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What kind of things do you remember from Childhood

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MillymollyAmanda Report 26 Jun 2010 16:30

Afternoon everyone,

I haven't been in the pool today ,we 've had the grandchildren this morning while mum and dad went to As*a and after lunch son and Jake went in the pool and hubby and Chelsea went in the spa .
All Toby wants to do is lay in the shade ,he doesn't like the water if you splash him, he runs indoors !!

It 's taken forever to clear up the toys and all the inflatables for the pool ,i feel quite worn out !!

I remember Shimms ,she used to post a lot of threads ,nice to know she and William are happy together .


Tracey Report 26 Jun 2010 16:37

Afternoon -Gang----

Was going out but it's gone very dull& windy but still warm???Sun may still pop out.Will wait a while and see-----
-----But your right I only get stores once a week--LIKE TO-DAY--Cheeky Boyxxxx-----I have Kaftan My Monster borrowed it for her part in play
as Cleo servant .....


Tracey Report 26 Jun 2010 16:40



Jane Report 26 Jun 2010 16:53

Just got a lovely pic of a very soaked Chester lol.He loves water ,but daughter was chasing him with the hose and he was trying to run away.
I want a Kaftan now.As Frank says you have so much freedom in one .


Annx Report 26 Jun 2010 17:00

My dad's army records arrived today. His Military record described him as exemplary. It states 'a very hardworking, loyal and reliable man who shows keenness and enthusiasm and shoulders responsibility. Of sober character'. I would very much agree with the description of him. He served nearly 7 years, a lot of it in Egypt, Burma and India in the Tank regiment. Sadly, I don't think he ever really settled back to civilian life, tried to run the home like the army too and had a fearsome temper that would put my friends off calling at the house. I remember from the age of 7 I had to clean my school shoes every night like a good soldier!!!!!


Annx Report 26 Jun 2010 17:10

Well swinging from a vine!! lol Are you Jane then ..................and Frank TARZAN!!!!! lol, lol

Do you live near the Lakes??.......Ontario?


Jane Report 26 Jun 2010 17:12

Ann .even though your Dad was a tough Dad that must be great to see those records.


MillymollyAmanda Report 26 Jun 2010 17:45

Have emailed some pool pictures

Thanks for your pictures Jane ,Chester looks like he's having fun ,if i pointed the hose at Toby he'd run LOL

Ann,I'd like to send for my fathers Army records ,he served in Burma,he was a Dispatch Rider.
I have a wrinkled old photo of him in his Army uniform ,son put it on the computer and took out all the wrinkles ,then he enlarged it for me, on the back it has a loving message for my Mum ,with lots of kisses.


David Report 26 Jun 2010 17:47

I never had a Katfan in my life, but I have 2 old comfortable dressing goons.


Jane Report 26 Jun 2010 17:49

Ahh ! Mandy how lovely is that.I still have all the letters that my Mum and Dad wrote to eachother.They are in a leather wallet tied with a ribbon.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 26 Jun 2010 17:52

It is exciting when you get something connected to the family, is'nt it?

I rang for the wedding but OH opted out as he wanted to get on with the pool. When I got back he had lined it all and we started to unroll the liner on the lawn. As we had undone 2 layers andstretched it out I was having trouble with my end and he told me to come and take his end and get the next bit from underneath. As I walked up to his end I spied with my little eye 2 cuts in the liner near where it had been sealed together. That did it, he was furious and got on the phone to the company straight away but of course they had the answering machine on. So that put paid to the rest of the work today. Packing it back up we found another 2 bigger slits in it on another fold!! OH is really upset and is now sitting on a chair and watering the new grass he sowed.


Jane Report 26 Jun 2010 17:54

Oh David you do make me laugh lol.I love a nightie that I have had for years.It's getting a bit threadbare now but I will wear it until it falls apart .


MillymollyAmanda Report 26 Jun 2010 17:57

I also have a letter written to my grandmother from her son (mums brother)on board ship ,it says he carn't say where they are ,but i expect you can guess ,not to worry the broken wrist is healing nicely and he's getting a nice tan.
He was a Japanese prisoner of war ,mum said when he came home he wouldn't talk about what had happened and was just skin and bone .


Jane Report 26 Jun 2010 18:24

My Dad never talked about the war.The only thing he ever told me was seeing a nurse hanging out of a porthole of a ship that had been sunk in the Suez (sp) Canal.Dad was a diver with the Marines.He wore that big goldfish bowl helmet and the big lead boots.I think he might have had a breakdown after the war from what Mum said.


Annx Report 26 Jun 2010 19:35

Yes it was good to see a bit more of that part of his life. When I was in my 20s he told me once that he wished he'd stayed on in the army. At the time he came out he was fed up of years of the heat in India. I think it was even hotter inside the tanks too!! I have seen photos of him in his uniform, including a tropical one of him in shorts and a safari type hat!! I don't know what happened to them all though.

Lots of men came back from the war changed men didn't they after what they saw and experienced. Some never recovered and it wasn't well understood at that time.

Love the photos Mandy and Jane. What a lovely blue the pool is!!! Love the little inflatable boats on it!!. Chester and Toby both know what they like.......and when they've had enough, don't they. Your garden is looking good Jane.

Mel, how infuriating and well done you for spotting the problem before the water went in. I bet the phone will be hot on monday morning........hope they can replace it quickly.

I have a loose, knee length, thinnest cotton top thing, ideal for this weather.......can I find it??........I put it away for the winter....say no more. lol


Jane Report 26 Jun 2010 19:44

Mel that is a right bummer!.I hope the company replaces it straight away


Jane Report 26 Jun 2010 22:03

Off to bed now .See you all again tomorrow xx


MillymollyAmanda Report 26 Jun 2010 22:06

Mel, good job you noticed the cuts ,its so annoying when you want to get on with the job, i can understand your OH being annoyed .
Lovely and cool now after the heat of the day .

Night Night Jane


Jane Report 27 Jun 2010 07:52

Morning Everyone
Just to open the back door a few minutes ago was heaven a bit of fresh air ,it felt lovely.I had a wander round the garden and realised it actually is hot in the sun already.I wonder who is doing walkies today.It's normally Chris on a Sunday but he has got this sore blister thing on the bottom of his foot and it's quite painful to walk on.I will wait and see.Chester has gone back to sleep so I shall take my mug of tea out on the patio with my book.


Jane Report 27 Jun 2010 08:09

The latest on Maureens Mum is that she is now fading fast and it could be days or a few weeks.She hasn't managed to get a bed in the hospice and is now in a room of her own in the hospital.
Maureen says she will get back on here as soon as she feels able.