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What kind of things do you remember from Childhood

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Jane Report 13 Jul 2010 19:38

I can't remember when I did a roast last either Mandy.Maybe on Sunday.It's about time.There is a nice pork joint in the freezer just waiting to be cooked.
We always had Sunday Roast when I was a child,and I carry on the tradition unless it is too hot lol.I then refuse.


MillymollyAmanda Report 13 Jul 2010 19:53

I think i might do Roast Pork , and crispy roast Potatoes, Runner Beans and new Carrots,Peas, stuffing ,Yorkshires and gravy.
What shall i do for a sweet ...they always look for one .
Might do a Crumble and Custard .


Jane Report 13 Jul 2010 19:57

I have to confess ...I usually buy pudding.I am hopeless at crumble.It always seems soggy.,and you know what my rice pudding is like lolol


MillymollyAmanda Report 13 Jul 2010 20:04

I did Rice Pudding last week and Milk Jelly ,the children like a pudding ,well thats my excuse LOL


Frank Report 13 Jul 2010 20:22

No, I haven't tried them, I will put them in a bag and put them in the bin, or send them to Jane to try. She might like them.!!!!!

I feel quite a happy bunny today, for whatever reason, I don't know. I have bashed the back of my right hand, how and where ,I don't know. But there is a nice big bruise coming out and the back of my hand is sore. Don't you dare say, it's your own fault Jane.

Mandy, I think I might do a Roast pork joint tomorrow with apple sauce,Cauli, carrots, peas and broad beans. Will finish off the cold turkey in a roll or sandwich tonight. The cat can have the rest.

I won't ask you to make me a Rice pudding, thanks Jane, i'll make do with something else.

We had a little toy poddle, who would stand at the door waitint for the postman. As soon as he pushed the letters through, she would grab them and shake the letters to "DEATH" One morning the postman left his finger in the letter box to long and she nipped his finger. He was such a union man, he threatened to stop delivering the mail to us, I told him not to leave his hand through the letter box. It's his own fault.

Almost dusk here, the clouds are quite low, and it's very damp everywhere. Same tomorrow and Thursday from the forecast.


Sheila Report 13 Jul 2010 20:26

how nice your dad had fish and chip shop Tracey and remembering the fish bits woolies was wonderful shame it disapeared here but was not the same like it was in our
childhood days I would go to the library and gett my Enid Blyton Five books and my liqourice comforts like bomb shaped things all colours and wet the red one and use it to redden my lips did not stay on long though. excuse spelling we used have some root stuff too liquorice something or other looked like tree and was yellow inside.
There are some sweet sites on the web that does all the old sweets we used to eat. I sent for some once and got
spots all over my face so stopped doing it.


Jane Report 13 Jul 2010 20:33

Frank ,my sisters dog Sheppie got someones hand through the letter box.I think it was a friend of theirs ,and he did need stitches.He didn't press charges lol
Another day my sister came home after being out all day to find the glass panel broken in the front door and lots of blood.She found Sheppie up in the bedroom on the bed bleeding all over the place.She thinks Sheppie must have run at the door when the postman came and crashed into the glass.I think she had to have lots of stitches in her neck.

As to your onions Frank........I think the bin is the best place.The postman would probably refuse to deliver them lol(especially to me)
and your bruise...of course it is your fault.I'm sure it wasn't Ros !!

Early night all round here I think .Although James is due back tonight from Kent,but I have no idea when.I will wait up until about 9.30 and if he's not home by then I will be off to bed.


MillymollyAmanda Report 13 Jul 2010 20:37

Shelia,were the red sweets you were talking about were Licorice Torpedos? ,i remember wetting the red ones and pretending it was lipstick.


Jane Report 13 Jul 2010 20:38

Sheila I used the red liquorice comforts as lip stick too.I couldn't half eat some of those now.I will have a look next time I go to Tes** and see if I can buy some.Loved the liquorice bark sticks too,and Tiger Nuts.


Annx Report 13 Jul 2010 21:00

Looks like we all had liquorice torpedo lipstick then. lol

I used to love l'aimant perfume Jane and wore it in my teens. Now I like Fiji and of course Chanel no 5.

Frank I tried some quite old dark pickled onions once, they were like neat vinegar and made me cough and splutter. Dump them!

The hall looks better now the new drawers are in place and the new light fitting is up. I had a good old sort out of the sheets and towels before putting them in the drawers.....there is a limit to how many old towels you need. They will be going to the dogs home tomorrow and some old jigsaws for their shop. I shall be trying to have a peek in the kennels while I am there and get tempted!! lol

I have an old straight sided earthenware pot in the shed. I bought it at a jumble sale in the 70s. It had the word EGGS in black printed in the glaze, but I put a layer of emulsion on it to make it into a plant pot cover. It only cost a few pence then.


Jane Report 13 Jul 2010 21:50

Sleepy time for me now .Night Night xx


Fiona Report 13 Jul 2010 21:54

Popping into say goodnight been up to dad's house to collect daughter no 2 Tumble dryer mine has just packed in, Can't be without one as you never know when the rain will start, luckily I managed to get all the rest of my washing dried on the line today.

Need to have a shower then it's off to bed, OH off to Madrid tomorrow for a works meeting, won't be back till Friday, will be really quiet now I'm totally on my own apart from Daughter no2 & boyfriend who still come down for there dinner.
Catch up tomorrow.


Frank Report 13 Jul 2010 22:44

That wood with licorice tast. was called "SPAINISH WOOD" we would chew on it for hours.


Tracey Report 13 Jul 2010 23:32

I see your all going of to bed --

Sent out EM pics to-day did you get them???
Maureen your's keep failing to go through dont know whats up ??
i'll try again
night night my friends Shirl xx

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 14 Jul 2010 00:49

It's funny you should say that Sheila because mum had a big clock in the hall in Redbridge and my dad died on the front of my bungalow at about 3.30pm and the clock always stopped at that time afterwards. We have it in the hall here now but it has'nt gone for years now. It's a beautifull clock and I took it to Holsworthy to the jewellers we use there and he said it went perfectly ok in the shop for weeks. Brought it home and will it go here????? Not on your life...............................

Off to bed now as been running around and playing gofa all day. Been and got more cement and tarmac stuff to do patches. Bought 4 more fish, all Koi but two of them are Butterfly Koi. They have lovely long fins and tails and are lemony coloured. OH put the slabs down to and round the pond today inbetween showers and when we got to the bends he put cement in them and my lovely stones I had collected from beaches we visited.

Caught another rabbit in the trap and once again there was nothing in it to entice it in there but I placed it at the hole uder the top gate. It must have come under the door and straight into the trap.

Night night see you all in the morning.


Jane Report 14 Jul 2010 09:58

Morning Everyone
It's quite a bright morning ,but feels a bit muggy again.The grass is looking a great deal greener this morning after the rain yesterday.I'm going to see if I can pick some more beans and peas in a mo.
I wish I could find the photo of me when I was about 3 with a pan picking the peas in Dads veg patch.


Jane Report 14 Jul 2010 10:01

Shirl I didn't get any emails from you yesterday.


Fiona Report 14 Jul 2010 10:17

Morning Jane
Was dashing about this morning to get ready to meet friends for coffee but have just got a text to say that it's been cancelled due to all the ladies haveing other plans so I can now relax and come on the thread for a chat.
Pouring down with rain here this morning just as well I'm not going out hopefully it will dry up a bit before I visit dad this afternoon,
talking about photo's I was searching for photo's yesterday and came across one of me about 2 years old pinching food of my dads breakfast plate, I look a real angel- what ever Happened !!!!!!!
Off to make my coffee nowBBL

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 14 Jul 2010 10:47

Morning All,

Suns out here but we have a bit of a wind which is chilly.

One of the Koi died in the night. We were'nt surprised as he or it was on it's own a lot and looked a bit thin. It did'nt swim with the others much and it definately won't now!!!

Jane our grass greened up quickly after the rain too. With all that dry weather it has'nt grown much but now it will start again. Still it gave OH a chance to get the pool done.

Hope Frank's hand is better today. Will he ever learn to look after himself a bit more??


Frank Report 14 Jul 2010 11:34

Morning to all my "FRIENDS"

Much fresher day here, no more rain, but feeling damp in the air.

Bought Ros a "EXTERMINATOR" it's like a tennis rachet with batteries. When you pust the button on the side, it activates the net with a charge, So when you swat a fly/bluebottle it goes pop, and it's dead, on the racket. It has a warning on it "do not touch the net while pushing the button" I thought I must try that, and what a shock I got !!!!
won't learn will I.!!!!

Bruise is out this morning, and feeling more comforable. thanks for asking.

Where my Mum lived as a young woman, Rathbone Street, East London. there was a blood stain on the beedroom floor. Her brother would go, walkabout every year on the same day,during the night. And the bloodstain would go a dark Red.and felt damp. Ghosts or what.!!!! My eldest brother, JIM had a birthmark in the shape of a strawberry, which would show up more prominent, in the strawberry season. My twin sister and I both had birthmarks on the same leg, hers was smaller than mine. but in the same place. !!!!

That new EDF energy advert, reminds me of myself as a young lad, scratching around in the bombed out houses, with your trousers round your knees, and the Fareisle jumper "NOBBY" off the end of of the bread, covered in dpipping, with salt and pepper. Wish you could still get the dripping off the joint, not enough fat on the joint, and much smaller than the "H" bone of beef, mum use to get.