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What kind of things do you remember from Childhood

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Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 25 Jun 2010 18:48

Clever boy is'nt he. He has wanted a BIG pond for ages.

Bit of sad news of the new fish I bought jumped out the tank and had dried up on the old patio!!


Jane Report 25 Jun 2010 19:14

He certainly is a clever boy Mel.Poor fish.Can you put a bit of netting or something on to stop anymore leaping out to their death?It probably fried in the heat.
OH has just been in the greenhouse and found a kneeler pad melted against the window!!!!!!!.One whole side has just vanished and is glued to the glass lol.I was in there earlier an noticed the thermometer was showing nearly 50 degrees!


MillymollyAmanda Report 25 Jun 2010 20:06

Thanks Mel, i got the picture ok ,thats going to be some pond ,you'll have to send some more pictures as it progresses .

Oh my word Jane, that could have been you melted in the greenhouse if you'd stayed in there to long LOL


Tracey Report 25 Jun 2010 20:14

OK--Ann -or Jane send me pics please----xxx

Would love to see that pic Frank you in Kaftan ((they are comfy) NOW

Chicken & salad--choc mint ice cream


Jane Report 25 Jun 2010 20:44

We are having our first potatoes from a bag on the patio in a minute.I was just about ready to serve up and OH says give me 10 minutes....he is having a chat with daughter (work related I think).I am staying out of it lol
Shirl I seem to have lost Mels pics when `i tried to save them .So hopefully Ann will be able to pass them on.


MillymollyAmanda Report 25 Jun 2010 20:56

Shirl, i've emailed Mels picture ,let me know if you get it .


Tracey Report 25 Jun 2010 21:09

yes thank's Mandyxxx

Mel it looks big enough for you to swim in never mined the fish lol xx
OH done all this himself ?? smart fellow. MY lot cant change a light bulbxx


Fiona Report 25 Jun 2010 21:49

Hi everyone
Just put away all the shopping ,we were later than usual going to the supermarket as I fell asleep after dinner ,
I was tired as I took ages to fall asleep last night as it was very warm and i kept throwing the sheet on & off.
The advantage of going later was it was very quiet. so there was no long wait at the tills either.
Hope everyone had a good day, I'm off to get a cold drink and relax infront of the tele for a bit then off to bed, It's very humid here must put on the fans for a while.
night all.


MillymollyAmanda Report 25 Jun 2010 22:38

I'am off to bed now
Night Night

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 25 Jun 2010 23:25

Yes my man can put his hand to most things.

I am going in the shower now and then bed so good night all.

Mel xxxxxxxxxx


Tracey Report 26 Jun 2010 00:28

Been a nice and hot day here----not to hot---I just put on air condition
at night if it's to hot to sleep, is worth its wait in gold to me--will be out tomorrow with OG ,

night night my friends


Jane Report 26 Jun 2010 09:28

Morning All,
We really have had summer this past week haven't we.There seems to be just the tiniest breeze at the moment,and a huge breeze in here from the fan lol.I am going to whip out quickly now and pop to A*di.They do nice lemonade and ginger beer.


Jane Report 26 Jun 2010 09:32

Just seen your email on the Vuvuzelas !!

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 26 Jun 2010 10:13

Morning and another lovely day, birds a singing skies are blue.

OH charged the camera for me yesterday but moans that I am holding him up every time I take pics!!! He is lining the hole now with old bags that some sand came in, those BIG white ones with handles on the sides made out of woven plasticy stuff.

We have to ring for another wedding this afternoon down the local church so that is going to muck the day up.


Frank Report 26 Jun 2010 11:35

Morning to all my "GIRLS" and David, Mick and any others.

Another hot one today. Have been on the Patio since 9am reading yesterday's paper. Forgot Ros bought me one !!!!

She's off on her Saturday morning jaunt with her friend, and Lewis has gone footballing with the lads next door but one. Will be gone till about 12.30.

We all had out F & C last night. Couldn't eat it all.!!!
Lewis slept in the Conseratory last night, on the futon, nice and cool for him, He slept till 9. I had to get his Bacon sarnie for breakfast and a Cup of coffee. Happy as Larry, being with us.and now at almost 12 chats about all manor of things.

Mel, That pond has certainly got good foundations. You could build a house on them.LOL

Shirl, Where exactly do you live, I imagine you in the country, like the "hilI BILLIES" With mountains all around you. Going to town once a week to get your stores, Do you draw your water from the stream.!!!! ONLY JOKING. But I do have a vivid imagination.
I don't think I have still got the Kaftan, I bought it when we went to Tunisia ,many years ago. Wonderful freedom when you are wearing it, and so cool.

Fiona you mentioned Thick stockings in the winter. We wore thick flannel short trousers, that rubed on your legs round the knees, and with the cold weather we would get Chaped, and oh how sore that was.Can't think what Mum use to rub on them.

When I decided to have a pond, I dug it by hand. 8ft long 4 ft wide and about 3ft deep. I was givin soil to all the neighbours, and filling up my flower beds, to overflowing. I was lucky I had a couple of Rolls of old carpet in the garage and lined it with that before putting down the liner. Touch wood I have never had a leek.


Jane Report 26 Jun 2010 11:54

We filled our pond in some years ago It was about 4 ft deep in the middle.Chris tested a little rubber dingy in it .I have a picture somewhere of him in it lol.,and another pic of him in his waders and underpants stood in the center when he was clearing weed.Talking of weeds I better pull some up from the gravel out the front.
Enjoy your day Frank...I am coming over for a Turkey dinner tomorrow lol


Frank Report 26 Jun 2010 12:48

Jane, That is another story now. Lewis's M & D are going to London for W/E. and won't be back to pick him up till about 9pm Sunday. No 2 son from Rutland is comming for an Indian tonight, as they are off to Scotland tomorrow on buisiness for Monday morning. Fortunatly I found out in time to get the Blood# thing back in the Freezer. While it was still frozen.So I may take Ros and Lewis to an early carvery, and be back in time for the BIG MATCH. If not I will cook at home as usual. You never seem to make a surprise for anyone, whithout someone cocking it up.!!!!

I have fallen in the pond on two occasions, while trying to catch a fish. I am now not allowed too close to the water !!!!! I feed the fish from the chicken run, over their net.


Jane Report 26 Jun 2010 13:03

It's too hot to be cooking Turkeys anyway Frank.A carvery sounds a great idea.
We have found the sprinkler and it is sprinkling all over the lawn at the moment.I think I will out there standing under it later lol.Chester tried to pick it up just now but dropped it pretty quick when he got shouted at.
It is too hot to be outside now even in the shade .I bet Mandy will be in her pool this afternoon,lucky girl.
I had a little taster of the peas,they are like Mange Touts ,very sweet and I chewed the pod,which was nice and juicy.


Jane Report 26 Jun 2010 15:08

For those of you who remember William and Shimms.I had a call from William last night and we had a good old yarn.Both him and Shimms are very happy,but still haven't managed to sort a date for their wedding.

It's hot lol.I just went to move the sprinkler and got a lovely soaking.OH having a snooze ,Chester having a snooze too.Daughter on her lap top ,me on mine and son upstairs reading a book on Genetics!!!!,to do with his Anthroplogy .
He said his Graduation next year will be in Canterbury Cathedral but he will only be allocated 2 tickets for guests.We want 3 so Hannah go too.She is only tiny she could sit on my lap lol


Annx Report 26 Jun 2010 16:02

Afternoon All,

Chester running amok with a turned on sprinkler would get everyone panicking wouldn't it!!! lol

Frank, I think you would have been 'cooking' as well as the turkey!! lol Think how hot the kitchen would get in the time the turkey would take to cook......better off with the carvery today.

I had breakfast outside but had to come in after, it was so hot........kept picturing our Mandy in her Spa. I bet she keeps having a dip!! Does Toby want to join in??