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What kind of things do you remember from Childhood

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Jane Report 13 Jul 2010 13:42

Right I'm just off to try that Mel.


Jane Report 13 Jul 2010 13:51

Nope they are still tiddlers.


Sheila Report 13 Jul 2010 14:46

hi Jane are you ok have just typed as load
of speel how do I do it it looks all higgley piggley
all over the place and not too well typed kind of
short stubby paragraphs with a long line
every now and again. Think I will keep them
shorter must have mentioned all my life bye now.
glad I gave you a laugh it did me. nothing like good
country air not so funny when its smoke and stable
muck sheila.


Jane Report 13 Jul 2010 14:48

Oh Sheila ,we have needed someone like you to come along and get the memories going again.We had exhausted all of ours
It is actually raining now!!!


Sheila Report 13 Jul 2010 14:54

thanks shirl my life is a bit boring lately surrounded by rubbish and not much else .loved those little bottles of perfume but it used to evaporate quickly .


MillymollyAmanda Report 13 Jul 2010 14:59

Just had a tidy in the shed ,i found some Lager's that were 2009 ,goodness knows were they came from ,have tipped them down the sink ! now the kitchen smells like a brewery!!

Slow dry today outside ,and i have a full line too.

Fish for tea tonight ,brain food so they say ,i couldn't have eaten much as a child then LOL


Maureen Report 13 Jul 2010 16:01

Love all your stories Sheila. Your Tunisia trip put me in mind of when I went out to Spain to meet my ex's family more than 30 years ago. It was a tiny house with no kitchen or bathroom, no taps or running water. There was a small yard that I would sit out in and subathe his mum would come running out with a hat for me to put on. When I said I wanted the toilet in what I thought was perfect Spanish, and she couldn't understand a word I was saying, eventually with 'Give Us a Clue' type miming she took me into a bedroom and pulled a pot out from under the bed !!!!!

Wasn't the Evening of Paris perfume in a very deep blue bottle.

Wandering around the boot sale I saw some old brown earthenware jars. Exactly the same as the ones my mum used for pickled onions. My dad grew the shallots and I can remember them all drying out on the bench in the shed, then mum would pickle them in those big jars and they were left to pickle away in the shed until Christmas.


Jane Report 13 Jul 2010 16:17

Was another perfume that was popular way back then called L'aimant(or similar) by Coty.?


Fiona Report 13 Jul 2010 16:58

Afternoon all
Wow it's going to take a bit to read all your stories sheila, so I will wait till after tea when I have more time.

Been quite a warm day with some sun just now gone cloudy, been chatting to my cousins daughter by e-mail this morning her grandad was my dads brother he was a rear gunner with the RAF and was a POW in the second WW, my uncles granddaughter has decided to write a book about her grandads war experiences which she hopes will get published some day. So we have been sending photo's of my dad and her grandad back and forwards this morning.

my favourite perfume is j adoir by Christain Dior I luv the flowery smell, the bottle is shapped like a tear drop.


Frank Report 13 Jul 2010 17:36

Jane, I don't want you running your fingers around things !!!! you don't know what might happen. Only little tiddlers , are they. Have you been peeping over the fence at your neighbour. !!!! you naughty girl you !!!!

At last we have a steady rain, been going now for 3 hours. should soak in a bit, the garden certainly needs it.

Told you it wasn't me, ANNX. I seem to get blamed for everything, and me being such a quite in-offensive old chap. !!!!

Shelia, you certainly have had an exciting life, and traveled quite a lot.
Until I was 17 the furthest I had traveled was Skegness Lincs. when I went to Butlins with three mates in a chalet which was like a garden shed with two bunk beds either side. No toilet or washing facilities. They were in a block, that everybody used. Meals were served in a big hall, and If you wanted to play, snooker or table tennis, you had to hand your chalet key as a DEPOSIT. So you returned the cues or bats.!!!! Can you imagine Teenagers standing for that now, Mind you it only cost £14.00 for the four of us for a week. I know after I came out of the RAF to Hire a boat on the Norfolk Broards was only about £25.00 for a week. and Bed and breakfast between 5/= and 7/6d a night.

Has anyone heard from Debbie ???? I hope we (You Jane) haven't upset her. ONLY JOKING.

Raining quite heavy now, BBL


Frank Report 13 Jul 2010 18:03

The other day while sorting out the garage,I came across one of those big sweet jars, that use to hold about 7lb of sweets. It was full of PICKLED ONIONS. We haven't done any for years, they smell OK and looked well pickled. Realy dark in colour. I haven't tried one. Would anyone know if they are still allright.?????? The screw lid, hasn't been off till the other day. I bet they would be great, with a nice piece of crusty bread, and Cheddar cheese. Who fancies a bit. ????


Jane Report 13 Jul 2010 18:05

I am getting fed up with this site.I just did a huge post and once again it just went as I was still typing.
Oh Well,I can't be bothered to do it all again now ,but I was giving Frank a good telling off lolol.He is being a cheeky monkey today !


MillymollyAmanda Report 13 Jul 2010 18:27

I should think the Onions will be soft by now Frank , i don't think i would chance trying them ,might upset your tummy !
I used to like Pickled Eggs ,would do a big jar of them for christmas, son loves them .


Jane Report 13 Jul 2010 18:32

Well if Frank is going to trying those onions I think I will stay well away from him lol.I have never eaten a Pickled egg Mandy.Do they still have them on the counters in Fish and Chip Shops?


David Report 13 Jul 2010 18:38

That ear suirt has already made a noticeable improvement to my ear.The antibiotics made my face and chest feel hot but I survived that, I'm confident they will work.

There are so many differant medications for so many ailments its amazing.


MillymollyAmanda Report 13 Jul 2010 18:50

Jane try and stay up wind from him then you'll be ok LOLOL

It won't be thunder we'll be hearing it will be Frank !!!

I think you can still buy eggs in the Chippie ,Tes*o's have them in jars .

Toby's just gone loopy ,he's barking because we've just had some supermarket leaflets put through the letter box .


Jane Report 13 Jul 2010 18:58

David I'm pleased your ear is improving now.Yes you can get something to help anything nowadays.
Mandy ,everytime the bell goes or someone puts something through the door Chester does the same as Toby.But he always runs to his food bowl to grab anything that might be in it,and at the same time knocks his water bowl which goes everywhere.The paper on the wall is all peeling off because it has got wet so often.
I wonder if Frank has managed to resist????


MillymollyAmanda Report 13 Jul 2010 19:04

Toby will only calm down if i let him have a sniff of what ever has been put through the door,then he's happy and goes quiet , otherwise he will just keep woofing for ages .

Knowing Frank LOL


Jane Report 13 Jul 2010 19:15

Poor Ros lol
Tonight will be the first time in weeks that we will be eating indoors!!.


MillymollyAmanda Report 13 Jul 2010 19:24

Yes its much cooler ,got the family coming for tea tomorrow , they want a Roast ,i don't mind now the weather has turned cooler .