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What kind of things do you remember from Childhood

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Tracey Report 7 Jun 2010 14:22

Oh yes the fringe on the cowboy hat--and on waistcoat the silver medalions on each side withshoe string leather hanging from them??? Done some damage with the bow&arrow ---ha ha--- I had a great sling shot would hit can off walls--
thank's for pic's Ann xxx


Jane Report 7 Jun 2010 15:46

Afternoon all
I have a photo in the kitchen of my son in his cowboy outfit,fringes and all lol

Just back from the vet so hopefully his rear end will be more comfortable now.
We were the only ones there!!!!!! Normally it is heaving and manic.

Ann your poor OH is really doing his best to match up to Frank isn't he .Talk about the walking wounded lol


Tracey Report 7 Jun 2010 16:27

love to see pics Mel---------

Remember after the war first candy stuff came out was a thing called ------
Butterkiss was like carmel popcorn---we thought it was great ??
loved chocolet covered toffee----


Jane Report 7 Jun 2010 16:38

Shirl Butterkiss still make that toffee popcorn.It is yummy.


Frank Report 7 Jun 2010 17:28

I still like a bag of Butterkiss all to myself, greedy or what.

Ann I hope your OH got plenty of TLC, not a bolloc#ing for being clumsy. like I did.!!!!

Talking of clumsy. When I was about EIGHT doing a milkround. We were delivering in a road that was concrete. The two sides hadn't been laid level. I went from the cart with 5 pints of milk in my arm and hands (THREE between my arm and body, TWO in my left hand. I tripped on the uneven road, and crashed to the ground. I only broke two bottles. But the damage was two cut fingers a slice out of the palm of my hand and a cut to the thick part of my hand by my thumb. A complete slice off of my knee and a piece of my shin. The woman whose milk it was, bandaged me up, and I walked home. My sister thougth I was playing a JOKE. till I squeezed my hand and the blood dripped out. I went to the doctors who covered all the cuts with iordine and covered them up with bandages and sent me home. Still have the scars today !!!!
I could, and will, tell you of other accidents I have been involved in. A little at a time I think.


Frank Report 7 Jun 2010 17:30

By the way I am feeling a lot better today. !!!!


Jane Report 7 Jun 2010 17:41

Jolly good Frank.I expect you aren't quite so sore.I think we will have to have a look at all your scars.You will have a tale for each one lol

I hated it when popcorn got stuck on my tonsils!!!!!!.I hardly ever ate the stuff,just the toffee one.I thought the plain was like eating cardboard.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 7 Jun 2010 17:48

back typing with one finger whilst eating a dooughnut

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 7 Jun 2010 17:56

Sorry about that post I had the doughnut in my right hand so had to use the mouse with my left hand!!

The fire alarm went off whilst I was in Morr*sons and we all had to leave our shopping and go out of the shop. waited only about 10 mins and they sent all the staff back in then after that we were allowed back in. I had'nt realized how far up the shop I was at the till!! half shopping on the belt and still a good half in the basket. Just as well I had bought a lavender plant as thats how I recognized my trolly!! It was a false alarm but as I left the shop there was a fire engine outside.

Glad Chester feels better now after his visit.

Glad Frank feels better today too.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 7 Jun 2010 18:02

Ann I have had back the email I sent you with the pics on!!


Tracey Report 7 Jun 2010 19:08

Great plants Mel love lupins but never had luck with them--is that Lavender up from the Lupins? never have luck with that --have planted lavender couple of times --nothing-----

growing up our chemist used to make fruit drinks up and one called
Sasparilo I guess we thought it good????

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 7 Jun 2010 19:17

Sarsaparilla is used as the basis for a soft drink sold for its taste, frequently of the same name, or called Sasparilla. It was also a common ingredient in old fashioned root beer, in conjunction with Sassafras, prior to the discovery of sassafras's health risks. [5]

It was thought by Central Americans to have medicinal properties, and was a popular European treatment for syphilis when it was introduced from the New World. From 1820 to 1910, it was registered in the U.S. Pharmacopoeia as a treatment for syphilis. Modern users claim that it is effective for eczema, psoriasis, arthritis, herpes, and leprosy, along with a variety of other complaints. [6] No peer reviewed research is available for these claims. However, there is peer reviewed research suggesting that it has anti-oxidant properties, like many other herbs. [7]

Sarsaparilla is not readily available in most countries, although many pubs and most major supermarket chains in Malaysia and Australia stock sarsaparilla flavored soft drinks. In Malaysia, it is called "Sarsi" amongst many other names. In America, the prevalent brand is Sioux City Sarsaparilla.[citation needed] In Taiwan, HeySong Sarsaparilla soda is also commonly available in convenience stores.

Sarsaparilla was a popular drink in the old west. (1820-1890s)


Jane Report 7 Jun 2010 20:12

Mandy I have never done the popping popcorn.It would scare me half to death lol.
I think the rain is just arriving here now.It is very dark and some splatters on the window.Wet weather gear tomorrow for the dog walk I think.
What a lovely perfume that Rose must have.That would take me back to my childhood.I remember the smell of roses in my Aunty Betty's back garden....Heaven it was with all the old fashioned heavy perfumed roses.


David Report 7 Jun 2010 20:34

Those frequent heavy showers are welcome.
They're clearing the air and making the nights more tolerable.
They've also done a good job of watering in those marigolds.

Been for a walk around the neighbourhood looking at flats and houses for sale.


Jane Report 7 Jun 2010 20:43

No heavy showers here yet David.I think it could be a bit of a muggy night.
Have you seen any property that takes your fancy?


David Report 7 Jun 2010 20:51

Ive seen a few I like, they're no where near here. Ellen's looking for a move which is almost literally just around the corner.

Getting a lot of headaches recently. Aspirin safe these days?


David Report 7 Jun 2010 20:58

I live in a 3 bed mid terrace with conservatory built on the back.

I'd like a 3 bed semi or detatched

Here I use the smallest bed room as an office


Jane Report 7 Jun 2010 20:59

Just in small doses David.Aspirin can cause bleeding in the stomach.Do you not take Paracetamol?


David Report 7 Jun 2010 21:00

The conservatory is unecassary


David Report 7 Jun 2010 21:01

I seem to recall Paracetamol, or was it Codein bunged me up.