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What kind of things do you remember from Childhood

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Tracey Report 13 Jun 2010 21:35

Ann you called them waver's that your Mum put in her hair to hold a wave--they were metal---lol
Green -ridged bottles were Made so a blind person could tell it held posion---

Jane will be settled in now --do you think she'll have a ''do-not-disturb''sign lol xxxx

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 14 Jun 2010 10:32

Morning All,

Well we had some rain last night but not sure how much. The road is dry so I don't think it was very much at all. We have grey skies at the moment and then a bit of sunshine. A weird day really.

Donkey day for me today.

Hope Jane and Chris are having a nice rest.

Love to Maureen as we are thinking about her and her mum.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 14 Jun 2010 12:29

I wonder how Chester is getting on with his carer?


Tracey Report 14 Jun 2010 14:45

Afternoon All---DD here but warn so who knows ????

Mandy try some whipped egg white with some honey --to sooth your throat
just slides down no bother. lol xx

Mel how did Mum make out have lots of cake or not? comfy new chair did she like it? lol

NO3 son taken me out later need to pick up trellis& cage for tom's & roses.


Annx Report 14 Jun 2010 14:55

Afternoon All,

Ahhhh, poor little Jake......I bet he will be full of chat about it when he gets back! How's the bathroom plumbing coming along Mandy?

Dull and dry here and much cooler. Been to the dentist this morning and she found a tricky filling that needs doing below the gum on a tooth with a big filling she daren't disturb!! She said it will be fun to do.....I wasn't laughing!!

OH brought my smalls (don't laugh) off the line a while ago......sniggering again!! He reckons they were signalling 'man over board' this time as they were flapping in the breeze!!

Off to do some errands now .......


Frank Report 14 Jun 2010 15:50

I am watch you all,!!!

Prepared dinner for tonight, and minced a load of cold beef, will do Cottage pie for tomorrow, and I think there will be enough for Spag. Bol. for Wednesday, two easy meals for me.
Brightened up now, sunshine, and quite warm. OH is ironing as I sit here. I think I might attempt the back lawn, it looks like it needs a trim. then I will go back to resting.
Had a better night last night. Took extra pain killers before turning in.

Thanks for cake receipe, don't know if I will try it or not. Looks a bit sickley for me !!! I haven't got a sweet tooth like you lot.
Hope J & C are getting along ok with their break, didn't know Jane could Sail, Hope she dosn't fall in !!!!

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 14 Jun 2010 18:39

Well I am back from shopping and all unpacked.

It has turned into a nice day after this mornings grey skies and the sun had shone most of the day.

Bought two little glass night light holders in pink and green for the garden. I hope my SIL comes and stays soon as that seems to be the only time I use them when we are sitting out in the garden in the evenings with our bottle of red and chatting away.

OH has finished filling in the old flower bed in the side garden and sowed it with grass seed. That will make it easier to keep clear with just having to mow it.


Annx Report 14 Jun 2010 19:30

Mandy, your bathroom is looking good though......I love the basin and the big mirror on the wall. You made me laugh about surrendering........I'll remember that for when he makes the next wisecrack!! lol.

Mel, I see he's getting plenty done with the digger!! Good idea to make things a bit easier where you can and he does enjoy his mowers too!! Night lights do look pretty in the garden don't they.


Frank Report 14 Jun 2010 23:08

Mandy, What type of potato do you get. We have been having Jersey Royals, but i'm not impressed with the last lot. Still looking for English.

Didn't do the lawn this afternoon, don't want to upset my ribs, see how I feel tomorrow.

Mel, It looks like you are going to get the best of the weather tomorrow, we are in the cloud again. Roll on summer !!!!!


Tracey Report 15 Jun 2010 01:03

Morning All------Yes Mandy it good and you have the honey in the whites just like a mouth full of soft candy cotton Trust ME---
Frank why dont you just get a ''SHEEP'' for the lawn--lolxxxx save you a lot of PAIN XXXX

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 15 Jun 2010 08:39

Morning All,

Sunshine and white clouds at the moment.

Shirl I don't like the sound of that egg white and honey. As Mandy said YUK!!!!!

Frank the best potatoes to buy are Charlotte. I don't like Jerseys now either.

I have a lot of tying up to do today inthe tunnel and I shall have to give it a good water.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 15 Jun 2010 11:05

Where are you all please?

Frank don't go doing those lawns untill you know you are alright to do them. We don't want anymore mishaps!!!!......................................


Frank Report 15 Jun 2010 11:05

Mel, I always think of Charlotte's as salad Potatoes. but must be better than Jersey's. Will try them.

Shirl, I'll give you SHEEP. Where can I get one that won't ruin the garden ????? Are they dirrerent in Canada ?????

Bit cloudy here, but must get the lawn cut. before any showers. Electric and water don't mix !!!! especially for me !!!! It will make my hair stand on end. Whats left of it LOL

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 15 Jun 2010 11:20

Oh glad your about Frank.

Yes Charlotte are a salad pot but they are nice with other things as well. I grow these ones always if I remember to buy the tubers at the right time. Think mine could be ready for digging in the tunnel but I also like them to get bigger so I can roast them.


Annx Report 15 Jun 2010 12:21

Afternoon All,

Cloudy and coolish here but doesn't look like rain....yet.

We just got back from running a few errands and found John from the end bungalow on the main road measuring the end of the cul-de-sac. He said the builder of our bungalows has approached him again about buying his big garden to add another 2 bungalows on the end of the cul-de-sac. We are last but one, so they would be next to our neighbours. He is not interested in selling as he was born in his bungalow and doesn't need the money. The reason he was measuring was that the field the other side of his garden, where the gipsy ponies are is under threat, both from houses being built by another builder or from the owner of the traveller's camp that was started without permission, but allowed, quarter of a mile away, buying it to build another camp!! He said he is not sure they would get access to the field off the main road as it is close to an island, but said our cul-de-sac road is too narrow anyway for an access road to be put through his garden at the end. It is a bit worrying as John is in his 80s and his 2 sons have no interest in living in the bungalow, so if anything happens to him it will be up for grabs. All the ponies have been moved off the field.

Frank, you need one of those robot mowers you can sit in a chair and watch. lol Hope your ribs are easing and that you are taking good care while our nurse is on holiday!! lol

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 15 Jun 2010 14:15

Received postcard from our Jane this morning so this is what she says.

Hi Mel (and all)

Am sat in the sunshine at Southwold. Clouds have cleared and looks like we are in for a lovely afternoon.

Our cottage is tiny! I think it was built in the poss the 14th c. Beautiful garden leading down to the river.

Lots of wildlife. Swans, pheasents that I can handfeed! fish, dragonflies and all sorts of strange bird songs and the gardeners dog is called Billy (Border Terrier).

I hope everyone is behaving! lol
Jane X

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 15 Jun 2010 15:07

Southwold is a lovely place but I never went there when I lived in Suffolk. My best friend was always going to take me there but we did'nt get round to it.

Mandy when I can't reach the roof of the car I open a door and stand on the sill!! Thats the trouble with only being 5 foot 2 inches tall.


Tracey Report 15 Jun 2010 15:17

Frank--I gave you the SHEEP-I cant think of everything for you-You have to help to. Mandy said get a rope lol xxxx

As if you dont have enough Ann--now this camp site-would worry me.

Come on now Mandy& Mel---one egg white WHIPPED some honey in it
and you say you couldn't take a spoon of this ????lol

So far the sun is out it's warm.--Yesterday--the heaven's opend up was like a river running down the street.


Annx Report 15 Jun 2010 17:39

Yes, it is a worry, especially as they just arrived at the other site over a bank holiday with bulldozers and moved caravans on. They only applied for planning permission afterwards and seemed to have got it as they are putting tarmac down now. The man next door to that site in a bungalow had spent thousands doing his place up, extending it and building a new double garage and curved walls to the front only to have their caravans right up to his back and side fences. He moved out this year and has applied to use the bungalow just for storage.....such a shame. OH is thinking of cutting back on our plans for the back garden for now till we know.

Thanks Mel, Jane seems to be having a nice relax and it does sound nice there, somewhere I have never been.

I have just been to an M*S outlet store and got a T shirt for £3.50 and a knitting book from The W*rks for £1.99 (was £9.99). It has some nice scarf and sleeveless waistcoat type tops patterns in I like.

OH is having smoked haddock on toast for tea......yuk....not for me.....I shall be flinging the windows open after!!

Hope OG is feeling a bit better today Shirl.......have the monsters gone home yet?? lol

Better water the baskets now......


Bobtanian Report 15 Jun 2010 19:39

Just come back to this thread.......
MY! it HAS moved on hasnt it?
