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Mazfromnorf Report 5 Nov 2010 05:40

morning Moonlight flits are a common thing around here to dodge rent and debt etc
i have hardly slept but feel better am fighting back I read some stuff on here lastnight so think i do have enough ammo with help and support of a proffessional as long as it is not a drawn out affair and have to wait months for money


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 5 Nov 2010 08:32

Morning - up early today as OH decided that as HE had to get up, so should I. Not a happy bunny!

Hope the meeting goes well today. Please let us know, even if it's off board. We're all worried about and for you. You may possibly be able to get an emergency loan from Social Services, but your Advisor will probably be able to steer you through that mindfield. I wonder if the tax office saw the new income and assumed it was a full time job?

BT Engineer coming this morning, hence OH getting up for a change. Internet has been fine since a hiccup last weekend, but sods law if we cancelled the appointment, it would go down again.


LaGooner Report 5 Nov 2010 09:15

Morning all, just looking in on a dismal rainy day before starting yet more dreaded H*******k !

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 5 Nov 2010 15:28

It hasn't been a bad day here today, getting really dark already now though.

Have you got it sorted now DET, did the engineer find anything?


Mazfromnorf Report 5 Nov 2010 15:37

hi there well my case worker has all my evidence ,The problem is i went back to work on reduced hours when my hipe were replaced as in one job part time hours with an element of disability in my tax credit award which they now say because i do not have any other disability benefit i am not entitled to it now so it was axed yesterday so the long and short of it is .I am only on 16 hours a week and no longer on taxcredits until the appeal goes through also i am getting help to apply for DLA but it will all take time no quick fix through a winter on nothing unless i can get extra hours on my relief iJob the sums dont add up and we will end up in the smelly .


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 5 Nov 2010 15:52

Engineer has been and gone and found nothing wrong. Internet has been absolutley fine since Monday, but we were told not to cancel the appointment. Sod's law really.
Tried to move my car and the brand new battery is FLAT! Grr. OH says something must be draining it and its unlikley that a garage could find it. Comment's LG??

Oh Maz, what are we going to do with you. You'd have thought it would be cheaper in the long run for them to give you the credits, than be responsible to house you. Hope the DLA doesn't take too long to come through and your creditors will be understanding. Still, there is always the Newcastle Meet tomorrow - it would give you a lift if you can still make it.


Mazfromnorf Report 5 Nov 2010 15:59

I am not going I cant justify it right now we are OK mum has helped me so we will have to be frugal .I am registered disabled its what i dont get that is the problem
they are going to get help with the paper work so we have a good case but it could take a while

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 5 Nov 2010 16:14

I'm not sure I understand what they're saying Maz. You're registered disabled but because you don't claim DLA, you can't have tax credit, so now you have to claim DLA and then they'll give you your tax credit back, is that what they're saying?

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 5 Nov 2010 16:19

DET, I hope it doesn't go off again now.

Hope LG's hubby can help with the battery problem.


LaGooner Report 5 Nov 2010 21:05

DET I am emailing you about car.

Evening all, oh Maz sound like a right B***s up !


Mazfromnorf Report 6 Nov 2010 06:16

morning all yes it a bs ups and it is not getting any better LG ,I have had no sleep worrying what to do but I am going to phone around and see if i can get another job to boost the hours .today i am looking at the finances and cutting the bits that will stop bank charges which i have not got luckily .
Pauline I am disabled because of my chronic condition and hip replacements .and yes as i dont get DLA i cant have the tax credits any more so I either have to get a 30 hour working week with another job .That is their point it has gone to welfare rights and an appeal by my case worker
I was going today but am going to sort the freezer apply for council tax benefit and shop also job search on here


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 6 Nov 2010 09:15

Morning everyone. Comp crashed last night and I couldn't be bothered to re-boot.

Maz - Try and have a nap this afternoon - you don't want to go off sick on top of everything else. I had thought of council tax benefit, but decided to stay schtum as you are in capable hands with the official Advisor. They will probably take A's salary into consideration as he is an adult. Something on the BBC news about DLA at the moment. I know OH went off on one when I told him, but the wheels of beaurocracy can grind exceedingly slowly.

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 6 Nov 2010 09:34

Maz, I hope it gets sorted as soon as possible, it might not take that long for DLA to come through. Have you filled all the forms in to claim for it?


Mazfromnorf Report 6 Nov 2010 09:56

council tax is done we will be 50% reduced with As wage included i did thta off my own head i am thinking tht aif i lose all status of disability i have to go it alone so am being resourceful
Froggy is taking me to the fireworks in seaton carew later on so that will be a break
My DLA pack is being applied for through welfare rights .Pain, Heating and shoes are the angle we are going for as i go through shoes in three months ,and the heating needs to be on to keep warm more ,and all the painkillers .I have arm supports and orthotic arches too .
I am preparing for the worst and anything else is a bonus ,A is suddenly beginning to realise the impact of it all


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 6 Nov 2010 20:28

Hope you are enjoying/have enjoyed the fireworks Maz......but where is everyone else?


YG Report 6 Nov 2010 20:30

I'm here!!


LaGooner Report 6 Nov 2010 20:53

So am I !!!! at last LOL


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 6 Nov 2010 20:54

Well, where have you been then?? Anyway, if OH finds a decent prog in a mo, I might be off myself - so there! lol

edit - just realised 'Pillars of the Earth' is on. I'm off - catch you after it, perhaps.


LaGooner Report 6 Nov 2010 21:02

Read my email DET. May help you regards Car.


YG Report 6 Nov 2010 21:07

I went to see my eldest gd last night as it was her twelth birthday on Thursday. She had a bowling party on Thursday night with her friends so couldn't visit on the day.

Evening LG!!