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YG Report 21 Jun 2010 22:21

Aunty, most English football team members are foreign, if you get my drift lol!!


LaGooner Report 21 Jun 2010 22:30

LOL YG, what do you mean LOL


YG Report 21 Jun 2010 22:34

Don't get me started on that one LG!! Especially the way the team is playing at the moment!


LaGooner Report 21 Jun 2010 22:38

LOl Yg ok change of subject. Let me see..... How are your cats LOL


YG Report 21 Jun 2010 22:49

In trouble if they don't stop waking me up during the night, the little tinkers!!!

There are some popular Ausie exports on Graham Norton's show. Supposed to be very popular in Oz!! Hamish and Andy!! Bet Aunty will be jealous!!

Cannot give them the opportunity to prove themselves as I need to climb under the duvet otherwise I won't be up n the rnorning!!

I've already turned off all the lights. Have you ever tried typing in the dark lol!!!

Gotta go LG!!


AuntySherlock Report 21 Jun 2010 22:51

YG. Do you know about a game called basketball??!!!! We have it in Australia. We have an Oz competition which is played in Oz and NZ. Trouble is 90% of the teams are imports from USA.

So I know exactly what you mean about your soccer teams.

I think they use us for practice sessions during their off season.

Just found your post about Hamish and Andy. What by the way is Graham Norton. Oh hang on he's a talk show host on UKTV isn't he? Never watched him but I do know H and A. They used to be very big on radio over here. Wonder what they are doing now??!!!


LaGooner Report 21 Jun 2010 22:51

LOL Yg I can touch type so don't have too much problem, Nite nite YG sleep well


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 21 Jun 2010 23:13

Graham Norton is, shall we say, in touch with his feminine side, a slightly alternative comedian, and not my cup of tea. We tend to turn over when he comes on so never really see who the guests on his show are. It tends to be (if memory serves) a chat show.

Night night.


Mazfromnorf Report 22 Jun 2010 06:53

morning all my class was better last nite ,just now need to keep calm at the exam next week ,i am hoping that the questions will be kind to me lol ,lovely warm morning again got the washer going trying to think of water games for tonite for the kids ,although its usually me that gets wet lol


LaGooner Report 22 Jun 2010 09:18

I have water games at Brownies tomorrow too Maz. A few suggestions for you

Water tag arm the tagger/taggers with a soaking wet sponges and a bucket of water to reload them with. The aim is to throw the sponge at the runners and whoever is hit is then IT.

make a target and throw water bombs at it. In our case the leaders pin the targets to themselves and we get soaked.great fun.(for them that is!!!) LOL

same principal layout and gameplay as below but get them to balance a cup of water on their heads only holding on to it with only1 little finger.

Water wheelbarrow. The usual wheelbarrow race with a twist. Put buckets at end of marked area . At the start line a bucket of clean water to fill cups. Select teams and give each 'wheelbarrow' a plastic cup. On the word go the wheelbarrow gets down and whilst in the prone position grips a cup full of water between their teeth. The teams race each other down the field to the end trying to keep as much water in the cup as possible. At finish line contents of cup is emptied into bucket and the team race back to start repeat with another pair untill all have had a go at being wheelbarrow and pusher. The team with the most water at the end is the winner.

Hope these help X


AuntySherlock Report 22 Jun 2010 09:50

Just been speaking to the GRO and have set up the next search for my Mr Hill.

Well goodness knows what happened just then my text box has stretched right across the screen. Much easier to type in. I'll leave it be and see what happens.

Anyway while I was talking the GROer gave me a hint about searching FreeBMD. She said to put in the family name and then just the first initial of the given name and then a date range. Sometimes if you put in the whole of the name it does not search properly.

Think I might go try it out and see what happens.

Like the sound of your water games but not right now. A little bit too cold for playing in water.

Now let me see what happens when I click submit.

Nothing happened and everything has gone back to where it should be.


Mazfromnorf Report 22 Jun 2010 14:11

oo thanks LG like the sound of water wheel barrow , it is lovely and warm here . i am hoping the garden is OK to do stuff in tonite .
Aunty I am going to try that on Free BMD

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 22 Jun 2010 16:58

Hmm, I'll give that a go next time I do a search.

Good luck for next week Maz, just stay calm and do the easy ones first. That'll give you time to work the hard ones out.
What method were you using for your conversion?
Was it subtract 32, divide by 9, then multiply by 5?


Mazfromnorf Report 22 Jun 2010 19:56

evening all I is soggy and so are the kids lol ,


RockyMountainShy Report 22 Jun 2010 20:02

I knew that about Free BMD *smiles sweetly* I'm, soooo smart I scare myself sometimes ! ;_))))))))))))))))


Mazfromnorf Report 22 Jun 2010 20:23

oo clever clogs its a shame it dont help with the common surnames lol


YG Report 22 Jun 2010 20:43

Evening all. Another beautiful day here.

Finished the grass cutting and watering eventually! Just got going and a neighbour from a few doors away collared me. That was an hour gone because he doesn't know when to stop talking!! Retired, plenty of time to stand and natter and you just can't get rid of him!! I just wanted to get the jobs done so I could eat! Bless him!!


AuntySherlock Report 22 Jun 2010 21:11

Not only do we have the soccer and the tennis but the cricket has started. Australia is playing you Poms in a one day international. I won't be sleeping very much for the next few weeks. Oh well can always sleep at work.

I meant to ask Maz about her statement of "that is the way we used to do it but". Confusion, confusion. What does it matter which way you do the calculation so long as the answer is correct. I can divide one number into another using long division, or I can break down the divider and do two short division calculations. The answer is still the same.

I know the way the kids do the maths these days has changed from when I went to school but a correct answer is correct no matter how you get to the result. And don't tell me you have to show how you worked it out!!!


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 22 Jun 2010 21:20

Just dropping by. Glad you all seem to have had a good day, even Aunty with her international phone call and freebmd tips!

Aunty has a good point. As long as you arrive at the correct math answer, why should it matter which method you use????

If Australia is in the middle of winter..why are they playing cricket against England? Or does that mean they *are* in England? BM hasn't mentioned it, hence the confusion.


LaGooner Report 22 Jun 2010 21:25

Evening all, Have you dried out yet Maz ????? LOL