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What kind of things do you remember from Childhood

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Jane Report 19 Jun 2010 18:40

Do you know ,I never saw a stick of rock!!.Sorry Shirl !


Jane Report 19 Jun 2010 18:44

Hello Frank ,you old so and so lol


Jane Report 19 Jun 2010 18:46

Enjoy your meal Mandy ,it bl**dY freezing here lol,as we would say put your mink Knickers on lol


Jane Report 19 Jun 2010 21:38

Holidays are exhausting things lol.I'm off to bed ,so catch you all tomorrow.
Night Night xx

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 20 Jun 2010 00:03

Glad your back safe and sound Jane.

Kept quite quiet this week as been busy and it makes for less reading for you.

I have been clearing up the patio outside the back door. OH has been straightening ground just off the patio where he is going to build a large pond.

Off to bed now so see you all in the morning.


Frank Report 20 Jun 2010 09:55

Morning, from cloudy Rutland. it's about 10 degrees outside, but feels much warmer sitting in the conservatory.

Jane, my darling, I DO HOPE YOU HAD A RESTFUL NIGHT and feel better for you break, I have missed you.!!!!! honest.

We had our Indian last night, watched the football, the Avita I kept loosing the plot. It would be better in 3D For anyone who is just stating on INDIA meals, Most indian Restaurants/Takaways will have very good menu's that describe the meal, and how hot it might be. and of course they will always "TAME" a meal down to you liking.

Off to the "HORNBLOWER" For lunch. "Fathers day" treat. Then they want to go to a Garden Centre. More Money !!!! Will be back home this e vening, Hope everyone has a good day. See you later


Jane Report 20 Jun 2010 10:15

Grovel more Frank I like it lol I did sleep like a log but had some very weird dreams.
The Whirling Dervish has arrived .He was a very good boy apparently and Janet (the new lady) said she will miss him next week.He has been back 2o mins and has just crashed out on the settee.
I am now of to Tes** .I wondered if they missed me last week lol.
The sun is just trying to break through I an see bits of blue.

My Mum would have been 90 today if she was still here.


Annx Report 20 Jun 2010 12:24

Morning All,

Sunny here and OH has a paintbrush in his hand again......doing the back of the fence now.......ooops he's just been in, banged his head on a panel and has a one inch gash on his head!! Through his hat too!!

My back was much the same this morning staggering to the kitchen holding on to the furniture. Had more tablets and they seem to have started working thank goodness, so I'm carefully showered and dressed now. Saw your post Jane and have taken paracetomol as well.......thank you. The cottage looks a lovely haven with the river down the garden and wildlife calling in......thank you for the piccies, I've never seen such intricate chimney pots!

I wonder if Chester has checked his toybox out yet!! lol

I am not that keen on Indian food Frank, although I did used to enjoy a lamb balti they did at a local pub. Working with quite a few asian staff in Leicester, they were always bringing things in for us to try, but they were always too hot for me, even when they thought they were mild!! lol


Jane Report 20 Jun 2010 13:08

Ann originally there were 13 chimneys on each of the towers and each one had a different pattern.
This retirement sounds a dangerous thing lol all these injuries.He will be like the walking wounded soon.
OH went to the Co-op this morning .It is being taken over by Asd* everything in the garden shop was half price.Lots of new pots have come home and a new Herb container for me that should have been £54.Bargain !!!! I might have a look tomorrow if there is anything left.Fitz's wife went yesterday and had to wait half an hour for a trolley!!
The Red Kite flew overhead earlier about 20ft above me.I missed getting a pic ,but it came back a little later and OH has got some snaps.A shame it was much higher then.What a HUGE bird.


Jane Report 20 Jun 2010 13:16

2 walking wounded then Ann.I do hope that back of yours eases up soon.I was told to take the Ibuprofen for 10 days regularly when I had that sciatica with paracetamol .


Jane Report 20 Jun 2010 14:01

Can't go back today Mandy I have had a couple of glasses of wine lol.To be honest I don't think we really need anything else.
OH had so many Fish and Chip dinners when we were away he will look like them soon.I think I need to just feed on fresh air for a few days,we aren't used to eating meals out for a whole week!!!!My waistline has expanded big time I feel.Saying that I have roast potatoes in the oven right now lolol.
Chester is so quiet ,he is knackered .He will be back to his normal self tomorrow I think.
£61 sounds really good for 4 of you.
It feels really quite warm here now .The sun has been shining a fair bit.


Annx Report 20 Jun 2010 17:22

Every one of your meals sounded very nice Mandy. I might get some of that cream to try tomorrow .......the hot water bottle I had on it last night made me boiling hot. lol I must keep up the tablets for a while then Jane. This morning I was beginning to think I wouldn't even be able to get to the car, let alone the doctor's!! Glad it has eased a bit.

Jane, a bit of what you fancy is good when you're on holiday isn't it!! FISH and CHIPS I mean. lol I find the fresh air gives you an appetite anyway. You got home just in time for those fantastic bargains didn't you!

Mel, how big will your big pond be?? That digger is being kept very busy!


Jane Report 20 Jun 2010 17:47

A bit of what you fancy ??Yes Ann you are right lolol


Jane Report 20 Jun 2010 18:48

I think my job tomorrow is dealing with some weeds!!!!!!!!!!.The Runners and dwarf beans don't look as though they have grown since we have been away.


Frank Report 20 Jun 2010 18:51

Don't you start getting smutty now you are home Jane, It's been all clean and tidy while you have been away,

Just back from Rutland, had a smashing lunch out, then they took us to this wonderful garden centre, I had to go and sit down, everywhere was on the slope,and was tiring for my legs. We got home and had tea and cakes in the garden. The girls put in a load of plants that DIL bought.

Photo's look good Jane, where exactly were you staying.

I am starting to look for somewhere ,for a weekend away in September when Ros gets to 65. I didn't tell you that, she has been going backwards with age for some time now 50/49/48/ etc. She would kill me if she knew I told anybody.


David Report 20 Jun 2010 18:55

They probably would benifi from a drink J
I quite fancy a pint myself.

Thank you for the photos. That bird looked quite tame


Jane Report 20 Jun 2010 19:48

I'm never smutty Frank .Only when I clear the fire out lol.
I stayed right out in the middle of bloo** nowhere lol.It was a place called Letheringham,about a dozen houses!!.It was 2 miles from Wickham Market and about 7 miles from Woodbridge.

All the Birds were tame David .I think they are so used to being fed by the people who live in the cottages along the river.

Frank how far away do you want to go in September?How about Stratford? thats not too far.We stayed in a lovely Hotel there right in the town .I can't think of the name right now but will ask OH.
My lips are sealed!
Mandy I love the way children say things.I always remember my sister called me Drain as she couldn't say Jane.


Jane Report 20 Jun 2010 20:31

Frank ,the Hotel in Stratford was "the Shakespeare ".We have stayed there twice.


Fiona Report 20 Jun 2010 20:59

Evening all
Another lovely sunny weekend, just got in from the garden suns gone from the back and there's a chilly wind sprung up, so we have spent the last 1/2hour bringing in the chairs and table as we had our evening meal outside.
Poor daughter no 2 is choked with hay fever her eyes are red and streaming and stinging , going to see the DR tomorrow to see if he can give her something stronger than the hay fever tabs she got from the chemist.
Thanks for the photo's Jane , the little cottage looks lovely and I bet it was great to see the birds so close up, we have a Herring Gull that sits on our chimney every evening and squawks at all the other birds that fly by. also makes a right mess doing you no what down the chimney pot, It's always our house he comes to never sits on any other one in the street,

Daughter no 1 phoned to say Happy Fathers Day to OH and was full of the news that Sofia has finely cut her first tooth. thank goodness I think daughter thought that Sofia would end up with a false set of teeth as she seems to have been biting and dribbling for months.

I have finely decided to make a hair appointment for my colour and a cut so I'm off tomorrow at 1.30. will have to tell the girl just to wash my hair but don't massage my head.
well I think I better pack in now and go and put the fan on in my bedroom going to be another uncomfortable warm night.
night night all XXXXXX


Jane Report 20 Jun 2010 21:11

It's really nice to have you back Fiona.You will feel a new woman after you have had your hair done.I hope your daughter can get some relief from the hayfever.My daughter used to suffer terribly but seems to have grown out of it ,although she still gets a bunged up nose .Her eyes used to be the worst .
First tooth ! the rest will follow now lol Bless.More chewing and dribbling .