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What kind of things do you remember from Childhood

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Jane Report 25 Jun 2010 14:23

The thread is 2 years and 2 months old today!!!!!!

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 25 Jun 2010 14:28

Thank you Jane I did mean to say that.

Happy anniversary two years and two months.


MillymollyAmanda Report 25 Jun 2010 14:36

Happy Anniversary thread .

I wonder what i was doing two years and two months ago !!

I had a funny dream last night ,the swimming pool split and flooded the next door neighbours garden ,i went to the post office and the water was running down the street into the post office !! everyone was asking where all the water was coming from !! i didn't like to say from our pool LOL


Fiona Report 25 Jun 2010 14:45

Afternoon all
Been sunny most of today so I have been out side and finely finished painting my wishing well. now all I need is for OH to raise the bottom bit , I decided to buy a couple of hanging baskets while we were in HOM*BA*E so one will hang on the side wall and I'm going to put the other in the Wishing Well bucket. they are already planted so that will save me a lot of work, I have decided to paint and varnish the bird table too which is just plain wood at the moment both my table and well will really brighten up the garden.
Thanks for your photo of you in your spa Mandy you look very relaxed.

Today is OH last day of his holidays, He is up at my dads house tiling at the moment ,daughter no 2 & boyfriend both have had bad nights sleeping due to the warm weather and daughters cold keeping them both awake. I don't expect OH will be getting much help from that area.

Daughter no 1 and SIL & Sofia Fly home tomorrow from Italy, really looking forward to seeing daughter & Sofia on Sunday and as SIL is flying back to Italy on Sunday afternoon hopefully to work for 1 more weeks training , daughter & Sofia will be staying with us for 1 more week.
I expect I won't get much sleep again mind you now that Sofia's first tooth has appeared she may be feeling better and sleep more during the night,

It's gone quite cloudy now hope it doesn't rain I have alot of washing on the line. better go and bring in any dried clothes just in case.

I remember this time 2 years ago I was just getting over Daughters no 1 wedding in May in Italy and as today is the 25th of June SIL parents had arrived from Italy and we were all looking forward to an Evening reception in Scotland for all the relatives & friends that didn't make it to the wedding.

It makes you think how much has happened in the last 2 years for our family.
Daughter gets married, Sofia comes along, My dad goes into a care home I have been unwell and daughter no 2 moves into her grandaddad's house. a lot can happen in 2 years.



Annx Report 25 Jun 2010 15:33

Afternoon All,

Yet more sun! Thank you for the e-mails Frank, love the 2 Labs sharing carrying a stick!!! lol

Mel, that is a serious pond!! Your OH has been very busy hasn't he. I can just picture him working away shifting all that soil. Congrats on the new babies!! Please send a piccie of them if you have time. I bet little May has grown a bit since I saw her too. I have never heard of Lemon Sorrel before. I have some Lemon mint or Lemon Balm I think it is called but that looks quite different.

I bet Sofia looks cute with her 1 tooth Fiona!! I have wondered if babies hurt the upper gum when they bite their gums together with no tooth opposite.

Went to the little garden centre I get discounts from the old boy at this morning. He had some perenial mesembryanthemums in a vivid pink I had been waiting for. I got one of these and 2 fleshy long, thin leaved things I forget the name of all in 9 inch pots. Anyway 2 plants were £4.75 and the other one dearer and he let me have the lot for £9!! OH was grinning and rolled his eyes!!!! lol


Tracey Report 25 Jun 2010 16:18

Afternoon-you darling bud's of MAY/JUNE/JULY--etc

Lets have a drink (((ice-coffee)) to 2year 2month Annivesary xxxxxx
I'm glad to know all of you, the ''BOY'S '' to--Had great Tip's--recipe EM's & Photos, Travel Talk--Bad New's Good New-.Most of ALL-- LAUGHTER&


Jane Report 25 Jun 2010 16:19

Ann ,I have been unable to open Mels pics.I wonder if you emailed me yours I might be able to see them then.


Annx Report 25 Jun 2010 16:29

Went to MIL's earlier......they had their new boiler fitted on Monday and Tuesday and are thrilled with the water being so hot!! lol. They had to have the radiators full on to test them in all this heat!!! Also FIL at age 89 had been right up the ladder outside to upstairs window height and had painted the new gas pipe running along 2 walls to match the house. We don't know how he does it.


Annx Report 25 Jun 2010 16:30

Will try to e-mail them now Jane....


Jane Report 25 Jun 2010 16:32

Shirl ,James has just made me a long glass of G&T with a ton of ice and sliced lemon.It is in a half pint glass !!!!!!!!!.I didn't like to say it was the wrong one lol.I will have to make it last a long time I think.So CHEERS to all of us here and long may we keep going.It's a bit like being penpals.

I have got the big fan about 18 inches away from me.Well I have been ironing,but can't do anymore even with it blowing.OH said last night how long is this ironing board going to be here? I explained I am doing a bit each day ,and I'm blowed if I'm going to drag it out of the cupboard each time lol

James and I were talking just now about his rucksacks as Hannah wants to borrow one when she goes to Croatia in September.He said she can't take the big one as it is nearly bigger than her and it was very expensive.He had it to go to Thailand.Anyway he was saying how useful Duffel bags are .I said oooh I used to have duffel bags when I was at school.I think when I got too old for a satchel I had the Duffel bag.(is it duffel or duffle)?


Jane Report 25 Jun 2010 16:48

Still no good Ann.I will get Chris to have a look later and see if he can open them.


Annx Report 25 Jun 2010 16:50

I'll resize them and try again Jane. lol


Annx Report 25 Jun 2010 16:56

Sent them again.....any joy??

We had to stick with our satchels Jane and nothing but socks until the 5th form. lol Mum wouldn't let me wear stockings even then!!


Annx Report 25 Jun 2010 17:04

Off for a meal out at a local pub now......they do nice pork chops on an apple mash with veg.....


Frank Report 25 Jun 2010 17:15

HOT HOT HOT !!!! Here I sit in nothing but shorts, all doors and windows open. Have been out a few times, but no fresh air to be had.

Lewis arrived at lunchtime. His Mum and Ros went off shopping 12.30pm no sign of them yet. Around town no doubt. DIL lives in Toddington, so never gets to Northampton, so she's making the most of it.

Not cooking tonight, Lewis fancies Fish and Chips, so we go to Chans, in Towcerster. CHINESE F & C. Best for miles around. The cue will be 30 yards out of the shop at 6pm. People come from miles around to get them. Yummy I'm starting to feel hungry.

Jane, When I had the Post Office. I would finish the day and stock the shop. Go upstairs shower, put on a Kaftan and pour myself the largest G & T ice and slice in a Crystal tumbler. and relax before dinner, most times would have two and get quite Pisse#. but so relaxed. I won't drink it now, because I can't leave it alone !!!!!!

Going for another shower, and put a shirt on, so when Ros gets back we can get off for our F & C.



Fiona Report 25 Jun 2010 17:21

OH just got in , going for a shower then we'll have tea and off to do the weekly food shop. no sun outside but still quite warm.

I remember at senior school in the 4Th & 5Th year wearing horrible woolly navy tights in the winter made your legs itch but were useful for keeping you warm, those chilly north east winds were awful especially when you had to stand for ages on the sea front waiting for the bus home on a dark winters afternoon. Was hard work standing with the wind at your back and if you turned round you'd get a great blast in your face.

Most kids these days get parents to take them to school in the car, it hectic out side our local schools when the bell rings at the end of the session. you don't want to be anywhere near the school gates as you'll get knocked down they just belt out like a herd of animals.

Enjoy your F & C Frank!!!!


Jane Report 25 Jun 2010 17:27

Frank I can just picture you in a Kaftan.They are just so comfortable.Bring back the Kaftan I say.The best chips I ever had was from a Chinese .That was in Plymouth.The trouble was it was just along the same road I lived in then when I was nursing so it was tempting to go far too often lol.
There is no air ,like you say and feeling quite uncomfortable.I have had all the curtains drawn to try and keep the house cooler but I don't think it has made any difference.I tried to do a bit in the garden but only managed to re pot my mint and transfer the sage into my new herb garden thingy.Plus a little weeding.Chris is going to do the lawn later although I don't think it really needs doing .

Ann got the pics now thankyou.


Jane Report 25 Jun 2010 17:32

Fiona ,talking of getting knocked down.I was nearly bowled off my feet yesterday by 2 youths on their bikes in Sains**** carpark.I shouted out Oi you idiots,and just got laughed at as they sped off.Good job it was me and not some elderly person.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 25 Jun 2010 17:33

I have tried again!! to Frank Mandy and Jane. My SIL changed the way I send my pics and I can't get back how I used to do them. I had no trouble before but I have had two reports that two emails did'nt go.


Jane Report 25 Jun 2010 18:23

All received Mel thanks.I have yours and Anns now lol
What a job you have there!!!!! It's looking good.