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What kind of things do you remember from Childhood

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MillymollyAmanda Report 14 Jul 2010 19:24

Ann,the first email pictures ,for some reason won't open ,the second lot of Shirl are fine .

Maureen , thanks for the photo , what a fine looking young man, bet he has to fight all the girls off LOL

Ann , like your little friend !

Your rice and beans sounds good Jane ,i'll have to have the recipe ,might be good to do when we next have a barbeque .

The Roast Pork went done well, think everyone went home full up ,i know i am , it was a nice piece of Pork Loin and there's plenty left for cold cuts tomorrow .
We went and sat outside for a while until it started to rain ,but it was only a few spots ,its still quite warm even though there's a bit of a wind .


Fiona Report 14 Jul 2010 19:34

Ann like Mandy can't open the 1st lot of Shirl's pics . Shirl by the lake came through fine.

Just finished dinner daughter no 2 boyfriend cooked tonight because OH is a way, we had spaghetti Bolognese followed by vienetta Ice cream, I had one of my weight watchers ice cream -wasn't I a good girl now.

Going to watch the TV for a bit, then will be off to bed about 10 got my physio appointment tomorrow been a good girl doing my excercises too still ache a bit , not sure how long I will have to continue doing them.

BBL to say good night


Annx Report 14 Jul 2010 19:35

How awful for your daughter's friend Jane. Her emotions must be all over the place with something like that. Then to have to deliver it knowing there will be no baby to take home. Poor girl.

OH has gone off to a friendly match tonight, beaming from ear to ear and rubbing his hands together with delight now his footie season is on the horizon. lol Still, it is actually nice to have a bit of quiet time. lol


Annx Report 14 Jul 2010 19:38

I love a bit of pork loin as it is usually so tender. Sounds as if they had a lovely meal Mandy.

I will try sending the first of Shirl's piccies again, but as attachments instead of being embedded in the e-mail......fingers crossed!!


Jane Report 14 Jul 2010 19:42

Just had a huge downpour here.It looks a bit stormy.OH is eating his dinner under the gazebo......but he is managing to stay dry.
Glad your pork went down well Mandy.I do like Roast pork.

Ann ,it will be terrible for Hannah's friend.Also waiting 2 days knowing what the outcome will be.I can't imagine how she must be feeling right now.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 14 Jul 2010 20:22

Poor girl Jane , my heart goes out to her. All that time waiting too!

Made two quiche for dinner but still waiting for mums one to cook. Done king prawn, brocc, sweetcorn and mushrooms in OH's one and bacon and all the other bits in mums and mine oh and tomatoes.


Jane Report 14 Jul 2010 21:02

I like a quiche Mel but not with the prawns !!.Mum used to make a brilliant Quiche Lorraine.
We had a bit of lightening just blue sky.


David Report 14 Jul 2010 21:11

Did you have a local lop?


Jane Report 14 Jul 2010 21:16

No ,David .It was just the flicks.I think it was the ABC or something like that lol.I do remember going in through the fire doors and sneaking in for free.


Jane Report 14 Jul 2010 21:29

Shirl .Have got all the pics now thanks.Thanks Ann.


Jane Report 14 Jul 2010 21:39

Night Night Folks.I am off to bed.xx


Fiona Report 14 Jul 2010 22:00

Just popping into say goodnight , had some terrible rain this evening and some thunder too but no lightning as yet.
off to bed , catch everybody tomorow
sweet dreams
night nightXXXXXX


Tracey Report 14 Jul 2010 22:33

thanks Ann for sending on pic---Going to let my monster see Maureen's



Sheila Report 15 Jul 2010 01:06

Tracey what were you saying about rats with a cairn terrior
yes a dead one plonked on my chair what colour were your
Cairns mine is Brindle SHEILA.


Sheila Report 15 Jul 2010 01:39

Frank Mohsens been to Gerba near to Sfax said he took a trip once with his youngest brother and his truck broke down at Stax they had to stay with an old couple of sisters who had not seen many young men and they insisted
washing them all over. The two ladies locked the door so they could not
get out and they crawled through a very small window. One woke up and grabbed Mohsens brother by the ankle and he lost his shoe. They fled up the
dirt track leaving there truck and crept back when it was dark and fled.But
all there belongings were inside the house. They never went back.

Mohsen laughed at the name Farhat . It rained all day here today sheila.


David Report 15 Jul 2010 07:01

The Picturedrome aka The Lop became a Cyril Lord warehouse.
I recall they had an advert on TV This is luxery you can can afford by Cyril Lord or smoething like that..


David Report 15 Jul 2010 07:03

There were several cinemas in Newcastle. Only 2 remain

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 15 Jul 2010 09:55

Morning a windy one with grey skies and it's cold.................

Don't need to say much more really, do I?

Thanks for the pics everyone. I got Shirls pics in the end, the grad and Shirl by the lake.

I am going to work on the fruit cage today between showers. Think OH is pi**ed off because he won't get the pointing done again.

Must say the roning board looks a lot clearer this morning!!

Still not been able to take a photo of the chicks as whenever I go over there she takes them in the house.


Jane Report 15 Jul 2010 10:01

Morning All
On a wet and windy day.Well it's not raining at the moment but there are some very dark clouds up there.
Hi Elizabeth,I don't remember Dr Collis Brown or Lion Ointment.It must have been just a little before my time.Savlon or TCP were the creams used at home.Mainly Savlon, which I still always have a tube of.The smell of it reminds me of being a child.

I was down the Churchyard just now and one of the graves seems to have suddenly sunk !!!It is all down on one side by about 8 inches.I wonder if the heavy rain has caused it.
Need to get a few bits done and then Tes**.Then haircut this afternoon.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 15 Jul 2010 10:05

Welcome Elizabeth.

More memories please.

David I remember that ad for Cyril Lloyd carpets.

What was the stuff you could get in the chemist that came in a bottle with a white label wrapped round it and a picture of a horse on it. Some sort of embrocation?