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What kind of things do you remember from Childhood

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Frank Report 17 Jun 2010 14:46

Never mind Shirl, I have just popped in to cool down a bit before returning to clear blue skys and plenty of sunshine. Cold beer and the newspaper. Hard life ai n't it !!!!!


David Report 17 Jun 2010 15:25

John Collier , tailor


David Report 17 Jun 2010 15:26

George Arthur Dunn , gents outfitters and tailor


Tracey Report 17 Jun 2010 15:49

Dont think you'll ever ''COOL''' DOWN -FRANK ???XXXXXX


Dont ask me why but my brother and I made what we called a PILER---go-cart---rope attached to - across-bar at front to giude it long pole with block of wood as a brake


David Report 17 Jun 2010 15:58

If I'm not mistaken the ABC Minors singalong was to the tune of Joseph Locke's BLAZE AWAY


Fiona Report 17 Jun 2010 17:07

Afternoon all
Good results from the Dr's about my CT scan, no major problems at all, but they have found that my sinuses are blocked and swollen, don't feel bad at the moment but probably best to go to the chemists and get some obas oil that should help. Dr says the headaches were probably due to the concussion I had after the fall and it just takes time for recovery, I do feel better and now all I have to do is try a little at a time to get back to doing the things and outings I did before the accident.

Was at the Physiotherapist yesterday and she gave me several exercises to do to strengthen my old back muscles, I'm going to ache for a while but hopefully will in time be able to bend and strech then there will be no excuses for not hoovering and cleaning the upstairs bathroom, bending over the bath kills my back.
BBL off to sit in the sunshine
oh nearly forgot to mention.
Daughter no 2 passed her exams at UNi , only got to do 1 resit , we are over the moon for her as she has been under a lot of stress,
Daughter no 1 and Sofia are on holiday staying with SIL parents in Italy, SIL got a new job working for a finacial banking company who are setting up their main branch in Glasgow and as his first language is Italian he is at the moment training in Milan so daughter and granddaughter have to have their holls without him , luckily he is getting to see them at the weekend.
coffee time now
hope Jane is enjoying her holls
luv to all


Frank Report 17 Jun 2010 19:02

John Collier, John Collier, The window to watch. Do you remember the advert. David. There was also the 50 shilling tailor. I used to buy my suits through the Co-op. £10.00 tally at 10/s a week. you would get a hand made suit made to measure. I use to go to Stratford with my maters on a Sat afternoon, to get mesured. and when you returned a couple of weeks later, the fitting was perfect. Today that would cost in excess of £200.00.


Frank Report 17 Jun 2010 19:06

Glad to hear that you are improving Fiona, keep up the excercises, and you will be back to normal before you know it !!!!


Annx Report 17 Jun 2010 19:21

Evening All,

That's good news about your scan Fiona and I'm glad you are feeling better. The physio on your back should help too. Well done to daughter number 2 in her exam results. She must be delighted.

Carol, I enjoyed your memories......bring on some more ......

When I was at junior school all the boys wore caps and scratchy grey wool short trousers. They were always knocking each others caps off or throwing them over fences and the like. Long socks were held up with a piece of elastic and folded over at the tops, but were always needing to be pulled up. Most of the time at least 1 was around the ankle. Knitted pullovers were worn in winter. I remember wearing pinafore dresses that were buttoned at the shoulder for easy adjustment, over hand knitted jumpers. I remember having a Kangol beret like mum's but didn't like it and also having knitted bonnet things that were like a little box on your head......they used to itch. A lot of things seemed to itch or scratch.......socks, liberty bodice, siren suit, wonder I want comfort now!!! lol Always having shoes that were much too big so they would last.


David Report 17 Jun 2010 19:46

My Father used to buy his clothes from BURTON . He would deposit as much as he could when he could, and of course it mounted up.
When he wanted it he could always get a suit or jacket tailor made.

He used to look very dapper.


David Report 17 Jun 2010 19:47

I got my first suit from BURTON, it was brown


Tracey Report 17 Jun 2010 20:06

that's good new Fionaabout your CT,thing's will pick up now stay at the Physio--Good for your girl must be very pleased which Uni is she off to ?

Scratch all the time--with one thing or another we had navay blue uniforms white blouse just like St Trinins???

My Dad bought his clothes from Buton's and Alexander's
Remember my Mum and him laugh at the suit he was given when he was Demobed????lol

I thought I was great in my Deana Durban hat (she was child singing star )) still am????xxxx


Annx Report 17 Jun 2010 20:34

I remember my first OH before we were married having a suit made to measure. It was dark brown and had an italian style shorter jacket, narrow lapels and with no split in the back and quite tight trousers. I think the style was quite popular at the time and I seem to remember Frankie Vaughan wearing something similar? I remember him wearing a narrow brown knitted tie with it. He also used to buy suits from Burtons. lol


Fiona Report 17 Jun 2010 22:04

Just popping in to say goodnight

Tracey -daughter no 2 has 1 more year to do at Heriot Watt University in Galashiels which is situated in the borders of Scotland, she has been there for the last 3 years doing Fashion design in retail , But last year she decided to change her course and now is still studying Fashion but from the Business management side which she enjoys much more,
well I'm off to lock up and turn in for the night,
Look forward to chatting again soon.
goodnight to all

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 17 Jun 2010 22:52

Night all. I am wacked out tonight.

Must be the heat!!

Carol lovely memories........... I was born in 1949.

More please as they are such a good read.


Frank Report 17 Jun 2010 23:23

Not much chance of a natter then, you have all gone to bed. God bless, see you tomorrow if I have time.


Frank Report 18 Jun 2010 10:22

Have watered greenhouse and back & front garden. Going for a shower and shave, then off to Npton. to pick up Ros's glass's. Have a bit of lunch somewhere. Then of to Rutland. Might take computer with me, so you might hear from me later.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 18 Jun 2010 10:56

Morning All,

Not so sunny this morning but still dry and warm with blue skies but lots of thin white cloud.

Got up at 6.30am and went back to bed! Woke again with the blimmin Jackdaws crowing outside. Had a good sleep though! I was relly worn out with all the running around with the wheelbarrow yesterday moving the plants I wanted out the bed OH was digging up. Not sure the digger was such a good idea now as I seem to be the runner!! I did manage to save some more Pholx and a big loosestrife which the butterflies love. There were a load of foxgloves flowering int he middle of the bed and I picked them all to bring in for mum. Arranged them all in a tall jug and put them on the kitchen table. Did lunch and when we sat down to eat it there were ants running around on the table. They were taken outside into the shade. I thought they would wilt in water but they did'nt and still looked goood when I went to shut the chickens in at about 9pm.


Fiona Report 18 Jun 2010 11:54

Morning all
Lovely day here again, Daughter no 1 phoned earlier on from Italy, she was checking up on my Drs report, she says she's covered in insect bites, she was always the one in our family to get bitten first, then it's my OH he's next comes in all itchy when he's been in the garden all day.

Daughter says SIL gone huffy (ah ah) as Sofia said yesterday Mama first in stead of Dada or Babbo thats Italian for Dad.
it's to be expected considering he has been away working for the last few weeks.
They are both of to a wedding tomorrow, one of SIL school friends is getting married, their leaving Sofia with her other gran and granpa, were all keeping our finger's crossed thst Sofia will be happy without both parents being there, the wedding starts at 5pm it's much cooler in the evening and will carry on till about 2 am, It's not far from SIL house so daughter can leave early if need be, but I'm sure Sofia will be alright.

I better go and hang out the washing whiles the suns still out
Hope everyone has a nice day.


Annx Report 18 Jun 2010 12:55

Morning All,

We had one of the 5 item B*S 99p breakfasts this morning.....good value. OH is eating like a horse with being more active and out in the fresh air!! He's painting more of the shed at the moment.

We called at MIL's yesterday and the Warm Front people are fitting the new boiler on Monday, so it will be good its done before winter. They gave us 3 bags of stuff to take to the charity shop while we were there. We may keep some of it!!! lol......2 nearly new stainless steel saucepans, pyrex casserole, not even a scratch on it, new cutlery, new plain white dinner plates.......I wonder why they buy them??