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LaGooner Report 5 Jul 2010 20:58

LOL YG. You missed some real hunks LOL


YG Report 5 Jul 2010 21:07

Just my luck!! I'll just have to keep on dreaming lol!!


LaGooner Report 5 Jul 2010 21:10

I will be visiting the fire station with the Brownies in the Autumn. Want to come LOL?


YG Report 5 Jul 2010 21:13

Ooooh not arf!!!


LaGooner Report 5 Jul 2010 21:16

Right I will let you know the date later !.


YG Report 5 Jul 2010 21:21

I'll save some holiday days and plan my outfit!! Need to look good lol!!


AuntySherlock Report 5 Jul 2010 21:28

I do not believe this. I have just typed a message to you all clicked submit and the stupid lappy has eaten it. I have no idea what I wrote. No brain retention left at my age. Will do it again bit by bit.

Let me see. Morning all greetings to YG and I hope she brought a note for being AWOL. I need to borrow the laser from LG but also thought I could connect the pink custard pipe to the drain and turn on the custard flow and blow the blockage like that.

I comisserated with DET about Argentina being knocked out of the soccer thingy. Sort of messed up the sweep hopes. Actually I don't think anyone's team is left in that now. And how many of you are watching the push bike crashes in France.


LaGooner Report 5 Jul 2010 21:32

LOL Aunty if the custard doesn't work try the mole stew it is so putrid now it will blow out the blockage LOL.


AuntySherlock Report 5 Jul 2010 21:35

Hi LG the last time we messed around with mole stew and your laser we destroyed Nut Lodge. And the firemen came and....... for goodness sake would someone sit on YG she is jumping all over the place.

I was off to take a look at who was doing what to whom just before I got dressed to go down to breakfast. Breakfast here is rather special. Perhaps I could load up the catapult and send you a selection of the delicacies they have on offer - for your suppers.

I think I will have bircher museli and then some danish pastries or maybe a couple of slices of raisin toast or there is bacon and eggs and tomatoes. Etc Etc

Forgot to say that when I started this my room mate opened one eye and asked if I was having trouble sleeping. Didn't have the heart to tell her this was Nut Lodge chat time and 5.30am was a perfectly respectable time for me to be on the computer.


YG Report 5 Jul 2010 21:39

I'm hungry Aunty, so that would be very nice! Let me just open the windows first. I don't trust your aim!


LaGooner Report 5 Jul 2010 21:50

I'm hungry too, give it your best shot Aunty. Sitting here with mouth open waiting LOL


YG Report 5 Jul 2010 21:59

I couldn't wait any longer LG!! Resorted to a packet of crisps and half a packet of biscuits!

Short visit tonight, as I'm off to Birmingham early in the morning, so need my sleep! I won't get home till about 7pm tomorrow night so will be on when I have eaten, provided I don't fall asleep first.

At least you know I am still alive and kicking ............. just!!

Catch you tomorrow I hope. Nite nite x


LaGooner Report 5 Jul 2010 22:00

I hope you have a safe journey Yg Nice to have you back again. Catch you tomorrow, nite nite sleep well.x


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 5 Jul 2010 22:40

Good evening all! Welcome back YG, glad you've the energy to join in with the frivoities and fireman tracking once again.

Commiserations to RMS and her parents. Even a simple knock shakes you up. I do hope they recover fully, quickly.

So Aunty is in the lap of luxury in a swanky hotel? Is this the same one as last year, or has the conference taken its custom elsewhere? Sounds good, and as you'll be inside during the day, the weather won't have much of an impact. With a bit of luck, the bathroom drain will have been un bunged by the time you get back home. I bet she is kicking her self.

Well, this will be last you will hear from me for a week or so as we are off on our holidays. Destination temps for tomorrow 40C. Read it and weep Aunty, lol! The 2nd week we will be staying at our daughter's, who is kitted out with all the latest electronic communication devices. As longs as I can remember the GR login password, I should be able to drop by. If not, at least I can read about your various adventures with hunky fireman, mole stew, irritable sleep deprived room-mates and home renovation disasters.

Logging off now so as to pack the computer glasses. Behave!


LaGooner Report 5 Jul 2010 22:49

HI DET, Have a good holiday and a safe journey.
I always behave (badly that is LOL). See you soon x


AuntySherlock Report 5 Jul 2010 23:57

This is flaming ridiculous. Not doing any more sending from here. Keeps deleting my post when I submit it. I can't believe this.

Good luck on the holiday DET. Hope you enjoy yourself. Keep away from food at the local market place and dogs with foam at the mouth.


Mazfromnorf Report 6 Jul 2010 06:17

morning Aunty you sound like you need a destress time in the lodge
,lovely to see you again YG trust you to miss the firemen lol


Mazfromnorf Report 6 Jul 2010 14:43

its mine again then lol


Mazfromnorf Report 6 Jul 2010 19:39

well i am moving in now everyone is out pets have gone to help RMS with the chores Bessie loves housekeeping and rises to the need


YG Report 6 Jul 2010 20:11

No you're not Maz!! I'm home, kna**ered after a twelve hour working day and I need to put my feet up!!

I couldn't manage a fireman tonight if you were to give me a gold pig!!