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Mazfromnorf Report 2 Jul 2010 06:01

morning all I can watch firemen any time now as the new station is up and running .It has been raining over night here .quite dark too

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 2 Jul 2010 07:50

Morning all.

Maz have you had a look to see if YG is in that fire station?

I think DET will have the cardi back on today, the sun's gone away.

LG, I would keep that tin hat on if I was you, just send your spare one over for RMS.


LaGooner Report 2 Jul 2010 08:50

Morning / Evening all, It is starting to warm up here now so it might be a bit hot with the tin hat on Pauline LOL


LaGooner Report 2 Jul 2010 08:50

Morning / Evening all, It is starting to warm up here now so it might be a bit hot with the tin hat on Pauline LOL


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 2 Jul 2010 10:18

Good morning - has LG been adding 'a little something' to her porridge? She has the hiccups!

We're at that stage of holiday preparations of not wanting to wear anything we might take, so it's just as well it's supposed to be up to 29 here today. The blanket cloud hasn't got to us, just wispy bits lol We could do with the rain; the bit we had at the beginning of the week wasn't really enough for the garden.


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 2 Jul 2010 13:16

Trying to do our Tax Returns..........Arrrrrgh!!! Bits of paper missing. We pay an Accountant, so why can't we just dump the whole lot on him?????


Mazfromnorf Report 2 Jul 2010 13:57

hi there its warm and breezy here again washing is all dry too


LaGooner Report 2 Jul 2010 19:33

Oooo eerrrr just trigger happy LOL.
DET don't mention the dreaded tax returns. I still have ours to do !!. As you know I always have bits of paper missing LOL.


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 2 Jul 2010 20:22

Lol - I did think of you while we were pulling our hair out :)

Seven hours it took. Missing one bit of paper, but as the accountant does the final/official one, he can have a note and we'll drop it in when it turns up in the post. Managed to get the rest of the internet.

If we had had any chocolate to start with, it deffinately have gone by the end :-0


RockyMountainShy Report 2 Jul 2010 22:14

Income Tax!!!!!!!!!

That was due 2 months ago !!!!!!!!!!!

Boy are you guys in trouble LOL


AuntySherlock Report 2 Jul 2010 23:32

Aunty cautiously peers around the door.

Hi everyone. Remember me????

What is old, tired, has paint ingrained into her fingernails, aching shoulders, two sets of clothes decorated in several shades of geometrical splashes, hates the sight of paint brushes, forgot her keys to renovators paradise last night and had to go back home (about 20 minutes drive) and get them, is called "my carer" by her OH because she only visits home on infrequent occasions, has footy tonight, and it is freezing cold, and leaves for a three day residential conference tomorrow.

The answer is..........

Aunty Sherlock!!!!

Started holidays today. Have it all planned out. Three days staying in a swishy hotel by the seaside. Yes I will be able to communicate I am taking the work lappy with me. Then five days as a painter and decorator's navvy learning on the job, then to work work to do the tidying up and preparations for the new term.

And I will really enjoy the conference. I won't have to do anything but listen and eat while I am there so I am hoping my poor sore body will recover from the punishment of the last two weeks.

Greeting to you all. I have caught up with the goss from the thread about the disappearing, injured, insulated thickness, Christmas loving (ugh), and snippets of information about your lousy English weather.

We have woken to between 1-3 degrees temperature each day for the past week. I will be mistaken for the Michelin (sp) Man at footy tonight.

Off to do some lurking.


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 3 Jul 2010 00:07

Greetings Stranger....but not as strange as YG who is still awol. Think we guessed you've been upto your eyeballs in paint! Enjoy the football and the conference/swish hotel. Your OH has some cheek - lol. Thought he has been doing the day shift, or has the novelty worn off?

Ah ha, RMS...we have until 31 Jan to get the tax return in, but the sooner the better after 4 Apr so there is time to argue with the Tax Man, or to get 'our' money back if we've over paid.

Fair pooped, so off to bed. Night all.


AuntySherlock Report 3 Jul 2010 00:07

Aunty has also forgotten you lot are all tucked up in your little beds with warm summer breezes wafting through your windows and the heavy blankets thrown off the end of the bed. (Sorry RMS). I'll catch you all again this evening my time.

Until now. Myyyyyyyyyyyyyy Threadddddddd!!!!!!!!


RockyMountainShy Report 3 Jul 2010 01:11

Hey, It did prove I have a hard head, which explains a lot of things. So it wasn't all bad.

I measured the distance between the edge of the dresser and the edge of the wall. 8 1/2 inches! I bet I couldn't do that again if I tried. Maybe as an experiment though it might be worth it.


Mazfromnorf Report 3 Jul 2010 06:33

morning all i am up to get some chores done before shopping as i am out with froggy most of the day .we had a great evening with youth last night we took them down the park .we had 4 by the time we finished we had twenty plus including two beat officers lol it was such a lovely evening
i will keep watch for YG in that firestation ,She is OK and does look in but busy


CrystalTips Report 3 Jul 2010 06:53

Morning Maz, morning all (including YG if you're looking in)

I'm so glad it's Saturday, it's been a stressful week at work. Going to hang washing out, take dogs out, then contact lens appointment, then hopefully the rest of the day in the garden


AuntySherlock Report 3 Jul 2010 07:41

Hi Maz, Would you like to take a look at this thread. They are researching your family name, in Australia. There is probably no connection but it might be worth a look.


LaGooner Report 3 Jul 2010 09:19

Hi all, Welcome back to the AWOL's LOL. Same as Maz, a few chores to be done then off out until later. Ah so YG is spying on us but not posting is she, come out you coward LOL. LOL. Have a good day everyone catch you later


Mazfromnorf Report 3 Jul 2010 10:17

Aunty thank you it is worth keeping an eye on that because it is the same area .when i go back there is a batch of heads which alot of us reckon are connected but cant link ,Etchingham,Ticehurst is the right are too just back awaiting frog .am off out to lunch and the theatre .


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 3 Jul 2010 10:25

The Theatre - how posh! Hope you have a good day. Not sure what we will do, probably household paper work and a bit of the dreaded H word lol. Might try and 'persuade' the OH to cut the grass!

Good morning to everyone. YG, come back...we aren't that bad and we'll cheer you up if that's what's needed. Chill out CT..that's what weekends are for :-0