooking.


MillymollyAmanda Report 21 Jan 2025 15:32

Afternoon all,

As it was a nice dry day we decided to go shopping the next few says might be rainy so a good job done .
When we got in the phone was ringing it was Colins sister who had the 80th birthday she said she had a lovely surprise on Sunday her daughter said mum we are rugging you up in the wheel chair to go out in the garden we have a surprise ,she thought oh they bought me something for the garden ,when she got outside there was the Owl man with all Manor of owls ,she's always loved owls and at 80 got her wish to hold them ,we've been sent the photos and my goodness one of them was huge and one was so tiny the chap said you can kiss that one if you want ,what a lovely surprise .

Ann thats a funny thing I was going to say does your hospital have the volunteers they are brilliant at helping and soon get things sorted ,there are desks in our hospital where you can ask for help .
That's good OH now has the charger so you can ring him more and keep in touch ,I think you feel more settled when you can speak and know more of what's going on .
I hope each day there's improvement so he's soon back home .

Cuppa time now I think and we're having beans on toast tonight nice and easy as we're not that hungry .

Oh frost your way today Mel ,no frost here and dare I say it we had a glimpse of the sun didn't last long but if did show its face for a few minutes .


AnninGlos Report 21 Jan 2025 15:25

I have just ordered a power bank. I ordered the one my daughter has. I usually pick her brains they are more up to date than mine.

It is good that you have eaten something and that you feel better. I expect you also feel better because you have dome several things on your own. I have more or less stopped double checking locked doors now but am still careful to lock them. I am prone to sometimes going to bed and leaving a lot on I must admit.

I do remember getting things delivered by volunteers at Cheltenham hospital, but Gloucester Royal were not so good. However they were over run as they were the main covid hospital. 2020/21 was definitely not the time to be in hospital.

I am sure that G was pleased to get a paper to read and his charger etc.