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What kind of things do you remember from Childhood

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David Report 21 Jun 2010 18:56

Was at physiotherapist this pm about R knee.

She felt my leg muscles and said my L leg muscles were much stronger than the R where I am experiecing pain and weakness around the knee.

This is to do with that road accident.
The R leg is the dominant, or should be. Since the accident the R leg muscles have been largely dependent on the L weakening both the joint and the muscles.

Got a set of exercises to do 3 times a day.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 21 Jun 2010 19:07

I hope Frank is alright as he took his wifes pills instead of his own and she is diabetic!!


Jane Report 21 Jun 2010 19:27

Make sure you do them then David lol.When did Frank take Ros's pills? I must have missed that.


Jane Report 21 Jun 2010 19:43

You are making me jealous Mandy!!!!.I bet you will be in there every day this week ,as it is looking good 'till the end of the week.
I will be off to buy Look Magazine in the morning to see if Hannah is in it !!


Jane Report 21 Jun 2010 19:54

Mandy how many pics did you get ? I had a bit of a problem just working out how to send them from my email.I think it looks like you had the lot lol and I thought I only sent 2.


CDU Report 21 Jun 2010 20:04

Hi Jane Getting back to Old dog tom.
In 1948 i was five and went to the infants school, and our first reading book had a little boy and girl and a dog called old dog tom.
What i am trying to find out is , the girl was
called Ruth i have forgotten the boys name.
Can any one help.My brother went to the same
school 3 years later, but his first book was
Dick and Dora.
Sorry about the late reply , i got called out.


Jane Report 21 Jun 2010 20:23

Amos ,I had Janet and John books.Frank or David might remember the book you are talking about.Have you tried to Google ?


CDU Report 21 Jun 2010 20:37

Hi Jane No i have not tried google, i will have
a go


Annx Report 21 Jun 2010 21:19

Amos, I'm a smidgeon younger than you and our first reading book was The Little Red Hen. I used to love the stories.

Jane, I got 3 as well......Amelia has lovely brown eyes hasn't she and more hair than my OH. It was worth going back to get some more bargains then! I like the sound of the kneeler you can sit on. lol

I drove to a garden centre down the lanes this afternoon, top down and hat and shades on. lol I bought an evergreen Pittosporum Gaiety shrub and a small squashy bucket with some gift vouchers. It has grey green white edged leaves and black stems. I also got a new childrens garden fork after FIL turned my old one into a trident. It comes up to my waist and is as light as a feather and much easier for me in the borders.

Mandy, that sounds soooo nice!!

Yes, where are you Frank......watching footie??


Jane Report 21 Jun 2010 21:38

Amos ,any more memories??? from your younger days.
I did Google Old Dog Tom and something comes up.

I spoke to Maureen tonight and her Mum is waiting for a bed at the Hospice.She is still in Hospital and in quite good spirits .Has had lots of visitors .Someone even flew over from America to see her.
Maureen is ok and will come back to us when she can.


Jane Report 21 Jun 2010 21:40

I have tried to delete my duplicate post and it tells me this thread does not exist!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Jane Report 21 Jun 2010 22:34

Night Night everyone.I hope Frank is ok and will pop in tomorrow.


Frank Report 21 Jun 2010 23:17

Evening all, I suppose you are all trying to sleep on this very warm evening.

The reason I haven't been around is. I have been busy in the garden, also Ros has a new set of games on the computer, and can't leave them alone, she's taken over !!!!!

No one son called this afternoon, knocked off work early, so he could bring me my Fathers day card and present. Lewis bought me a garden trolly, so that "PAPPY CAN MOVES THINGS FROM THE CAR TO THE GARDEN , without FALLING OVER. He did this without any prompting. What a lucky man I am, having a Grandson who is so kind and thoughtful. My son bought me a pair of electric securteures (If thats how it's spelt) I tried them out, I must watch my fingers !!!!! You know what i'm like.

I know you will see this tomorrow, another sunny day is promised. Good night. God bless

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 22 Jun 2010 00:18

Oh I am so glad our Frank is alright. You naughty boy! You could have told us earlier and we would'nt have worried all day.

I have been thinking about you all day even whilst out shopping.

The hole got bigger whilst I was out!!!!!!!!!! I think it is 7 meters buy 4. Looks a bit more like a pond now as it has ledges. Oh says he has to build a ramp into it so he can get the digger back in to clear out the soil he has cut from the edges. He has a;lready told um it is big enough for her and me!!!!

Off to bed now after my shower so se you all in the morning.

AMOS MORE MEMORIES PLEASE.........................................

Night all and sleep tight Mel.


Jane Report 22 Jun 2010 08:52

Morning All.
Electric Secateurs .Yikes Frank!!!!!.If you lose your fingers you won't be able to type your posts lol
Mel dig that pond a bit more ,turn it into a swimming pool and we can all come down.I feel like jumping in one now after my walk.I'm all sweaty.
Right a quick trip to Tes** now so BBL

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 22 Jun 2010 09:22

Morning Jane and all,

Yes Frank you be carefull!! with that new toy of yours.

Have taken a few pics of the HOLE.


David Report 22 Jun 2010 10:24

There used to be a pipe tobaco called Digger

I was driving dehind a bus yesterday that had a huge advertisement on the back.


Made me smile


Frank Report 22 Jun 2010 10:30

Mel, If Mr Mel carries on you could sell day tickets, for fishing. stock it up with carp and tench, and you have another sideline. !!!!!

It's so nice that you all worry about me. I do try to be carefull, honest.

Jane, I must get Ros to get that magazine today when she goes to Tesc#.

I'm just bumming around today in my shorts and slippers. will have a sit in the sun for a while then pot about in the garden.

I will try to keep Ros off the puter, so you won't be worried about me. !!!!


Jane Report 22 Jun 2010 11:00

Page 62 Frank .Kate is the friend whose is the journalist and she is the main picture with her feet being nibbled by little fish in a tank lol.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 22 Jun 2010 11:03

I have taken some pics of the earth works in the garden!!!!

Today I have had to order builders sand, concrete mix, 6 bags of cement and a pallet of concrete blocks. All ordered and coming tomorrow from Holsworthy.