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What kind of things do you remember from Childhood

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Tracey Report 29 Jun 2010 19:37

Your all at it again---making my mouth water--Love a good rice pud
great with whipped cream on----

At Gdaughter's Grad yesterday she's 14----and as you know I have a
broad mined (((and -rump) but a couple of the dresses- without a lie
I have a broader belt---was so tight fitting short up to her TOOSH-

Maureen my thoughts are with you & family at this time
Sent on the wings of a Dove
shirl xxx


Jane Report 29 Jun 2010 19:39

I won't tell what he said!!!!.Then he tells me he doesn't like rice pudding.I said well you will tonight lol. It does look gross and has the consistency of very thick porridge when it has gone cold.

Oh Maureen(new Maureen),,is that the Lemonade people?

Mandy ,My Mum made Junket when anyone was ill.My sister loved it .I hated it.I wonder what the verdict will be on the rice pudding???? I have a feeling I won't be doing it again lol
I feel totally wiped out tonight,the heat has got to me now.It makes me a bit grumpy ,so no-one had better cross me tonight .I hope Frank is listening!!!!


Tracey Report 29 Jun 2010 20:00

Jane if rice it that thich--SLICE -IT PUT BERRYS AND ICE CREAM ON TOP-- TELL OH IT NEW DESSERT----((( You can try ) may just work xxxx


Fiona Report 29 Jun 2010 20:14

Evening all
just been reading all your posts , firstly sorry to read the sad news about Maureen's mum. God Bless you and your family Maureen X XX , your in our thoughts and prayers. love Fiona.

I Managed to sit all the way through Sunday church service with no problems on Sunday morning so I am very happy things are hopefully getting back to normal still not tempted to read a book yet or stay on the computer for too long but I'll get there.

Daughter no 1 & Sofia are back with us , Sofia keeping us up in the middle of the night as usual, so going to bed for frequent lie downs when I get the chance, Weather is still lovely here we have had the odd shower now and again but still feeling very warm, thanks for the pics of the dog Jane is that your daughter Hannah.?

It's a suunny evening and the washings still out on the line , I better not forget to bring it in , I'm off down stairs daughter no 2 is shouting that she is off home now and can't find the bag of clean washing I did for her. tut tut. Sofia is a sleep and we don't want her woken up, better go and sort daughter out


MillymollyAmanda Report 29 Jun 2010 20:25

Oh dear one upset Jane ,you might get the rice pudding thrown at you !!! LOL

My sister had an argument with her hubby years ago and she threw the rice pudding at him !! it stuck to the wall and was there for a few days as neither of them would back down and clear it up !!

Another early night for us ,we have a lot of walking to do tomorrow at the show ,and i'am always a bit worried incase one of the little ones get lost ,you only have to turn your back and they can wander off ,Chelsea wears one of those wrist straps ,i hate it as it looks like you've got your child on a lead ,but at least it keeps her safe.


Frank Report 29 Jun 2010 20:29

I wouldn't dream of crossing you Jane, I know better, you would be over here and beat me up.!!!!

I have been a big KID again tonight. was watering the back garden, and could hear the children playing next door in the pool, so I squirted the hose over the fence, they screamed with laughter, and got their water guns out, and we had a water fight, but of course I had the benifit of the water pressure and the high jet on the hose setting. I WON.
I did it last night too.

You must remember the advert for R whites Lemonade. I'm the secret lemonsde drinker. The chap going to the fridge in the middle of the night.

We had dinner about I didn't make a rice pudding after all, strawberries and cream instead. But will do one another day.

What a lovery surprise today. OUR SHIRL. came on SKYPE we had quite a good chat. 4.30pm here 11.30am over there. Her voice was as though she was sitting in the chair beside me. She's having a lot of rain at present. She has been in Canada over 50 years and still got her Scottish accent. !!!! Will speak again soon.

Anyone else on SKYPE. we could all chat to each other. It's no big deal to set it up. and no cost of calls. GREAT.


Tracey Report 29 Jun 2010 20:37

Ann not his daughter she's MELISSA VENEMA NOT--REIU

But she' is for his home town Masstriecht holland


Frank Report 29 Jun 2010 20:38

Fiona, nice to see you back, even if only for a few minutes. Keep improving my love, the children will see to that, will run you ragged !!!!

Have a good day tomorrow Mandy, Don't over do it, or you will suffer, you have to be careful at your age !!!!


MillymollyAmanda Report 29 Jun 2010 20:40

Ann, sounds like Prickly heat rash ? i get it some times when we've been in the heat abroad .

Another dessert i like is like a milk jelly, you put the tin of Evaperated milk in the fridge to really chill,then you make a jelly with 1/4 pt water
whisk the milk untill really thick ,then gradually add the jelly ,you end up with milk jelly at the bottom and mousse on the top.


MillymollyAmanda Report 29 Jun 2010 20:46

Frank !!! you cheeky thing my age indeed LOL

55's not old is it ??


Jane Report 29 Jun 2010 20:50

We used to be on skype when friends in Tokyo but we had problems with reception or something so havent used it since.Frank just pick up the phone anytime and we can have a natter.You have my number but I don't have yours.
We haven't eaten yet ...sausages ,burgers ,and roasted mediterranean (sp) tart.NO-ONE FANCIES THE RICE PUDDING .How dare they lol.I will be eating it for a week.
I can just picture you Frank with your hose out ( in the nicest possible way) I'm not being rude here.
Ann have you any Calamine Lotion for OH's itchy spots ???
Fiona yes it is Hannah in the photo.
I can't see us eating for ages yet.No-one is ready or feels like it.Chris said I could fill the gaps up in the paving stones on the patio with the Rice pudding.


Frank Report 29 Jun 2010 20:59

Oh, Poor old Jane, everybody getting on to here about her Rice pudding. !!! Feed it to the birds, they will love it, they won't be able to fly for a week though !!!!!

Sorry Mandy, There's me thinking you were more Janes age. 64.????? Now I am in trouble. But who cares, you are only here once, so enjoy life. I'm in a silly mood this evening, must be the weather.


David Report 29 Jun 2010 21:02

My deepest sympathy to Maureen


MillymollyAmanda Report 29 Jun 2010 21:04

Cor .....You've done it now Frank ,you'll be getting the rice pudding in the post !!! LOL


Annx Report 29 Jun 2010 21:27

Mandy, now you're talking about one of my favourites.......evap milk jelly. lol I used to make them a lot in the 70s......especially the lime jelly one!! I love the way it separates from the mousse bit when it sets.

Yes I have some calamine lotion it when I had shingles....he can put some on tonight, correction, it will be me that has to put it on!! Like little boys aren't they.....

Jane!! I hope you clipped his ear!! Can you thin the pudding down with some cream.............?


MillymollyAmanda Report 29 Jun 2010 21:35

Well i'am off for a shower and then an early night.

Probably won't be on tomorrow ,see you Thursday

Night Night all xx


Annx Report 29 Jun 2010 21:37

Oh......and I thought she even looked like him Shirl............a beautiful player though.

Hope you have a nice time tomorrow Mandy. I enjoy tramping round things like that.......find your comfiest shoes!

We are going out tomorrow to a garden centre near Nottingham I've not seen before. Then on to some lake thing that is a bird reserve....not been there either. Off to bed now.....should sleep better tonight now I'm not thinking about the dentist!!


Jane Report 29 Jun 2010 21:56

It went down like a lead balloon lol.I think the rest of the pud will be going in the bin.It did weigh a ton .
Shirl What have I missed??? Haven't seen any pictures.
Not talking to you Frank .Me 64 how very dare you .I am almost 56 ,a spring chicken.You might have a package in the fabulous rice pudding.I won't put it down the sink as it may block the drain.
I think I am ready for bed now so will say night night xx


Frank Report 29 Jun 2010 22:54

Good night all.


Jane Report 30 Jun 2010 09:35

Morning All,
I hope Mandy has a great day out,and finds a little shade .It's another hot hot one.
I have just taken a pic of the dreaded rice pudding,you will see what I mean lol.
Window cleaner has been and gone and at 11 the man is coming to service the burglar alarm,so I better dust off the sensors,which have probably got cobwebs lol.