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What kind of things do you remember from Childhood

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Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 22 Jun 2010 11:05

No ducks Mandy as we have had those before and foxy took the lot. I had Calls ducks and some brown ones of which the name escapes me at the mo!!


Jane Report 22 Jun 2010 11:06

So Sadie is still busy then David lol.Every time I hear the word Sadie I think of you .
Mandy yes I think Hannah is pretty.She obviously got her good looks and nice figure from me lolol
I am boiling now.Am just having a big glass of iced water and it is lovely.Off to put my shorts on now and then think about some weeding.


Fiona Report 22 Jun 2010 11:09

Morning all
Another hot day for us in Scotland, Great!!!!
Had a busy day yesterday not quite what I had planned, instead of painting my new garden wooden wishing well, I ended up accompanying no 2 daughter to the A & E department at our local hospital she came down to visit me in a terrible state , her eyes looked like something out of a horror movie the white part of her eyes were red instead, she was crying as they were stinging so much she could not see properly,
OH was out on his bike so I had to ask the next door neighbour nicely if he would run us to the hospital instead,
We didn't sit for ages which was a good thing as the eye department was not busy. Dr says daughter has a really bad case of conjunctivitis and is also chocked with the cold due to her low immune system because of her Alopecia and the steroids which she has been given to encourage her hair to grow back so she is to expect to go down with every cold germ and infection she comes in contact with. poor lass is feeling very sorry for herself.

So today I am going to try and do some painting in between hanging out the washing and having to go to Morr*iso*s to do some more food shopping, eating that much salad these days I keep having to go out and stocking up on Tomato's and lettuce

Jane got your pics of Amelia she is beautiful ,got a lovely skin colour and look at all that hair, big brother Finlay (have I spelt it right or should there be a D in it) looks like he was having a great time in that wheel is it farm machinery he is on.

Well I'm away to hang out the washing and have a cup of coffee before I set to work on my wishing well, we bought some Blue-forget- me- not fence paint years ago but never got round to do the fence , i'll use that it will look lovely against the green back ground of all the plants and trees in the garden.

see you laterXXX


Annx Report 22 Jun 2010 12:58

Hi Everyone,

Another beeeaaaooooutiful day!

Your poor daughter Fiona. No wonder she is feeling a bit down. Hopefully her eyes will soon improve.......they must be very itchy and scratchy.

Mel, are you sure he's not digging for oil??? That is more like a lake isn't it. I think you will need a canoe!! lol How deep is it?

I must have a look in the Look magazine Jane.

Went out to a farm shop near here this morning. Its one I've not tried before and it was great!!! Cheaper than Sains*urys on some things and much fresher too. I came back with far more than I intended......icecream, strawberries, chicken and ham pie as well as veg and eggs.

Lewis obviously thinks a lot of you we won't worry about you carrying stuff from the long as you remember to use it!!!!


Annx Report 22 Jun 2010 13:51

Following Jane's suggestion of keeping up the tablets Mandy and it seems a lot freer now, but the bag of shopping this morning let me know it isn't quite right yet.....still I could barely walk the other day, so I'm very happy with how it is now. OH is....err..well.....scabby!!! lol He keeps saying he looks as if he's been self harming. He's been painting trellis posts this morning and has just gone off to get some more hardcore to fill a bit more of the pond hole. I don't know.....Mel is digging out and we are filling in!! lol

Your spa and pool sound great this weather Mandy......does the spa need much maintenance? Not too late to include one in my new garden!! Iced coffee with icecream in sounds lovely.

Is your dry throat any better?


Frank Report 22 Jun 2010 13:59

Just heard the budget outlines, It could mean I will be about £8/10 a week worse off. Not bad considering some. What about the VAT 20% next year. Up goes most things.

I haven't sat out yet, been too hot. Think I will get a cool beer out and test the taste, don't want it to go off. !!!!!!

Mandy, Move over, we are all coming for a Spa and dip in the pool. !!!!

Glad to see you about Fiona, keep it up.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 22 Jun 2010 14:06

I see the diet has gone out of the window Mandy!!!!!!!!

Our hole is going to be about a metre deep or just over HE says.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 22 Jun 2010 14:08

Ann we have pleanty of stuff to fill your pond in with!!!!!!!!!!!! It is a case of trying to find somewhere to dump it. The orchard bank into the next door field has grown about 2 foot higher.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 22 Jun 2010 14:09

Mum was expecting the hairdresser today at 2pm and guess what? she had the foot lady and the hairdresser booked for the same time. They followed each other down our road.


Frank Report 22 Jun 2010 15:55

It's a bit warm out there. Have just been down and given the girls nice fresh cold water. Bless em.

Have been watching the fotty. France 2 down at half time.


Jane Report 22 Jun 2010 16:58

Still too hot for me outside.I have the Tennis on ,watching Andy Murray.
Poor Chester is flopped out on the floor under the fan.I will give him a hose down in the garden a bit later.The poor cows in the top field were all squashed together under a big tree trying to get some shade.
Is there a test Mandy to see if your throat is this Sicca Syndrome?
Mel how nice to have feet and hair done.Did Mum cope alright ,or did one go first?
Frank I heard next door giving fresh water the the chickens earlier which I was glad to hear, as you know I'm never sure how well they are looked after.

I have just had Morrocan Mint Tea.It was delicious and quite refreshing in a tea glass.


Fiona Report 22 Jun 2010 17:07

I'm roasting too Frank,
I painted 4 coats of Blue paint on my wishing well the wood is just drinking it up but I suppose that will be good protection against the wet weather in the end,
Spent some of the afternoon up at dad's old house helping OH with Tiling the bathroom, not a great day to have to tile OH would like to have been in the garden but he has no choice , we were let down by one of daughter no 2 girlfriends OH , he is a tiler and promised to do the job at a reasonable price seeing we were sort of friends. BUT he has kept putting off the job saying he had other jobs to Finnish first before he could come & do ours , this has gone on for 4/5 weeks now , we didn't want to make a fuss because it was Daughter no 2 friend, but we decided not to wait any longer and told him to forget it we will do it ourselves,
My OH has some experience of tiling when he did his mothers bathroom and so far he is making a good job of it. OH was hoping he might have been able to have a rest this week as he is on holiday but never mind the bathroom will look great when it is finnished, I think we should treat ourselves to a pub lunch tomorrow and a trip to get some plants for my wishing well to.

Just had a call from Daughter no 2 she feels lousy so they don't want to walk down for dinner, we were just going to have Salad and chicken and new potatoes , so OH says he'll go up in the car with a dish of pots etc, then they can have something to eat later.
sun still shining and a breeze has started up which is very welcome,

I'm going to spend some time sitting in the garden after I have a shower my back needs some hot water treatment with all that hard work.


Jane Report 22 Jun 2010 17:33

I'd love someone to come and drop off dinner for me Fiona lol.I'm sorry your daughter is feeling so rough.Conjunctivis is so nasty,and the feeling of needing to rub the eyes is terrible.
Have just climbed in with the peas to weed ,and there some big stingers in there.I'm stung all up the inside of my arms.I don't think it will be too long now before I can pick some peas.Tomorrow I may get the first cucumber from the greenhouse.


MillymollyAmanda Report 22 Jun 2010 18:23

Been in the spa and we're nicely chilled now

Jane i don't know how they test for Sicca Syndrome ,doctor said he could send me to the hospital to the Arthritis clinic or i could hold on for a week or two and see how i go ,so thats what i'am going to do ,it might just be my hay fever tablets as the doctor said they can really dry your throat too.

I love fresh Peas ,i some times buy a pound and eat them,i even like to eat the shells if their really fresh !! they never reach the cooking pot !!

Your poor daughter Fiona ,it must be so uncomfortable for her i hope it soon eases a bit for her .

Going to have my iced coffee now .


Jane Report 22 Jun 2010 18:39

OH was supposed to go to Cambridge today ,but decided not to.Good job too,as I have just seen on the news there was a 4 hour hold up on the A14 after a lorry fire.
Mandy I bet you will be in the spa again tomorrow !!!!!!!.How do you make your iced coffee? I love it but have never made it.


MillymollyAmanda Report 22 Jun 2010 18:46

Jane, i put two spoons of coffee powder ( more if you like it strong or less if you like it weak ) in a jug add a small amount of boiling water and sugar if you take it ,then top up with cold water to make your two cups ,put in the fridge to chill .
Then i put a scoop of Vanilla ice cream in a glass and pour the coffee over ,stir with a spoon to mix in the ice cream and then i drink mine through a straw .


Jane Report 22 Jun 2010 19:03

That sounds scrummy Mandy.I have a tub of vanilla icecream so may give it a go tomorrow.
Where is Shirl??


MillymollyAmanda Report 22 Jun 2010 19:09

Make your coffee now Jane ,then it will be really chilled ,i make up a jug full.
Did we hear from shirl yesterday ?


Annx Report 22 Jun 2010 20:06

I'm going to try some iced coffee tomorrow too Mandy and I have some straws! Why is it things taste different through a straw. lol But they do don't they.

OH used to dread things like lorry fires or them turning over Jane when he was travelling. Waiting 4 hours in this heat would be no joke at all. Saw Hannah in Look.........she was very brave in a swimsuit in all that snow.

OH has been painting too Fiona....he was saying the wood was slurping up the paint same as you. I bet that blue looks lovely. A bit of paint transforms things doesn't it.


Annx Report 22 Jun 2010 20:10

Mel, you will soon be living next to a mountain at this rate. I hope he has been keeping an eye open for any artifacts or buried treasure. lol