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RockyMountainShy Report 8 Apr 2011 21:31

Can I scream now !!!

The only Percy John Holland born in Aston was in 1888 which would make him 23 NOT 26 !!



Mazfromnorf Report 8 Apr 2011 21:38

Evening all i just nosing in while i wind down . , there has been no work done here today so the cooker was not available to put in


LaGooner Report 8 Apr 2011 21:52

He may well have lied about his age. They frequently did LOL

Hi Maz, how is the mess going ?


LaGooner Report 8 Apr 2011 21:55

Found a strong possible. March 1885, Dudley (Birmingham area)


RockyMountainShy Report 8 Apr 2011 21:59

Maz has nothing to cook on, her house is a mess and she's hungry, but other than that she sounds good. nice and relaxed.


Mazfromnorf Report 9 Apr 2011 06:29

Morning I am relaxed lol normally i would be cleaning is it worth it no so I am off out for the day with froggy I can wash and iron ,basic cooking and wash up lol that is it Oh and the kettle works what else do i need lol
I would like to cut the grass but need help moving the builders rubble to get in the shed .

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 9 Apr 2011 08:36

Just close your eyes as you walk past the grass Maz, your son can do it after the builder have gone. Same for the mess.............. just ignore it all.

I can't see any of your names married to my son's ancestors but I'll send you his surname in case you come across it.

RMS, I keep having a look at your thread to see if you've found that certificate yet. It'll turn up one day........... I hope.


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 9 Apr 2011 08:58

Morning - glad you are managing to Chill out Maz, and are ignoring the mess - that's the way to do it! It will still be there tomorrow, so why bother?

Having said that, after 2 weeks of ignoring it and Eldest&co due for BnB on Tuesday, we ought to do something about the accumulation - perhaps later - lol


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 9 Apr 2011 20:19

Eleven hours ago? Where is everybody??? Hope you have all been enjoying the good weather - we've been out during the day for long walk across the fields..........via the pub LOL

I am the Killer Queen!

That'll draw LG out :))

Are we booking the train for May or not? If only one of us do it, is LG willing to make the trek to P'borough? And what sort of time should the train arrive/leave? Checking back later.


LaGooner Report 9 Apr 2011 20:23

Of course it will LOL. Just come in from the garden. Had a lovely afternoon shopping and looking around some garden centres with Yidarmylass. Went out in the garden when we got back just to plant 3 herb plants and oh well did some other jobs as well. Hence stayed out until it got dark ! LOL


Mazfromnorf Report 9 Apr 2011 20:55

I am here we have wandred around Durham have bought a few bits It was lovely and warm so we wandered around enjoying the sunshine I have to get motivated tomorrow . Pauline i have PM'd you,


RockyMountainShy Report 9 Apr 2011 21:11

Pauline, that certificate has driven me mad. The only logical explanation is that it was mixed up with the newspaper and recycled. Dad and I both looked though the newspaper but maybe we missed it somehow.

So ......... I'm glad everyone has had a good day sunny and warm. Here, ummm it's not so sunny and it's not so warm, but being Canadians we can wait.


AuntySherlock Report 9 Apr 2011 22:04

Hi All, DET when I renewed my A subs through that hint you gave me, including the 14 days free trial it gave me back my whole tree, another tree I have for a friend, all my messages etc etc. Everything was just as it was before I left except I now have 216 stupid waving leaves to take care of.

What they do is give you two weeks before they take the payment from your credit card. It is a very good bargain.

Wet miserable and chilly here today. My team lost yesterday afternoon. They played very badly and deserved to lose. Hope the coach is still kicking their backsides.


AuntySherlock Report 9 Apr 2011 22:38

RMS are you there? Would you be able to look at this thread and PM the person.

I figured you would be into "spooky occurrences" and you obviously fit the rest of the ciriteria.

The thread is on the chat board.


RockyMountainShy Report 9 Apr 2011 23:04

"spooky occurrences" ummmmmmmmmmmm I know they can happen, and do. I'm not sure I would say I am "into them" they just happen and I deal with them as best I can.


Mazfromnorf Report 10 Apr 2011 07:34

morning do we have a nut lodge ghost ,?
I am supposed to have been up early to do my homework off the course and have slept in so i am going to get stuck in to the list of chores and hopefully relax later to do the reading i need to do


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 10 Apr 2011 08:00

Mysteries eh? Hope RMS sorted it out lol

Morning all - one down side of daylight saving ...........I wake up too early! At least there is a load of washing on the go lol Maz - if you over slept, you needed it, so don't feel bad. Perhaps you can crash and bang around and wake up the noisy neighbours - see how they like it!

Thanks for the info AS. I'll phone them next week and then cancel if I get no joy. I suppose I can live with the Basic for 2 weeks. Only 216 quivering leaves? count your self lucky! Half the trouble is other people using your tree as a source, then the system feeds it back to you.

OH has finished all his Sudoku books, so we may go look for a few more + a map with footpaths showing. Despite the Internet interactive maps, none we can find show them in a usable form, only roads etc. The Estate Agents used to hand them out......not sure if they still do.


LaGooner Report 10 Apr 2011 08:49

Morning all, I have only just crawled out from under the duvet and I am now trying to kick start myself with a large strong coffee. I managed to catch the sun a bit on my arms yesterday and boy do they itch !!!

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 10 Apr 2011 09:08

I did a bit of gardening yesterday but spent most of the time just sitting enjoying the sun.

Hope the mystery on the Chat board was solved!!

I'm still intrigued by the lost certificate though.


LaGooner Report 10 Apr 2011 09:12

Morning Pauline, I have some jobs to do in the garden today,mainly to do with the pond so not very pleasant LOL. I have mysteries around here too such as the missing Brownie promise badge and record card. c 1959 that I knew I put safe but be blowed if it is in it's sual place. My house definately has spirits, very welcome ones though.