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+++DetEcTive+++ Report 31 Oct 2010 11:08

>>>>>>>.runs on to thread, panting>>>>>>

What have I missed? What have I missed? Is there a wedding in the air???? Quick, need to see if the 'posh frock' still fits!

Morning everyone, sorry I'm late - overslept then forgot the clocks had changed - doh!

Welcome back Maz - we really did miss your early morning visits. Glad that Frog was accepted, and that you seem to have had a good time despite the unfortunate circumstances with the Uncle(s). I've put a note and link on the Nutters thread as someone was researching Gallops in the Hastings area - if the thread is still on the boards, there might be something useful there.

YG - tell your bully of an Ex to get &%(*. I doubt if he has a leg to stand on especially as he can't drive/hasn't contributed to the upkeep of the car. Have a word with CAB to put your mind at reast. Its probably all bluster and no trousers.

RMS - you'll have to do better than that, LOL. Have you looked down the back of the sofa???At least there shouldn't be problems with presents for a few years - ask for the cash! Some loyalty cards here give out air miles for points - thought of collecting those??

Have a good outing LG - if you're in the car, OH won't get wet. At least it is supposed to be dry tomorrow, thank goodness.


Mazfromnorf Report 31 Oct 2010 12:37

dont panic
I am not going to get to gretna today its pouring ere !!
YG tell him where to go he is a@@@@@ its ok for you to run around after him though .my ex gets funny at times too its power they like to be in control
RMS we will all be here lol we are waiting for aunty too


YG Report 31 Oct 2010 12:41

Morning everyone.

RMS, I hope I'm still around in ten years, not so sure about twenty!!

DET, hope that frock still fits otherwise OH will have to put his hand in his pocket!! You can't let the side down!

Fine here but cloudy. Put some washing out but don't somehow think it will dry. There's not a breath of wind.

MAZ, you didn't have to send the gremlin down here!! Got a leak under the sink from the washer pipe, so need a plumber!! Waiting for son to phone with someone's number who will, hopefully, be a lot cheaper than the one that did the original plumbing! If it wasn't for the fact that my son's plumber is retired, I could have been looking to see if he was eye candy!!

Got some ironing to do so am off for a while, but will be back later!

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 31 Oct 2010 13:58

Good to see you back Maz, it's been strange without your morning call. Sounds like the family approve of frog, best get the bridesmaid dress dusted down.

YG, I don't think you'll have anything to worry about, doesn't sound as if he's got a leg to stand on. He's just trying to frighten you into giving him lifts.


YG Report 31 Oct 2010 15:04

We need to match, Pauline. Don't want to clash with anyone, do we!! And we have to wait for Aunty to return in her hobnail boots, otherwise it just wouldn't be the same!


LaGooner Report 31 Oct 2010 15:05

Afternoon all, back in the warm and dry thank goodness it's 'orrible out there ! LOL. Been and done a bit more of the unmentionable shopping, Sorry YG x but it has to be done. Hopefully the weather will improve tomorrow or DET and I will be soggy LOL


LaGooner Report 31 Oct 2010 15:06

HI YG. You appeared while I was typing LOL. Have resent the email so hopefully you will receive it.


LaGooner Report 31 Oct 2010 15:23

Looks like we will need wellies,coats and brolies tomorrow DET. I have just looked up the weather forcast for London tomorrow YUK !!!!


Mazfromnorf Report 31 Oct 2010 16:23

the Ark may be more appropriate lol I have finished the ironing ,washing is upto date cleaned and done the admin now finding some roots for some rellies


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 31 Oct 2010 16:46

Is it going to be wet? Oh dear, this morning they said it would be dry. That means brollies at noon - lol

You don't say you gave in to A and did his ironing, did you Maz? Tut, and all that nagging you got from me totally ignored.

Back to sorting out quivering leaves!


LaGooner Report 31 Oct 2010 17:37

It is indeed DET .


Mazfromnorf Report 31 Oct 2010 17:49

DET it is for a quiet life i crave and a chair to sit on it was up the back of an armchair ,
i did not ignore you i cant just leave it he has fixed the washer while i was away


YG Report 31 Oct 2010 22:38

I've swept the spiders under the door and settled down for the night.

Am really comfy with a cup of hot choccie.



LaGooner Report 31 Oct 2010 23:32

GOODNIGHT YG.. Oops I have probably woke you up, Sorry x

I'm off too now got to get some beauty sleep in prep for tomorrow. See you tomorrow DET if you look in .


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 31 Oct 2010 23:32

whispers.....night YG. Mind the bed bugs don't bite. This time change has got to me as well and we've got to get up early (for us) in the morning.

A quick wander, then I'm off as well. - night all


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 31 Oct 2010 23:33

Snap LG - maps all printed off as I've no idea where we're going! Might catch you in the morning, if not, then later as arranged. Getting all excited now!


Mazfromnorf Report 1 Nov 2010 06:39

Morning all well here we are back to the arctic at work am considering my options with this situation .I cant do many more weeks it affects my health
better news is that i am shaddowing workers now so will be on later today cos i am shopping tonite too


LaGooner Report 1 Nov 2010 07:25

Morning all, just rushing off to the shower but looking in quick. Det if you are about I have also printed off the voucher I mentioned. See you later as planned X

To all others,have a good day and watch out for the headlines we may be famous !!!!!! LOL.
Catch you later x


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 1 Nov 2010 08:01

Morning all - showering in 30 mins, so we will both be fragrant! Forecast is grey rather than raining, so will leave the brollie behind and chance it. A bit of wet won't hurt!

Good luck at work Maz - maybe she has turned over a new leaf, or perhaps your supervisor can arrange mediation? Not sure if that is the right word - get together and explain to each other the percieved problems. If she knew that you were hoping to leave, she might ease up...not that you should tell her just yet!


LaGooner Report 1 Nov 2010 09:00

I am now fragrant and nice to know LOL. See you later x