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YG Report 5 Apr 2011 22:27

Not this one though!!

I'm still lurking and singing!!


LaGooner Report 6 Apr 2011 08:58

I 'm back !!!!! The throne and crown are mine all mine LOL.

Catch you all later just off out on business for OH , banking etc. Have a good day one and all and hey the sun is shining whooopeeeeeeeeee x

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 6 Apr 2011 10:32

No wonder I didn't sleep well last night, it was YG's singing........... I have to say it's as bad as LG's.

I got loads of info from that site, just got to sort it all out now and put it on my son's tree. My desk (it's the dining table really) is covered in bits of paper with 400 years of family names on them.


AuntySherlock Report 6 Apr 2011 11:23

I'm just lurking tonight. Well I was just lurking. Hi Pauline YG and LG. I have a relatively clea desk. Shame really. Need to do something about it. Think I might start with OH's mob again and see where that leads.


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 6 Apr 2011 16:19

Afternoon - we have returned from the Salt Mines! One more session for me tomorrow afternoon. OH wants to get up and go in the morning, to do the weekly shop and catch Morris*n's All Day Breakfast. Think he would agree with you Maz about working full time - he had to have an afternoon nap after only 5 hours - lol

its so warm for early April we sat in the garden with our lunch....took my jumper off (did have a T Shirt/vest on underneath!) and now have pinkie skin.

Auntie - go sideways - you might find 'how they met' as neighbours in census. It can get quite fascinating.

Just as well Pauline doesn't eat at the dining room table - 400 years of history would end up splattered in gravy and other gunk lol


YG Report 6 Apr 2011 18:19

What do you mean about my singing lol!! It can't be as bad as LG's! Snoring might be worse but we can't have it all!

For any of the Nut Lodgers who are into texting:

Seniors Texting Code:

ATD At The Doctors

BFF Best Friend Fell

BTW Bring the Wheelchair

BYOT Bring Your Own Teeth.

FWIW Forgot Where I Was

GGPBL Gotta Go Pacemaker Battery Low

GHA Got Heartburn Again

IMHO Is My Hearing-Aid On

LMDO Laughing My Dentures Out

OMMR On My Massage Recliner

OMSG Oh My! Sorry, Gas

ROFLACGU Rolling On Floor Laughing And Can't Get Up

TTYL Talk To You Louder


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 6 Apr 2011 18:47

Great YG!!! Really funny and some are soooo true!

Catch you later - my turn to cook


Mazfromnorf Report 6 Apr 2011 20:29

hello folks well i am late on here train was very late but that is it for now lol back to school tomorrow lol I have some homework to go in though before the end of the week and loads to catch up on lol


LaGooner Report 6 Apr 2011 21:16

Evening all, LOl YG love those . I have had a very long trying day so




Mazfromnorf Report 7 Apr 2011 05:44

Morning sits down i have time lol to think today lol its very warm here this morning ,Glad i am on a half day today have things to do though such as the chemist bank etc ,

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 7 Apr 2011 07:29

It's very warm here as well Maz, it's like a summer's day.

I still haven't sorted my son's Sussex lot out........... they've all got the same name!! Hundreds of men all called Richard!! Looks like there was a lot of interbreeding in those small villages.


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 7 Apr 2011 08:31

Morning - Glad you have the summer like weather oop norf today - try and enjoy it while it is here! Waiting for OH to surface so we can go shopping, then work in the afternoon this afternoon. Think I'm going to be N.I.-ed this week. Oh well.


AuntySherlock Report 7 Apr 2011 11:32

Nah, nah, nah. 29 degrees here today, 31 tomorrow!!!!

Whoo hoo, that's the good news.

The bad news.......Saturday back to 24 and rain, then rain for three more days next week.

Ah well perhaps that might be winter over with and we will return to the 30s the week after. I wish!!


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 7 Apr 2011 16:13

Look at Auntie! Boasting again!!!! If we had those temperatures, we'd probably be complaining about the humidity - lol


Mazfromnorf Report 7 Apr 2011 17:46

Evening what a lovely day we have had got loads of washing dry and ironed .got a carcus of a kitchen in the cooker i chose is not in yet though but if it is that will be in tomorrow . They are pulling the bathroom out on monday so that is that until the end then .so we will be about two weeks without a shower .


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 7 Apr 2011 17:58

Once you can get back in the kitchen, at least you will be able to get half way sorted. But 2 weeks is a long time to sort out a bathroom refit. Are you sure they aren't sloping off when you aren't there???? I'd have thought that you would have a usable shower/bath within 2 or 3 days, even if the whole bathroom wasn't finished.

Didn't LG have her bathroom done not so long ago? How long did that take?
OH is surprised as well....assuming you aren't having structural changes. And he says you'll have to go swimming and use their showers - lol


LaGooner Report 7 Apr 2011 18:17

Whooo hooo, yes I had my bathroom done, The facilities were usable within the 2 days but another 4 to finish off the pretty bits LOL.

Been lovely here today and actually got some of the seedling in the greenhouse thinned out. Now collapsed in the chair LOL

Edit. I also had all the loo etc moved to different places and still completed in 2 days


Mazfromnorf Report 7 Apr 2011 18:45

The work is a long process they seem to work between other tasks .The reason our shower is going to take so long is that it has to have a sealed floor as its classed as a wet room so the stuff takes a while to dry and he reckons all the tiling false wall for all the soil pipes etc will be time consuming We were warned twice by the planners and builders
Pauline have any of them rellies married Head or stapleys ?


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 7 Apr 2011 19:00

That's a bit more understandable it's showering at the swimming pool, is it - LOL

Do you still want the Rowley tree on Ancestry Maz?

Talking of Ancestry, my renewal is coming up in about a week's time. I'm trying to work out how to get a discount. Do I cancel the continuous membership - the only way seems to be to cancel the whole thing, or phone them up or what?

Befuddled and bemused!


LaGooner Report 7 Apr 2011 19:17

Try phoning them DET I have heard it works but not tried it myself.