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What kind of things do you remember from Childhood

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David Report 20 Jun 2010 21:33

I recall on the bus to school doing my younger brother Ralph's homework.
He used to get good marks. It was easy for me as I'm 3 years older than him.


Jane Report 20 Jun 2010 21:43

I used to do my homework on the school bus David.Not easy going over all the bumps lol.Also sat at at the back of the bus having a sneaky puff on a No 6 ciggie !!.Then having a wriggly chewing gum to freshen the breath.

I'm off to bed now so Night Night everyone xx


David Report 20 Jun 2010 21:48

No6 ? So you had 5 cigs before that one?


David Report 20 Jun 2010 21:50

I used to buy cigarettes with the money I earned delivering papers.

If I hadn't bothered I might be 6 inches taller with a healthier pair o lungs

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 20 Jun 2010 21:58

Hi Have been busy again all day.

The first pond!!!!! is going to be a sort of D shape but coming to a point at one end where you enter the grassed area. OH is going to put decking outside our lounge patio doors as we have two steps down there and they are so shallow mum can't use them.

I have been trying to pot up pond plants and plants taken up from round our old pond which OH took out today. We only had one goldfish left and thats in a water tank outside the lounge doors on the lower patio. I shall have to go and buy it a mate as I don't like it being on it's own.

Going to shut the chickens in now and go and have a shower.

Night Mel


Jane Report 21 Jun 2010 09:11

Morning Everyone,and what a morning it is .It is Summer!!.I have just got back from the walk and am going to have to change into another top as I'm so hot.
Just going to visit the Co-op to see if there is anything else worth getting at the garden place.I will have a look in the shop and see what is going there too while I'm at it.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 21 Jun 2010 09:18

Morning Jane and all,

Yes it certainly is summer now!!!! Another bright and sunny day. I have been giving OH a tow with the mower to get the dumper going! Trouble is it has no brakes!!

The chap we have borrowed it from parks it on a hill and bump starts it. OH shall have to do that and will have to find something to put under the wheel.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 21 Jun 2010 11:09

I was'nt driving the dumper I was driving the turf track mower towing the dumper with no brakes. I have just had to do it again!!!

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 21 Jun 2010 11:11

Mandy I am sure she will love the bubble blower. I always loved having bubbles to blow!! Any chance to buy some for someone and I do it as still love to blow bubbles even at my age. I bought mum some the other year cos she likes them too.

We had a dog that used to like to try and catch bubbles.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 21 Jun 2010 11:12

Do any of you remember the boxes that tomatoes used to come in. Little wooden ones made of slats of wood. Bigger at the top than the bottom?


Annx Report 21 Jun 2010 12:08

Morning All,

Glorious sun again. Jane, I would have had to go back and have another look in case they reduced prices even more!! I love a bargain!!

Mandy, the funniest thing with bubbles I saw was at Twycross zoo. Someone was blowing them and one of the little chimps was so excited he was bouncing up and down on the spot and spinning around. lol

Mel, you have some serious machinery to use!! Yes I would get the little goldfish some friends too. I want to still have a small pond near the house so the Heron won't come near.....I hope. This time it will have a hedgehog ladder!!

I remember my first pet rabbit had a hutch made from an orange box. They already had a partition in so you just had to cut a hole in it. Dad made a door for one side and a door with netting on for the other, then put roofing felt over it. Very cosy, but a bit small, but the rabbit was let out in the garden most days. In the city near a main road there weren't even any cats about.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 21 Jun 2010 12:24

My first rabbit Pepi, was a white dutch. He used to be let out in the garden and our cat and he would run around with each other and the cat would jump over the rabbit. Then Pepi would jump up in the air and sort of twist at the same time. They were really funny to watch. I also had a guinea pig called Jenny and she was ginger and white. Nan took her over and Jenny lived in our front room with nan in a draw on a metal tray with a fire gusrd in front. Nan also had a run in the garden for Jenny and she used to sit on nan's lap wrapped in an old towel and watch the telly with her! Nan would also buy her cucumbers to eat while watching the telly.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 21 Jun 2010 12:25

Going to do lunch now and then go shopping. Hatefull day.


CDU Report 21 Jun 2010 13:10

Hi Do any of you remember, Old dog tom?
If you do,you must be getting on like me.



Annx Report 21 Jun 2010 13:19

No Amos........tell us more!! I remember Bengo the boxer puppy...

My bunny was a black and white dutch called Bobby......turned out to be a girl!! I used to put little jumps along the edge of the garden on the lawn and she would charge down them doing the same twisty jumps in the air. I had a guinea pig too called ginger....he was flecked with black. I think one of the nicest sounds is the noise guinea pigs make. It always sounds happy. I can just imagine your nan with her lap full Mel.


Jane Report 21 Jun 2010 14:42

Our Rabbit was white and was called Tufty I think .But it could have been Snowy lol.Must ask sister.It dug lots of tunnels under the back lawn and sometimes the lawn would cave in.Dad was not amused.
Ann I bought an Olive Tree ,a Large garden pot,some new herbs as some of mine look a bit ropey.2 pots for Orchids and one of those things that you kneel on to weed and plant and then turn it over and it's a seat.I had to queue for an hour nearly to be served!!!!!!.Everything half price still.
I really should be ironing but I can't face it so have been deadheading some Roses and doing a bit of weeding.
I'm just going to have a nice cuppa.


Jane Report 21 Jun 2010 14:44

Sorry I forgot to say Hi Amos.I don't remember Old Dog Tom.I'm just a youngster lol


Jane Report 21 Jun 2010 16:12

I have a pot of Basil growing on my kitchen window sill.It is now flowering and I don't know whether to cut them off.The leaves are beginning to look a bit weak and pale.If I take the flowers off will it make the plant stronger?Any help welcome.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 21 Jun 2010 18:32

It may do Jane but make sure you cut bellow the flower spike and give it a feed and leave it for a while before picking more off it. I bought a nice red basil the other day.

I have bought another delphinium white, a small pink scabious and a pair of strong leather gardening gloves for £9 in Morr**ons today. The gloves are for our cleaner as it's her birthday on Wednesday and I have a kitchen clock for her also with chickens on it.


Jane Report 21 Jun 2010 18:54

Where is our Frank today?I hope he hasn't been getting himself into trouble lol