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What kind of things do you remember from Childhood

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Jane Report 15 Jul 2010 18:55

Enjoy the weekend Maureen.Let your hair down ,have a few drinkie poos .It will do you good.
Mandy ,the wind today reminded me of when I lived in Plymouth.We used to go down to the beach to see the waves and then stand on the cliffs to get buffeted by the wind.It was great fun.


Fiona Report 15 Jul 2010 19:06

Evening all
Mel I am also having the same problem with the curser jumping and also sliding up and down to read the posts it keeps sticking
Maureen enjoy your weekend hope it will be nice weather it's still pouring here.
Never Mind David sad to know the old markets gone not been to Newcastle since I left Sunderland 20 years agoOff to get my tea, see you later


Annx Report 15 Jul 2010 19:45

The Goddards Embrocation I mentioned used to be called White Horse Oil Frank......yes it had an awful pong!!

Maureen, your grandson will be wowing the girls soon........with those good looks. I'm not sure what relation Steve is?

Sheila, I love your have led a more interesting life than me......keep them coming. I am a baby boomer like Maureen, so your tales go a bit further back for us.

Mel I'd not heard of butterfly koi. Are they like comet goldfish with the long fins then? I bet all the fish are loving that big pond. Looking forward to seeing the end result when you have finished.


Sheila Report 15 Jul 2010 19:50

Jane that is so sad about the girl having the baby how would you get over that.


MillymollyAmanda Report 15 Jul 2010 19:51

Should still be windy tomorrow ,so we should see some waves !!

Have a lovely weekend Maureen .

My pages are all jerky too ,have to go to the side bar to take the pages up and down smoothly.

Shelia we don't go to Yarmouth very often ,it got very dirty and run down ,but over the last few years they have done it up a bit and there is a new Port there now .
Washings dry and we have a blue sky ,no clouds at all .


Jane Report 15 Jul 2010 20:12

Oh Sheila .I am having a giggle at you !!!! In a nice way.You sound just like the rest of us here lol You will fit in well.


Frank Report 15 Jul 2010 20:57

My cockles are doing fine thanks very much.!!!!!

Yes Jane, same door same trouble. It can't be replaced as it's quite old. And to have a new door and window would cost a fortune. I will ask my Son to see if he thinks he could take of the sliding door and put an opener in it's place.
Jane, I can just see you prancing around it that outfit. The mind boggles.
I know I am only a bloke, but that girl must be going through hell. It's bad enough when your wife has a misscarriage, but this must be a nightmare. Jane tell her Mum we are thinking of her.

The site has been an absolute terror today again, jumping and far#ing about all over the place. I've lost my cursor so often I think the puter is going down.


Tracey Report 15 Jul 2010 21:07

OK where has the day gone-----?
Hi Elizabeth--where do you hale from--Jump in with your memories-- We dont bite--(((Well-not-at-first))) ha ha

I think Frank Sheila & I are of the same age lol
My wee flower pots are looking so sad --cant keep them watered enough
Think I'll just have some chicken lemond rice soup--nice crusty french bread---
been hot & humid -----going about with nothing on but a very BIG-SMILE


Tracey Report 15 Jul 2010 21:12


You may only be a bloke --but you've a KINED HEART- for that thought.


Jane Report 15 Jul 2010 21:27

Thanks Frank.A very difficult day tomorrow for 'F' and her family.
As for my outfit.............Hannah said it looks nice lol.Chris walked in the front door and looked at me and "Hello Max" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think another early night is in order.The last 3 nights I have slept really well ,but my dreams have been crazy.One was very disturbing ,but I won't go into that.I have a very vivid imagination.

Shirl can you give the recipe for your soup? I think you may have said before but I don't have it.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 15 Jul 2010 21:27

Still eally windy here and the trees are blowing like gallleons sails!! Just been up to the gate to make sure my table has'nt blown away but it's ok.

Sheila what sort of games did you play in the playground at school? We used to play What the Time Mr. Wolf and others.


Fiona Report 15 Jul 2010 21:39

Thanks Maureen
For the other picture of little steve , is he your son ?

Have a good weekend sheila don't overdo the keep fit now we want you to stay in one peice so you can come on here and chat to us.

This cursor is driving me mad I have to really bang hard on the keys to write anthing, I'll think I call it a day before I start getting too angry and damage the keyboard lol!!!!!!!

Night night all


Fiona Report 15 Jul 2010 21:42

Just me deleting post came up twice
night night again


Jane Report 15 Jul 2010 21:43

I kept thinking about "Wibble Wobble Wibble Wobble Jelly on the plate.Were there any more words to that?Why did we say that ? I can't remember.


MillymollyAmanda Report 15 Jul 2010 21:47

I wish this wind would drop a bit ,things are rattling and banging and Toby keeps having a little Woof ,he thinks someones coming !!

I'am off for a shower and then to bed
Night Night all xx


Jane Report 15 Jul 2010 21:52

I think it has dropped a lot here now Mandy.(fingers crossed).Chester is in his bed.First time in weeks .It has been too hot in there until now.
I am off too now so will say night night .I can hear very loud snores coming from the dog bed lolol,and can see twitchy paws.He must be dreaming!!

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 16 Jul 2010 08:57

Morning All,

Horrid day again with rain and grey skies but the wind has dropped a bit.

Had another message from Marian so here it is.

1peny would have bought 2 gobstoppers a dangerous hard sweet ball to suck until it was soft enough to chew In my childhood days there was a war on,everything we ate was rationed. Herbal sweets were available now and then at the chemist where we also bought Spanish liquorice,A piece of dried wood from the liquorice tree,Chewed till soggy, the strong flavour in our mouths passed for something very good to our starved palette. Occationally children would flock to the nearest grocer with their pocket money because they had got some Horlics tablets.At one point during Junior school days we managed to get some lemon crystals very ounce perhaps, really not enough to coat your slippery wet finger.Wet because sucked fingers, stuck into the bag of this stuff would be coated with it and when sucked was very sour and satisfying There were never any fat people during the could get enough to eat, but there were so many foods unobtainable and what there was was a very small amount HAPPY DAYS MARIAN


Jane Report 16 Jul 2010 09:45

Morning Mel
Boy oh Boy the wind!!!!.It is very strong still.I have just picked a few peas (not many left now) and more Dwarf beans.I just spotted the first tomatoes .They are tiny but hopefully with all this nice rain we have had they will grow nicely.
James has his MOT on the 22nd,but needs a new spare tyre,so I am just going to ring around to find the best deal while he takes Chester out.

Hi Marion.
I wasn't allowed Gob Stoppers cos Mum always thought I would choke ,but I often managed to sneak one home .I loved the little seed in the middle.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 16 Jul 2010 11:32

Guess what?????? we caught in the fox trap last night!!

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 16 Jul 2010 11:37

Elizabeth......and told not to take sweets from strangers.