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Mazfromnorf Report 4 Nov 2010 06:27

Morning all well its wet and yucky again here the fireworks are getting louder I am sure of it and larger , but although i like them they are so expensive


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 4 Nov 2010 11:04

Morning all - overslept, even by my standards! You can keep your rain oop norf!

So did the Brownies come and sort out YG's dietary needs? Perhaps you can cook 2, freeze one...that might help. Sometimes its too much of a palaver to cook for one. When OH and offpring were away, I used to have the most peculiar evening meals - lol

How was the football match LG - were you overcome with joy, or take yourself off to bed in disgust?

Shopping day today. Deep joy.

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 4 Nov 2010 11:44

A flying visit from me today, just got back on the Internet and now I've got to rush out. Catch you later.


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 4 Nov 2010 11:49

Halloo Pauline.......Goodbye Pauline....have a good day!


LaGooner Report 4 Nov 2010 14:28

Hi all, Disgusted DET !! They deserved to lose awful play. Never mind I still luv 'em LOL


Mazfromnorf Report 4 Nov 2010 17:03

hi am just looking in am trying to appeal against the tax credits they have stopped them so i will have to get a full time job somewhere doctor says I am not fit to do full time work .I was supposed to be working today but have had to sort it all out


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 4 Nov 2010 17:33

Oh Bum! So sorry to hear that Maz. Its always the law abiding people they go after first as they seem to be easy targets. Hope things work out for you.

I know nothing on how the system works, but I suppose the CAB would be a good first point of call?


Mazfromnorf Report 4 Nov 2010 17:53

I am with an agency as i am disabled and registered with a pink card so my worker is coming out tomorrow to see what we can do .they are going to do a benefit check then at the same time the doctor is backing me and they are going to send the evidence in with a backing letter its half my income gone I have borrowed from mum so that will help and Andrew is helping as well .
also my new job is going to give me some hours if i could get enough they will have to give me it back any way


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 4 Nov 2010 18:01

Glad you have some knowledgeable advice to help you through the mindfield. From what I've read on here, its best to put the worse case scenario on your disabilty, rather than what you can do on a good day.

Fingers crossed...things can only get better.


YG Report 4 Nov 2010 18:20

What a bum*** Maz!

I understand where they are coming from in respect of those who are fiddling the system, but the honest people always suffer as well. It just is not right and I wish they were sufffering the same circumstances.

Ooooh LG, Brian May is on our local news. Eat your heart out!!


Mazfromnorf Report 4 Nov 2010 18:56

it is a bit i am so down and worried my son is annoyed though supportive

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 4 Nov 2010 19:18

Isn't that typical? It's always the genuine cases they hit on first. They know the people who play the system can run rings round them, so they pick on the ones they think they can bully.

I hope you get it back as soon as possible Maz.


Mazfromnorf Report 4 Nov 2010 19:23

Thanks have just had a laugh in a lighter moment Gizmo my cat has left me the grottiest smelliest teddybear on my bed so had to pull the lot off and change it lol

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 4 Nov 2010 19:31

LOL Maz, at least it wasn't a live mouse, a teddybear is easier to throw out.


Mazfromnorf Report 4 Nov 2010 19:32

lol it was the smell

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 4 Nov 2010 19:33



Mazfromnorf Report 4 Nov 2010 19:39

the neighbours have done a moonlight flit and have left all sorts of rubbish outside i think that is where its come from


YG Report 4 Nov 2010 21:28

Right, that's it. I'm nicking the throne room again.

Feet up on the clean cushions, nice warm drink and zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Nite nite everyone. Don't make too much noise!!


LaGooner Report 4 Nov 2010 22:10

Move over YG I need the comfy seat I have had the littlies all day they have run me ragged LOL
nite nite x


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 4 Nov 2010 23:18

CRASH!! Ooops, the door slipped out of my hand. Sorry about that. Hope the slumbering personages weren't disturbed.

A moon light flit? Do things like that still happen? I know one of Mother in Law's Uncles had that reputation, but..... . Mind you, our ex neighbours did something similar, although it was 'legal'. They departed to Spain, without officially telling the neighbours as it were, and left piles of 'rubbish' out for the dustman. Another person and I ended up sorting it for recycling, and rescued various items for a charity shop as well as a book owned by a teacher at 'my' school.