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LaGooner Report 7 Nov 2010 23:40

LOL DET. I leave those details to my OH I don't know one end of the car from the other LOL


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 7 Nov 2010 23:41

I don't either! I just follow instructions when it suits me - lol


LaGooner Report 7 Nov 2010 23:47

I'm just following instructions now to get my butt up to bed LOL. nite nite see you tomorrow I hope x


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 7 Nov 2010 23:47

Night then. Careful how you go - lol.


Mazfromnorf Report 8 Nov 2010 06:15

Morning all
well here we go another week my two earn far more that I do so we will see how they manifest this year it is truly time to wake the young ones up to life
I am doing two shifts today so that will help a litlle
it is cold though but dry so it will be a bonus getting around


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 8 Nov 2010 08:40

Morning All - Send down the Arsenal Ark Royal...glug....glug...glug!

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 8 Nov 2010 10:26

Pleased to hear the cat turned up YG. We used to have one that disappeared the day before bonfire night and came back the day after, we never did find out where he went.

DET, it's going to cost you quite a bit in petrol if you have to keep driving around to charge the battery up.

Maz, do the people with Direct Payments pay you more than the agencies do?

LG, I remember when my mam said she couldn't do Christmas any more because it was too much for her. My sister and I took turns doing it and having them over for the day but it was never the same dinner was never as nice as my mam's was.


LaGooner Report 8 Nov 2010 11:50

Morning all, Pauline my lot are good cooks so no excuse there LOL.

How's the car DET ? Just launched the Arsenal Ark Royal as it is horrible today cold,wet and very windy Hmmmm. Sound like a description of someone I know LOL


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 8 Nov 2010 14:57

Afternoon everyone. Been doing the dreaded HW as I'm working 2 sessions tomorrow. OH wanted to know if HM QEII was coming - cheek!

He said he has already checked the battery while the engine was running and read something like 14 something or others. He has decided we need to use it a bit more ie leave it at the end of the drive, so who ever goes out takes that one.

Not sure who's doing what/where at Christmas. PC is hoping for an early shift so she is home by 1530 and we'll have a v late lunch/tea. BM is coming home and wants us all to go to a rugby match on Boxing Day. Not sure about Eldest...its a little too early so say. But I wouldn't be suprised if they came to us as the in laws went out to them for the last 2 years. Then we have to arrange for my In laws to come over for a day.


YG Report 8 Nov 2010 17:19

Oooh QE11. One of the girls I work with went on the maiden voyage, lucky so and so!! And it's not the first one she's been on! Must have too much money, that's all I can say! She said it was magnificent and they met up with people that had been on other maiden voyages. Lulu was on the ship and I've forgotten who else lol!!

We tried a cruise once, back in 1969, and I felt seasick before we got out of Southampton water!! Don't know whether it was because I was in the early stages of pregnancy and didn't know at the time, but didn't have any morning sickness once my feet were back on terrafirma!


LaGooner Report 8 Nov 2010 17:36

LOL DET. Maybe Killer Queen not her Maj. Where's me broomstick.Maybe a bit cold for flying tonight will have icicles on me bristles !!!!

No good me on a cruise I get sick on a pedalo on a boating lake LOL


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 8 Nov 2010 17:45

Well, I can (almost) trump YG there! BC (before children) I used to work in their London Sales Office...and got heavily discounted rates. Didn't fancy a cruise, but did do a round trip T/A to NY First Class with OH, and worked one way trying to flog Round the World cruises. Don't think I was particuarly successful in getting anyone to commit, but had a whale of a time 'behind the scenes'. Occassionally I went down to SOU to help with embarkation, and very nearly got left on board once when she was about to sail. Our manager had to come off on the Pilot Boat - lol

I'm not too good on the x channel ferries, but it was so big, it only effected me if there was a gale.


YG Report 8 Nov 2010 17:58

The thought of your bristles with icicles on has left me howling LG!!


LaGooner Report 8 Nov 2010 18:11

LOL Yg I am pleased it gave you a laugh but the icicles are starting to melt and I am getting a bit wet !!

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 8 Nov 2010 19:13

Oh, better not fly up this way LG because you'll get knocked off the broomstick by the huge hailstones that are bouncing off the ground.


LaGooner Report 8 Nov 2010 19:29

HI Pauline, The wind is so strong here it will probably blow me ooop norf in a flash LOL


Mazfromnorf Report 8 Nov 2010 19:51

evening all hope we are not too cold there is snow in the air here tonight


RockyMountainShy Report 8 Nov 2010 19:54

SNOW !!!!!
So that's where it is. Well, ENJOY


Mazfromnorf Report 8 Nov 2010 19:58

lol you can have it the A66 has 5 inches that is high level though


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 8 Nov 2010 20:13

All the same, 5 inches is a lot at this time of year! sometimes we have snow about 3rd week in Nov, but not the 2nd!

Haven't you got any yet then RMS? Don't wish for it too soon - too warm for snow will keep your heating bills down (for a bit) lol