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What kind of things do you remember from Childhood

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David Report 29 Jun 2010 07:56

Torrential rain last night and this morning.
Very Welcome, cleared the air.

My next door neighbour was up and down like a brides nightie again last night. He must sleep during the day,


MillymollyAmanda Report 29 Jun 2010 09:11

Morning everyone ,

Very sad news about Maureen's mum, thinking of you today Maureen ,all my love to you and your family xxx


Jane Report 29 Jun 2010 09:42

Morning All.
There are some ominous looking clouds up there.We had a bit of rain in the night but not much to speak of.I hope we don't get thunder.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 29 Jun 2010 10:05

Morning All,

Cloudy here and we had a little rain and it has cleared the air a bit. Gosh it was so hot yesterday but quite cloudy here all day. I was shattered when I got in after shopping and then had to feed all the chickens. I also had trouble getting them in last night! Henny went up the box hedge and I had to push her out with the broom handle. Got her in eventually though.

Maureen, thinking of you in this sad time............
It's good to have the family around you now and I know you will have lots to do at the present time.

We will be glad to have you back on the thread when you have time and are feeling a bit better.


Frank Report 29 Jun 2010 11:30

Bit heavy here also, slight breeze and a few clouds. Bit cooler outside. Ros is out in the garden doing a bit of weeding. (they don't stop growing) do they????

I have just prepared a joint of Lamb on a bed of Garlic, Mint,and Rosemary, All wraped in Tin Foil with a mint marinade on the meat surface. That can marinate and soak up all the juices till about 5.30pm. New potatoes, Runner beans fresh peas and carrots, and broad beans. Might make a Rice pudding which will be nice cold with ice cream.

I am still sitting here in my underpants, off for a shower and shave in a few minutes.

Not a lot of chat again this morning, I suppose you are all out and about. Might pop to B & # later to get some hooks to hang my "NEW" hose on down the fence. The old one has now deleloped 4 holes. and the connectors are £3.45 each. I've just bought a new 50metre hose from Arg#s for under £15.00. so not worth repairing the old one. Might make lots of holes in old one and use as a soaker in the flower bed.

Heard from Shirl, last night, She tells me she;s on SKYPE so I might hear from her over the wires. I use it most days to talk to the boys. (sons)


Annx Report 29 Jun 2010 12:12

Morning All,

I had pooter problems yesterday. The McAfee update had caused a glitch and Agent Johnson at Geeksquad had to remove it and put it on again!!

Sad news about Maureen's mum. Thinking off you Maureen and know there will be lots for you to deal with for a while. It will be nice to hear from you when you are ready ......xxxxx

We had a Barnsley lamb chop yesterday with cabbage, cauli, carrots and new pots. Silly me forgot a Barnsley chop is like a double one and I only got 1!! I had to cut me a piece off.......OH thought he had been robbed!! lol

My 'favourite' top of the moment has sequins on the front and looks all glittery in the evening. OH suddenly noticed them last night (after 2 days wearing it, mind you) You better not stand on the beach in it he said.......the ships will be full steam ahead back out to sea, thinking its beachy head lighthouse!! What a cheek!! He's on the last lap of the fence painting now, between footie on the telly. He's taking me out for a meal at teatime, between matches of course.

Frank, I've never thought of having cold rice pudding with icecream. It sounds lovely and I'm going to make some.

We now have a window cleaner for the first time in 10 years......another job I won't have to do. They are much better.......need doing inside now though. lol


Jane Report 29 Jun 2010 12:46

Frank in his underpants again lol.Lovely not to wear anything in this heat (not that I do I hasten to add),although if at home I might do without the undies.
Remember as children just being able to strip off and not be embarrassed .
I haven't heard of a Barnsley Chop Ann.I never buy lamb chops as there never seems much meat on them.OH is funny with bones,so nearly all meat I buy is boneless.I do like chewing a pork chop bone though.

If I have enough milk I too will make a rice pudding.When I was away I bought a pack of summer fruit rice,with dried,blackberries,blueberries and strawberries.It sounds nice.2hours cooking .It sounds an awful long time.How long do you cook yours?

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 29 Jun 2010 12:54

You can make rice pudding on the top of the cooker in a sauspan but you don't get that lovely nutmeggy skin on the top!!! I usually put one in the oven when the roast goes in, so yes about two hours keeping a check to see that it dos'nt dry out and adding more milk when ness.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 29 Jun 2010 12:57

I am cleaning out the bantams. I have taken May and HIS mother up the top and put them in with the others. Now I am cleaning out the ark ready to put the next mum and 5 chicks in.

Yes May turned out to be a cockrel!!! hope I have some hens in this 5 chicks!!!!!!

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 29 Jun 2010 12:58

Forgot to ask you lot who have Ancestry where have the London Birth Marriages and Baps gone????

I can't find them this morning and I want to look up a marriage in about 1822 Middx.


MillymollyAmanda Report 29 Jun 2010 14:07

Had rain this morning when we woke up ,lasted about an hour ,now got black clouds overhead ,i'll have to keep an eye out for my washing, still hot when the sun breaks through .

What a morning !! went shopping ,got home and realised i'd got to go to the post office to get the car tax ,the queue was out the door !! the world and his wife were getting their cars taxed !! i stood in the queue and there was a post office chappie going along asking can i help anyone ? i said it might help if you went behind the counter so the queue would move quicker ....carn't do that he said.... not trained , he was some sort of financal adviser .
Half an hour in the queue ,and the whole time he helped nobody ,he was still asking" can i help" as i went out the door !!

Then i had to do all the monthly bills when i got home ,realised i'd have to go out again as i forgot to get BIL a birthday card ,its his birthday tomorrow and i won't have time to get it tomorrow as we're going to the Norfolk show .
Then tomorrow night we're going out with BIL and sister for his birthday meal .


Annx Report 29 Jun 2010 15:11

I don't know if they have moved it Mel, but I just went into the BMD bit, then if you click on 'narrow by category' on the RHS, then on Birth , Baptism and Christenings, some London things are on there. Similarly on the Marriage and divorce heading.........I think they are trying to hide them. Fancy May being a boy, I thought she looked like a girl!!! lol

I have a numb mouth now......the dentist did the filling that she had said would be 'fun' to do. I couldn't get off to sleep last night thinking about it, but it was fine. Sadly, she is leaving in a fortnight. This will be the 3rd new one in 3 years......gain experience then off to set up a private practice.

Mandy, you should do it on line.....very easy and efficient......better than queuing. Our post office often has people queuing on the footpath and they don't do road tax.


Annx Report 29 Jun 2010 15:18

I am off for a walk with my camera next. OH has come out in a rash on the bottom of his legs. He seems to get this happen whenever they are in the sun. He gets it on his shoulders sometimes too, just when he's been in strong sunlight. He must be allergic or something. Reminds me of that old song we used to sing about 'Spotty Maldoon , he's got spots all over the place'. .....anyone remember it?.


Annx Report 29 Jun 2010 15:22

I found it on youtube, Peter Cook, 1965.


Jane Report 29 Jun 2010 15:47

I don't think I know the song Ann,but we always said someone was a right spotty Maldoon .This rice pudding is smelling so good .It looks a slight purple colour from all the berries.
I couldn't walk anywhere here it still is too hot.


Annx Report 29 Jun 2010 16:11

Yes, I changed my mind about the is too hot yet. Maybe while OH is watching the later match. His spots are on his sides now too!!

The rice pudding sounds nice Jane. I must try some rice pudding with icecream like Frank does. I put blueberries in my porridge sometimes, makes that purple too.


Jane Report 29 Jun 2010 16:47

Sounds like he has heat rash or an allergic reaction to something Ann.Are they itchy?Has he tried an antihistamine tablet?
The heat is ridiculous here now.I don't know what to do with myself lol


Jane Report 29 Jun 2010 18:03

My pudding looks like stodge lol.I dread to think of the comment Chris will come out with when he sees it.Probably something like it would make good grout or cement !!.It does taste nice though and will be better with ice cream or even a little double cream that I have.
My fingers are sticking to the buttons on the computer !!!!!!.It's horrible.


mazza Report 29 Jun 2010 18:17

hi you have just brought memories of my childhood back to me. my mothers family the wood of openshawe manchester owned woods mineral waters bad in the days when every thing was black and white. and they sold the business , so the stories go to the now company of r.whites.thanks for the reminise maureen


MillymollyAmanda Report 29 Jun 2010 18:37

I love rice pudding ,i always cook the rice in water in a saucepan then drain and add Evaporated milk and then put nutmeg on the top and finish it off in the oven ,makes it nice and creamy.

When hubby was a boy and his mum was ill ,his dad cooked a rice pudding ,he didn't think that just a little rice would be enough so he put the whole packet in !!!!!

If you cook your rice pudding in a pressure cooker with milk it comes out as if its been made with cream .