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Hollzy Report 21 Jun 2010 08:05

Hi Maz,LG,Pauline,DET,CT,YG,AuntyS,
I hope you all had a good weekend.
Aunty,A Crow supporter??
Painting, building, these are the things that I like to do, wreck and renovate.
Looking forward to the next episode of Nutlodge.


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 21 Jun 2010 08:57

Gooood morning! The forecast is warm for the rest of the week, with the cooling winds moving off elsewhere. For us darn souf, its up to 20c today, rising to 25c by Friday. Stop sniggering Aunty and Hollzy - that's warm to hot. I might even shed a layer of clothing!!!!!

As Maz said, the longest day today, which means the downunderers shortest. At least you now have spring to look forward to in a month or so.

Glad we didn't have to send out the search parties for AS, and that the loss of glasses was the only problem. Can we take it that the blonde one is back behind the wheel?

About the WC. As you are aware, I am not a follower, but with the apparent appalling performance, we've noticed that all the TV adverts with the English flag in the background have disappeared, lol.

Good luck with the Math class tonight. I have to supervise a GCSE Math exam this afternoon. The behavior of the minority has been awful in previous exams, and today there are no senior teachers around to assist in crowd control. Help!

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 21 Jun 2010 10:55

Hi everybody.

It's a lovely sunny day here, I've got loads of ho******k to do but I might work in the garden instead.

Good luck in the maths exam DET, I'm surprised you get bad behavior in an important exam. My niece teaches O and A level maths and she says the kids are pretty good because they know they need to do well. Mind you, she teaches at a strict Catholic school.

Hollzy have you picked the colour you want to paint your room in Nutlodge? Red and white has been taken by LG.

Maz, what happened in your maths class last week? Are you having problems?

Aunty, your arm must be aching with all that painting.


AuntySherlock Report 21 Jun 2010 10:56

Greetings all. Wimbledon starts tonight. Have you lot anyone who might make the final 16. Lleyton H. is a slight chance and I suppose Samantha Stouser in the women's draw.

Here we are, as you have mentioned on the shortest day of the year, and tomorrow it is forecast for 17 degrees. This is the middle of winter. And yes 17 is kinda chilly but not as bad as 13 or 14. Can't understand why it is the shortest day and I still had to work the same number of hours. Think I need to rest in the padded cell for a while and think about that.

You lot are doing and supervising maths. And what did Aunty do today?? Why she crawled around under her desk with an ankle biter who just happened to be searching for millipedes. They are little crawly worm like insect things. Aunty was a complete failure at providing millipede specimens. All those millipedes under her desk were lacking the necessary motion to make them interesting.

And when does England take to the soccer field again. Don't answer that. I'll take a look myself. OK England plays Slovenia at 4.00 pm on 23rd June. It is now 21 June here so that's about our Wednesday and it will be around 11.30 ish pm our time. And the Socceroos play on 24th June at 0400 your time. Hey have you noticed the name of our team. Socceroos. And you think we are going to call the game "football". Somehow Footballeroos just doesn't have the same ring.

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 21 Jun 2010 11:05

17 kinda chilly?

I think 13 is kinda warm!!


AuntySherlock Report 21 Jun 2010 11:10

Hi Pauline. I am surprised that so far I have very few aches and pains. I might reserve my yahooing until tomorrow. Squatting on a kitchen sink painting around the window is not my idea of elderly lady activities. However it kept me entertained and out of mischief.

By the way DET your statement about the blonde one being back behind the wheel is correct. Just on a month now. Her dad bought her a sat nav. No not for the street directory. For the fact that is says in a very loud voice. "You are exceeding the speed limit".


LaGooner Report 21 Jun 2010 11:49

Hi all, just a quick look in ,loads to do today to catch up in my house (for a change !!!) LOL.

Lovely sunnny day and really warm Gloat Gloat, Aunty and Hollyz LOL. As for the football well all I can say is can't wait for footie season proper to start in August so I can cheer my boys on again.


Mazfromnorf Report 21 Jun 2010 13:52

kinda chilly at 17 degrees lol that is our summer most of the time its lovely here today ,
Pauline my tutor gave me some temperature conversions and the answers wouldnt work out lol they are on strike today so it may be a different tutor again


Elizabethofseasons Report 21 Jun 2010 19:44

Dear All


Just popped on to say hope you are well and doing okay.

Take gentle care of yourselves
Very best wishes


YG Report 21 Jun 2010 20:09

Evening/morning all. It's been a beautiful day here, but been stuck in the office all day ..................... all together now >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
aaahhhhhh shame!!

Was going to finish cutting the grass tonight, but will leave until tomorrow! We have roadworks very close to work, one side of the road only, one lane. A small chunk cut out of the road about five foot square and they have closed off the whole stretch, so instead of a five minute, three mile journey it now takes me twenty five minutes on a fifteen mile trip up the motorway and through the nearest village. Oh joy!! Only for two weeks lol!!


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 21 Jun 2010 20:15

Hello EoS. Thank you for popping by; you are always welcome here, you know :-)

What an interesting mental image Aunty conjures......a FWHNBAW contorting her self on a kitchen sink, then crawling under her desk look for millipedes. Glad you didn't find any lol.

This afternoon was as bad as expected, despite our deciding on a strategy to start with. Still, at least we will be shot of them next week...and I'm not the only 'senior' who has had trouble controlling them - everyone has!

It is a wide ability school, but the top 25% of the bright students were creamed off by the Grammer Schools at age 11. I think the problem students tend to be ones with low ability, and no self control, who don't really want to be there at all. They don't seem to appreciate that 'rules' apply to them as well as other people. If they are fortunate enough to get a job, for their sakes, I do hope they behave better or they will be out on their ears. Sigh.

At least it is yr 12 (17/18 year olds) tomorrow who want to be there and desperately want to do well to help them on their chosen career or further education path.


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 21 Jun 2010 20:18

Evening YG - didn't see you creep in there! Take the time to enjoy the roses as they say, with your detour. Could you park up your side of the road closure and walk? And the grass will still be there tomorrow lol

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 21 Jun 2010 20:24

Hi Elizabeth, have you had good weather where you are today? Come to think of it, where abouts in the country do you live?

Maz, did you...

Subtract 32 from Fahrenheit then divide by 1.8 to get Celsius?

Multiply Celsius by 1.8 then add 32 to get Fahrenheit?

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 21 Jun 2010 20:25

I didn't see any of you (DET & YG) come in because the phone rang while I was typing.

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 21 Jun 2010 20:28

Got to go now, I'm needed.


Mazfromnorf Report 21 Jun 2010 20:32

evening all thanks pauline ,but the formula has changed lol thats how we first used to do it


Elizabethofseasons Report 21 Jun 2010 20:34

Dear All


I totally agree with LaGooner.
Roll on the football season proper!

But I have to admit, three matches a day and highlights plus all the other sports being shown is driving me a little barmy!

I don't remember other World Cups being as frenetic as this.

Thank you for your kind words, DET.

I am here in the East End of London. The weather is overcast.
Not much sunshine at all.

Take care all
Very best wishes


LaGooner Report 21 Jun 2010 21:33

Evening all. Just watched the Spain match now that is what football should be like LOL. But call me biased, my idol Fabregas was on LOL


AuntySherlock Report 21 Jun 2010 21:57

Hey LG I thought Fabregas played for that other foreign team Arsenal. Does he get to play for Spain even though he plays for the gunners during proper soccer.

EOS you come from the area my "grandfather who wasn't born" is supposed to have lived. You might have to give me some geography lessons when I do discover his origins. Which reminds me I need to reply to the email from GRO asking me which years to search next.

Hey YG I live in a no through road area and last week they repaired the road which connects to my street. And closed the road off so there was very restricted access into my area. Coming back from the northern end one morning I forgot about the roadworks and came across a detour which would take me the very long way round. So I was the first person to drive on the newly repaired road. And I was met at the other end by a workman who told me I should have followed the detour signs. I gave him a big smile and said, "what detour signs they were all pointing in the wrong direction!!" And he said, "Oh I'll have to check them and make sure they are correct".


LaGooner Report 21 Jun 2010 21:59

Hi Aunty yes he can play for Spain as he is Spanish born and bred.