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What kind of things do you remember from Childhood

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Jane Report 24 Jun 2010 20:07

Bless him Ann lol.I always wish I had kept a record of the things my two said when they were little.I think I have mentioned here before 2 things my son said.They may be too rude to put on here ,but so innocent.

I think the thread is 2 years and 2 months old tomorrow.Haven't we done well !!
I hope you manage to snap the hedgehog,you will have to give it a name.Spike??


Tracey Report 24 Jun 2010 21:00

we were in resturant one time no 2 son had to spend a penny(((pee)
I told him just at the stair was W.R. A couple of seconds later he came runing back holding his privetes crying cant go in---come read---

BIG SIGN--'''PATRON''ONLY----Well he thought it said

PARENTS- ONLY XXXXX---poor soul almost bust


David Report 24 Jun 2010 22:04

Wore a pair o boots I'm fond of today.
For some unknown reason tinside of the left heel has developed a blister.
First since pussy was a kitten.

What's good for blisters?


Jane Report 24 Jun 2010 22:06

I once asked my Mum why there penguins on the bus.They were 2 Nuns in their Habits lol
Mum was mortified!!
I am off to bed now so see you all again tomorrow xx


David Report 24 Jun 2010 22:07

Bought a new mobile phone today.
The things it can do! Remarkable
I remember 20 years ago, they were the size of a brick.


Jane Report 24 Jun 2010 22:10

Special Blister Plasters that you can buy now David.Never pop a blister.


Jane Report 24 Jun 2010 22:15

I thought I was off to bed lol.David I just use my mobile for ringing home or the kids.I can do texts even if they take me forever,and I find it handy when I am on a long trip in the car to check on the travel reports.£10 credit lasts me for ever.
Now I am definitely off to bed x


David Report 24 Jun 2010 22:17

Thanks for the tip about the blister J
Pleasant dreams x


Frank Report 24 Jun 2010 23:09

Evening all,

Shirl, I didn't know the earth moved for you at your age. Joking apart, I'm glad that you are alright. Did any of the neighbourhood suffer any damage.

It must be 20 years ago, I was in the showroom of the garage I ran, when all the large plate glass windows began to shake, I telephoned the local radio station, and asked if we had had a earth quake. They rang me back a little later to say WE HAD. No damage done locally,

Hope you all got my Email about the dogs. If I missed anyone let me know and I will send it on, provided I have your Email.

See you tomorrow.


Jane Report 25 Jun 2010 08:44

Morning my friends,
Walk done, patio watered (didn't get done last night)lol,and I'm now sat under the fan with a cuppa and a banana.I have done the banana like I had as a child.Sliced in a bowl with a little sugar sprinkled and some milk.

Frank I just loved the dog email.Some of those pictures are so funny and sweet.
I am thinking of dashing to Tes** in a minute.We seem to have run out of icecream.It's all that ice coffee that we have been drinking!!!


MillymollyAmanda Report 25 Jun 2010 08:46

Morning everyone,
Warm again and its still early ,off to the market to get some fruit ,then a lazy day in the garden, carn't do much in the heat ,should be even hotter at the weekend !

Yes Frank ,thanks for the email with all the dogs, i love the one with the two heads through the cat flap !! and the one on the rug ,you can hardly see him .


MillymollyAmanda Report 25 Jun 2010 08:48

Morning Jane ,
I thought you'd like the coffee Jane thats all we've been drinking ,i had to buy more ice cream ,think i might try it with some chocolate ice cream .


Jane Report 25 Jun 2010 08:50

Yes Mandy the cat flap pic was a hoot .
I was sat in bed at about 6.30 and there in the sky was a hot air balloon.It was red and looked great against a clear blue sky.


MillymollyAmanda Report 25 Jun 2010 08:54

We used to see a lot of hot air balloons go over they used to take off in one of the school grounds.
right off to market now

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 25 Jun 2010 09:04

Morning Mandy and All,

Another lovely sunny day here today. I have to catch up on your posts!! I have two pages to read but thought I would say hello early today.

Did manage to do the pics yesterday so will send you one today if I get the time.

OH is out lining the hole with cement as there are a lot of stones sticking out the sides and thats before the felty liner goes in.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 25 Jun 2010 09:26

We used to get a lot of hot air balloons come over our house at one time but I have'nt seen one for ages now and the weather has been just right for it too. We did have a small aircraft yesterday followed by a microlight on one f those triangular kits things. we also have a neighbour who comes over the garden in his micro but his is like one of those kites in an arc shape. I wave to him when he comes over and sometimes he waves back. His is the one that you have a string or something in each hand to pull and move the craft which way you want to go.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 25 Jun 2010 10:11

Forgot to say I have another bantam with 5 chicks I found in the run yesterday when I corned them! Caught them up and brought them down and put them in a dog carrying box. Now have to get the first one with one chick back up the top!


Jane Report 25 Jun 2010 10:36

More babies Mel ,how nice.I hope they all manage to stay safe.
Been to Tes**.Icecream in freezer,more strawberries,raspberries,blueberries for tea.Lots of peppers ,courgettes,red onions,and little tomatoes on the vine for roasting.
I don't ever remember having things like red peppers or courgettes when we were young.Salad was basically lettuce,cucumber,tomatoes and radish .Now there are all sorts off nice things to make a salad more interesting plus all the nice dressings.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 25 Jun 2010 12:48

Been and got the cement and just got back. Gosh it is hot.

I have two plants of lemon sorrel growing in the tunnel and thats lovely in a salad as it has a lemony sharp taste. Will collect some seed of it and send you some. It is a plant like a dock but with much softer leaves.


MillymollyAmanda Report 25 Jun 2010 14:02

Clouded over a bit now ,i hope we're not going to get a storm its very muggy .

More babies Mel ,lovely .

We've had a lot of Jets flying these last few evenings ,there so noisey ,they just seem to keep going round and round .

Son hates them ,he was frightened by one that came over when he was little it was so low i could see the pilot !! scared me a bit too.

Right, time for an iced coffee me thinks .