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RockyMountainShy Report 1 Jul 2010 00:03

thickness of loft and other insulations recommended.

Would I laugh!! Oh goody haven't had a good giggle in a long time!

Ours is about that thick *shows you the thickness with fingers* Do you have those little whirly thingys on the roof to let the heat out in the summer?


Mazfromnorf Report 1 Jul 2010 06:50

morning all we have anything and everything insulated here lol and it still aint enough in the deep winter .up the dale they have very tiny windows and thick stone walls ,
it is forcast rain here later on but at the moment its still dry we have half the school out today in various directions .so lunch will be easy . 3 weeks tomorrow and we have the holidays

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 1 Jul 2010 07:51

Morning all.

Ditto to what DET said about the heating.

I'm getting new loft insulation in sometime in the next couple of weeks, it's nearly 11 inches thick.


LaGooner Report 1 Jul 2010 09:17

Morning / Evening all, It was so quiet on here last night that I nodded off LOL

Greetings to RMS today on Canada Day


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 1 Jul 2010 10:22

Oh, is it Canada Day? Do you all eat seal meat and pancakes with maple syrup to celebrate? >>>>>runs for cover>>>>>

OH sometimes watches remedial bulding work type programmes from Canada. The insulation they install must be about 2ft thick! Is 11 ins the new 'standard' then Pauline? I know ours is too thin, but do we really have to have that thickness? It would be deeper than the rafters! It's something we keep meaning to do, but that means emptying the loft of offspring associated 'junk', things we keep 'just in case', suitcases and Lord knows what!!! We did have cavity wall (foam pumped) insulation done last spring. I think it made a difference during the winter, but it is difficult to compare heating bills.

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 1 Jul 2010 10:46

I think the new standard is 10.6 inches DET, the government are giving grants to get it done - so it's best to do it now before the winter rush.

I'm off out now, be back later.


Hollzy Report 1 Jul 2010 11:23

Hi All, Just to add to Aunties post, We also live not quite near the Antarctic,
We have a portable refrigerated A/C. which we move from room to room in the summer, a large tube from the A/C to the window to expel the hot air, not very pretty, but we manage.Ceiling fans in each room.They have a reverse switch for winter.Keeps the warm air down the bottom of the room.
Natural gas heating for the lounge room,which will send warmth down the passage and into the master bedroom. (If we keep the doors shut).The kitchen,and other rooms have wall heaters, and being electric, are used sparingly.Consequently, we would rather wear more clothing, than turn on heating when we don't stay in the 1 room all day.
As Aunty says, we don't get many below 15 degrees in winter, often at night, but daytime temps are usually about 15-18. This week we had a couple of days, one at 9 degrees and one at 11degrees max. all day.
I have a wall heater in my computer room which I only use as Aunty says when fingers freeze up. Cheers Hollzy.


Mazfromnorf Report 1 Jul 2010 13:34

well that was a good shift home ready for my next outing to youth lol


LaGooner Report 1 Jul 2010 20:00

Hello all, Hope everyone is well x


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 1 Jul 2010 20:03

Evening LG. Hope you are well and have been enjoying the warmth. Which reminds me, haven't watered the tomatoes yet! TTFN


LaGooner Report 1 Jul 2010 20:06

HI DET, I am an old misery I do not like this heat LOL. Stroll on winter !!!!!!


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 1 Jul 2010 20:33

We could always upset YG and mention the 'C' word..the one in Dec. That ought to be cool enough. I quite like the heat, but dislike the humidity which goes with it.


LaGooner Report 1 Jul 2010 20:46

What word is that then Hmmmm. Christmas LOL.

Runs away swiftly.
I spent Tuesday evening with 4 hunky firemen. Ooooops I have probably upset her even more now.

Dives into bunker with Flack Jacket and Tin Hat firmly in place


RockyMountainShy Report 1 Jul 2010 21:30

HEAT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU CALL 22 HOT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That is warm, I grant you and if your not used to it ummmmmm maybe you'll think it is hot but REALLY it isn't.

It does get a tad chilly here in the winter so we need all the insulation we can get.

pancakes and maple syrup mmmmmmm yummy seal meat mmmmmmmmm NO. Killing baby seals is mean, but necessary or we would be overrun by them and no fish to eat.

We are 143 years young today ! OH CANADA


LaGooner Report 1 Jul 2010 21:35

Happy Birthday Canada .
How are you RMS ?


RockyMountainShy Report 1 Jul 2010 22:12

I'm fine. I knew I had a hard head and I just proved it 2 days ago! I tripped over the blanket from my unmade bed, and hit the wall with my forehead, on my left was the edge of the dresser and on the right was the corner of the wall. and in the middle is a blank foot of wall. BOY, DID THAT HURT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


LaGooner Report 1 Jul 2010 22:57

Oh dear, do you want to borrow my tin hat LOL. I have been wearing it in case YG read my earlier posting


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 1 Jul 2010 23:04

Think you are probably safe for a while LG. She has probably gone to the land of nod by now! Did you take photos of the hunkie fireman to warm her up if she gets chilly? I nearly took a photo of some the other day when I was in the local 'town', but OH objected lol

I'm with RMS about 22c - might take off me cardi for that, but everything else would stay on :0) Hope the head ache has subsided. Just as well that you didn't hit any furniture, or questions would have been asked when you turned up at 'Emergency'!


LaGooner Report 1 Jul 2010 23:26

No photos I am afraid DET. Too busy having fun with the hoses LOL


RockyMountainShy Report 2 Jul 2010 00:28

Cause of accident : tripped over blanket
Why : Cause it was on the floor
Why : cause it was hot at night so I took it off
WHY was it on the floor : Cause I'm lazy


next patient please