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What kind of things do you remember from Childhood

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Jane Report 9 Jun 2010 17:51

I always think that 6 o clock is the start of evening.


Annx Report 9 Jun 2010 18:09

Evening All,

It's rumbling here too Jane and a very black sky. There was a bird of prey swooshing around in the back field a few minutes ago.........don't know what it was, but it had light fawn areas under it's wings which were edged very dark black/brown colour......much bigger than a Kestrel. That sounds a good film that you saw.

Frank, you must mind how you go.......glad the hospital told you to rest as well.......!!! OH's side is going lovely colours now and it still hurts when he coughs or sneezes and the sun always makes him sneeze, so its ooohh and oowww every time!! His car was fixed this morning and it just needed re gassing so it wasn't as expensive as it might have been. He's gone off to a Police Authority meeting down the road at their HQ tonight. It's where you can ask questions and meet the new Chief Constable. I was going too, but decided I couldn't sit for 2 hours as my back is still feeling wrenched and seizes up if I sit for very long........there was a buffet too!! lol

Mandy, that rose looks full of buds........was it a patio rose? It is certainly doing well in a pot.


Jane Report 9 Jun 2010 18:25

Hi Ann
Could that bird be a Buzzard?I have seen a few more here recently .I must remember not to go outside in my slippers when it's wet.I took one step inside the back door and skidded on the floor.Nearly went A over T lol.That could have been me with a cracked rib then !!!


Annx Report 9 Jun 2010 18:30

Jane, I'll google Buzzard and see if it looks the same. I'm always getting told off for going outside in my slippers. That could have been a nasty fall or an extreme stretch into the splits......ouch!!


Annx Report 9 Jun 2010 18:36

I think it might have been a Buzzard Jane!! They do have light coloured areas under the wing. I don't think I've seen one before, but it was soaring in huge circles. I looked at a Sparrow hawk too......definitely not that.

It's bucketing down with rain here now....the heavens have just opened.


Jane Report 9 Jun 2010 18:39

Talking of slippers ,I have a feeling we weren't allowed to slop around the house in slippers.I must ask my sister .I think we just wore them when we were in our night clothes .I know we had to get dressed straight after breakfast at weekends.Mum was very adamant about that .She thought it was slovenly to stay in your dressing gown lol.If only she could see me now lolol
Tomorrow will be 23 years since my lovely Dad died at the age of 64 from Motor Neurone Disease.I can't believe it is that long.


Jane Report 9 Jun 2010 19:16

The Heavens have opened !!!!!!!!.No need to water the garden again .That will save Frank a job lol


Annx Report 9 Jun 2010 19:23

That's a good idea might find out what it is Mandy. If you get rain like we've just had here, your pool will be filled quicker than you think. lol

I don't remember ever having a dressing gown as a child. I used to love my flannalette pjs and slippers though. I remember once having some pjs that were all in one like babygros only without feet in them and they buttoned so you could still spend a penny.

We were never allowed any kind of light at night either, only if we were feeling nightlights.


Jane Report 9 Jun 2010 19:38

There was always something of a cosy feeling with flannalette .I hated PJ's and always preferred a nightie.Even now I can't wear PJ's.They are too hot and restrictive.
I was going to say the same Ann about the rain filling Mandy's pool.We have just had a massive downpour.I can see a little blue sky so am hoping it might have passed over now.


David Report 9 Jun 2010 19:48

Your being at cinema reminds me,
When I was very much younger I had a pen friend.
She was/is called Sandra Brownlee
She lived in Ballymena Co Mayo.
She was a cinema usherette


Jane Report 9 Jun 2010 20:45

David did you have a photo of your pen pal in her usherettes outfit?
Do children still have Pen Pals these days? I doubt it .No-one writes letters.I still do like to write a letter though as I enjoy handwriting.

Mandy I had a ballerina in a pink Tutu too lol.One arm above her head and the other across her tummy.


David Report 9 Jun 2010 22:24

I did have a photo of Sandra, but she was in her civies
I'd another penpal in Marselles. She used to write in English and I wrote in French. I didn't make much of an impression as she stopped writing before too long.

It is nice writing but everyone communicates by email now


Jane Report 9 Jun 2010 22:28

Bring back the fountain pen I say.Get people writing again.Handwriting is going down the pan.No-one will be able to write properly soon.
I'm off now .Just watching hopefully the end soon of BB...Night Night xx

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 10 Jun 2010 08:17

Morning cloudy but dry here today. Mum has someone coming this morning at 10am so won't be around. I have to pick some more rhubarb for the shop as he asked me for some yesterday.


David Report 10 Jun 2010 08:28

The advent of the keyboard is to blame.
No one needs to write now,so they don't.
Very few use a fountain pen since Biro.

I was tught to write using a nib on the wnd of a stick copying what the teacher had chalked on the black board. A little well of ink was a the front right hand side of the dest. My Father used to help me with writing at home.


Tony Report 10 Jun 2010 09:30

I was an ink monitor at school


Jane Report 10 Jun 2010 09:56

Hi Tony,good to see you.I remember holding hand high in the air "Please Miss ,Please Miss I'll clean the blackboard"That was an important job
Mandy throw that leaflet out!!!!!!!


Tony Report 10 Jun 2010 10:27

Hi Jane
I hope you and Mel are keeping well, not a lot in my area has changed
Another grandchild was added in May the month I turned 67


Jane Report 10 Jun 2010 10:32

I became Gt Aunty Jane in May Tony lol.Think we will leave out the Gt!!!!
We are fine thanks after another whooshing of posts by GR.Mel decided to start it over again which seems to have freshened up the thread and some new people have popped in with their memories.


Tony Report 10 Jun 2010 10:49

Yes I noticed it took a bit of finding, my bookmark was out of date
Im glad william kept the original and Mel had a copy for the third time around I think I popped in about 2-3 months after it started.
I think my big Great is a long way away eldest grandchild is 8yrs