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LaGooner Report 2 Jan 2011 22:19

I have over 3,700 on my tree as I have all my family plus OH.s linked on to One day I might seperate them but as it is I just keep collecting them together on my Ancestry tree as it shows pedigree etc it's easy to trace them and it also gives you the exact relationship to you. I will try and find name of chart suppliers and let you know.


YG Report 2 Jan 2011 22:21

Good grief LG!! How far have you gone back to have that amount!!! It's mind boggling and you've only started on the Bs!!


LaGooner Report 2 Jan 2011 22:26

I have got letters right up to w on Ancestry tree but only copied of to B on cards LOL. I have gone back to early1700's on some branches.I am pm'ing details of suppliers.


YG Report 2 Jan 2011 22:44

I've got it, thanks, LG. Just had a look at the website. There is a huge range, so I will have a good browse over the next few days. I have saved it to my favourites!

Think I will practice on some free ones and then get what I need to do the permanent one.


LaGooner Report 2 Jan 2011 22:51

That is a good idea. Try the ones off this site there are 3 different ones. I tried all three and all good in their way it depends which you find easiest to use.


YG Report 2 Jan 2011 22:58

I'll do that. Thanks for all the advice. I really appreciate it. I am going to be busy and could do with retiring!!

Groan, back to work on Tuesday!! Don't want to go lol!

Am off to make a cuppa and let fur out for a few minutes before bed!

Sleep well, but don't disturb DET!! xx


LaGooner Report 2 Jan 2011 23:04

If I can be of any help with research I am more than happy to look up things I have access to quite a few handy sites. I am also glad to have a break from my elusive rellies that are doing my head in LOL

Nite nite sleep welland catch you again soon.x


LaGooner Report 3 Jan 2011 00:10

Well I am off up the wooden hill too now,so nite all catch you tomorrow I hope


Mazfromnorf Report 3 Jan 2011 07:54

Morning all tree research how good ,I have been doing froggies on mine as he has become interested lol
If you look on Cyndis list website you can get blank charts of all types free i use the family group sheets on here to keep track of mine and number them as i put them on my tree


LaGooner Report 3 Jan 2011 10:08

Morning all, YG it looks like we might need the turbo charged broomstick and fascinators. Being put on the tree now !!!! Hmmm well it is called a family tree LOL


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 3 Jan 2011 10:14

Morning all - Hope you are all well and ready for those paid to, to return to work.

YG - if you have a vague idea where your rellies live, and if they have an unusual combination of names, try

You could drop them a line on the off chance they are yours.

I did this on the US version for one of mine C.B.F.E, E being the surname. He emailed hundreds of photos!

I have folders and bits of paper coming out of my ears and I keep changing the way I store things. I have the main details on an offline FT prog, and I'm trying to print out 'reports' for the main people and put them at the front of a plastic envelope with all the BMD certs or PR and 1911 census images, then highlight those docs on the report. It starts getting awkward when the children marry and have children!!! Unfortunately I can't resist branching off in all directions so have 2657 in my parents combined tree (not all documented with copies of BMD), 638 in father in laws, 612 in mother in laws, and 342 on the US branch. I've tried to get BM or PR for the direct lines - Ancestry's LMA records have saved a packet.

I love the way people appear in census, particularly my father's side in Sheppey. Because it is an island, they tended to marry distant relatives and the extended famly worked for each other.


LaGooner Report 3 Jan 2011 10:18

Morning DET. Hope you and yours are well. I have given up on one of my OH's London rellies. I even put up a post for help on records to no avail Grrrrrrr.


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 3 Jan 2011 10:32

Morning LG - We are well if chilly. Still trying to persuade OH that we should buy a small electric fire to use either in here, or for PC in her room; she is revising for exams...when not gallivanting off out!

I do recall spotting your thread, but as you seemed to be in capable, more experienced than mine, hands, left well alone!

Has anyone seen RMS lately, possibly off board? Hope she and her family are OK.


LaGooner Report 3 Jan 2011 10:38

I have not seen RMS about either hope she is ok. I am enjoying a little peaceful ME time as OH is still in bed making the most of a good rest before going back to w**k tomorrow.

We have an electric fire to use if heating packs up. also a couple of small fan heaters for upstairs in emergency, more for littlies than us.


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 3 Jan 2011 18:01

We now have an electric fire! Hurray !!!!!!!! Even if PC and I do have to take turns with it !!!!

Even better, I found a book token tucked inside one of my Cristmas Books, so have bought the new Ken Follett one, now half price.

All in all, a much happier bunny.


YG Report 3 Jan 2011 18:39

Happy that you are now warm again DET!! It was quite mild earlier today, but tonight there is frost again and I have been sitting here feeling really chilly even with the heating on!


Mazfromnorf Report 3 Jan 2011 19:02

hi well we are well below - again here bitter again .just got in from work cooked tea and getting organised for the morning ,i was starting at 10 for a buffet but now requested to start earlier
can you feel your fingers at last DET we have snow forcast again


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 3 Jan 2011 19:35

Oooo...don't tempt fate! There is a suggestion of light snow here this evening, but temps hovering araound zero. Mind you, it's only reached about 3c outside today. And yes, my fingers are warm...until it's PC's turn to take the heater if she goes up to her room - lol

Sounds as if you need to turn the thermostate up higher YG. Didn't the council sort things out for you from last winter?

At least Maz 'ought' to be warm in the kitchen. How did you get on with your second job during the holidays? It sounded as if you were doing one-to-one, rather than a group home.


YG Report 3 Jan 2011 20:13

Possible light snow overnight here too according to the forecast!!

The council did sort the heating, to a point DET, but the radiator needs replacing. The system is the old one pipe type and all the pipes are stuck to the skirting boards. As they are due to do all the refurb work next year I have decided to wait. I did find out where the thermostat was when the council man came and it was set at 2 so have now got it turned up. The house is warm apart from the kitchen. The radiator is nowhere near big enough and the cooler temperature penetrates round my legs at night! Do I close the lounge door!! No!! I wouldn't know if someone was trying to break in if I had all the doors closed!!


LaGooner Report 3 Jan 2011 21:23

Oh YG why don't you get Kenny to move into the kitchen he could be a great help LOL.

Evening all, had a really great day around the sales. Bought a new rug we found one that was suitable, new curtains for hall, frame for OH's print that H bought him 4 years ago (don't ask LOL) .