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Mel Fairy Godmother
16 Jul 2010 11:39 |
A baby hedgehog!!! About 7 inches long.
16 Jul 2010 12:38 |
Morning all A baby hedgehog Mel and so tiny, is it ok. Windy here today and raining though its a bit dryer at the moment but I expect that won't last very long , another day around the house just pottering about here & there. OH phoned from London saying that his flight from Heathrow has been delayed for an hour, so we will have to see what time he arrives home tonight might not make it for shopping will have to do it tomorrow morning instead. Going to make some lunch BBL
16 Jul 2010 12:58 |
Afternoon, Little sweet peas.
Jane I like the thought of James needing a new tyre, Where does he wear it.????
Very blustery morning here, Have watered the greenhouse. the cuecumber plants are growing out of the ventalation window in the top. Plenty of baby tomatoes need to get bigger before we can pick. Runner beans will be ready for the first picking next few days, ENVY ENVY ENVY. Will let you know what they taste like.!!!!
Elizabeth, You bring back so many memories for me, It was such a treat as a child to have the freedom, even thouth it was the war years. we didn't realy understand and accepted whet ever food was put in front of us, pleant of Liver, Hearts, kindneys, in fact what ever Mum could lay her hands on, We kept rabbits and chichens, so there was always a meal there. As for going out, we would walk miles in the summer holidays, playing with freinds, never thinking what might happen if there was an Air Raid.I remember one day we all went to play at Millmans Hill, It was so high yoy could sit and look all over London. Anyway, Mum said come home about 1 o/clock and I'll have a surprise for you. I was the one who had to go, about 6/7 at the time. She had made two very large shepherds pies and put them in an old pram for me to take back to the hill, with a big pile of forks, so we could all dig in, on the way from the road, there were lots of tree roots, and the pram jamed into a large root and everything went over into the dirt and dust. We scraped up what we could and ate it., we all vowed never to tell Mum what happened. And we never did.!!!! Late summer evenings were scrumping time. I knew every fruir that was growing in every local garden, always did a rekki first, to make sure they were ripe. Then I would be off, get enough fruit for Mum to bottle in her "KILNER" jars, We always had plenty of bottled fruit through the winter. I always got a blood# good hiding for doing it, but she loved me realy !!!! Just like Shirl and Jane !!!!
Gone on a bit today, but have enjoyed it.
Mel Fairy Godmother
16 Jul 2010 14:27 |
Oh I think I remember Lion Ointment now , did it have the face of a lion on the tin and looked a bit like ear wax when you opened it.
Mum remembers Basilican oinment.
16 Jul 2010 14:27 |
Afternoon All,
A very windy night here. SOMETHING ate the scrambled egg last night, but not sure what!!! lol I've put some more out anyway. Maybe I am feeding the hedgehog. Mel, I bet that little baby hedgehog is cute........did you get a piccie. I suppose he has gone on his way now.
Frank,sorry to say you are too late for ENVY. We have been eating our tomatoes for a couple of weeks and are having our first beans tonight. Just enough are ready. They were all eaten off to halfway up the sticks, but have grown way above the sticks now.
The loganberries are nearly done now, loads in the freezer. We've started the beetroot and I am looking forward to seeing what the asparagus peas will be like. They are not true peas and you eat the pods when they are an inch long. They are not very tall and have small deep red flowers at the moment. The strangest thing is that the leaves all close up at night! I do miss garden peas though and eating them from the pod.......Jane has made me want some with picking hers!!! lol
Mel Fairy Godmother
16 Jul 2010 14:32 |
Take a look at this site for Lion Oitment
16 Jul 2010 15:48 |
Afternoon All You have all been busy chatting while I have been slogging my guts out had better notice what I have done.I think there were a couple of suspect weeds (I think they were plants) that are now at the bottom of the weed bucket, Frank I could have given James a Tyre or too .I have plenty going spare lol
Elizabeth ,what does putting down eggs mean please? I seem to remember seeing Jeremy Clarkson on WDYTYA and it was his family who invented the Kilner Jar.
Mel was the baby Hedgehog unhurt?I thought for a moment when I read your post you had caught the Fox!!
I have itchy arms now so am going to put some antihistamine cream on.I has been getting caught up in some Ivy . BBL
16 Jul 2010 16:41 |
Afternoon -All-- OH Memories You are sure bringing them back--That's the word Elizabeth--Respect-- we did have it --We may have said something (( and-did) under our breath,--would as you say Frank walk for miles along the beach in old towers Playing Robin Hood we had a free child hood---- Loved Rubard dipped in sugar when we had sugar= Malt on bread
Going Wilk and crab garthing and have big boil up Enough to feed the street---Behined old factory walls Black& rassberry growing pick them get our own Duls--( sea weed) with vinegar--
Did the tin of Lions not have a BEE on his face or was that Lyile Syrup
Mel Fairy Godmother
16 Jul 2010 16:48 |
Jane they used to preserve eggs in a big bucket in a solution of Islinglass. You had a wire basket that fitted the bucket and the eggs had to be completely submerged.
Mel Fairy Godmother
16 Jul 2010 16:50 |
Ann put some peas in a big pot with a few sticks or canes because you are not too late to sow some.
16 Jul 2010 17:38 |
We have just has a torrential downpour.......just after I watered everything lol We would climb over the rocks to get winkles.Never ate them though Yuk! Tony a chap who lived in the village would go out in his little boat to put down Lobster pots.I don't know what he did with the ones he caught.I think maybe he sold them to local restaurants. I never new that about preserving eggs.
Someone is out there shooting again,and I have earache from Chesters screaming lol.You would think he had been shot!!!
16 Jul 2010 17:41 |
Mel what was in the solution??? you say i CAN STILL PLANT PEA'S?? ENVY Yes all I have to show is a couple of small flowers on my TOM'S i had to start the coal fire at times roll up paper tight bits wood across and in the back tin can with coal bits --which would through out the heat.and last longer.--- We did eat more rabbit then ------ when I came here ( canada) bought and cooked & pressed a tongue which I loved as cold meat---No one here liked it ?? funny people-----said could not eat that out of the cow's MOUTH-- I said that real funny as you'll eat EGG'S that come from the CHICK'S -#### ????
16 Jul 2010 17:48 |
But Shirl ,we don't eat the egg shell,the bit that touches the chickens bits lol. So that's ok. Mum used to do a tongue.I just remember it on the worktop in the kitchen.I have never and could never eat tongue.I have just had a big shiver lol,at the thought.What's that meat called made from brains? I would never eat that either,and of course tripe was off my menu too.
16 Jul 2010 18:12 |
Evening all, Had a lovely day at the coast , Sheringham and then on to Cromer ,quite windy but the sun was so warm ,the tide was on its way out so there were no big waves which was a shame .
Got a Crab for our tea ,and had a wander round ,i took a few photo's in Sheringham and some of Cromer Pier We should sleep well tonight with all the sea air !!
16 Jul 2010 18:23 |
I'm glad you had a good day out Mandy.Enjoy the crab.I wouldn't like it.I don't really like much fish .Smoked Haddock,Haddock and Cod is about my limit.Maybe Sea Bass,but that is about it.
16 Jul 2010 18:25 |
Evening all Frank- I have several Kilner jars still in my mums cupboards she used them for dried rice, beans, peas & lentils for making her scotch broth yum yum, I don't know many poeple who make soup these days as it's so easy to buy at the shops though it dosn't taste at all like my mums home made soup I can smell it now, just the thing on a cold winters night to come home too. loved it with crusty bread(french stick)
16 Jul 2010 18:50 |
email pictures sent . off to sort out the Crab now !!
16 Jul 2010 19:00 |
Mandy ,it looks like a lovely day at the coast ,and I see a couple of brave people having a paddle.Do you ever go for a paddle?
16 Jul 2010 19:15 |
I agree Jane, Mandy's photo's look really nice and sunny . people are even wearing their shorts. glad it was warm Mandy it's not great to be beside the sea on a cold wet day.
16 Jul 2010 19:23 |
We use to go on the sand Jane when son was little ,but i'am not keen on getting it between my toes now ,i have to be near a tap so i can wash my feet !! There were people having a swim ,even though the sea was on its way out ,and lots of people with dogs that you could see had been in the water .