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AuntySherlock Report 22 Jun 2010 21:27

Oh heavens. You don't know that the Aussies are in England and playing you lot at cricket. Tch, tch. I think it is probably leading up to another test match.

Haven't you noticed all the CPs out in their cricket gear practicing. They know they are a good chance of getting a place in the England team.

And it is quite difficult to be iterested in cricket in the middle of winter. The brain is tuned to football and like most Aussies I can only concentrate on one sport at a time.


LaGooner Report 22 Jun 2010 21:29

Cricket YAWN!!!!! I find it soooooooo boring LOL


AuntySherlock Report 22 Jun 2010 21:30

Here you are. These must be the One Day games.

22/06/10 England v Australia The Rose Bowl
24/06/10 England v Australia The SWALEC Stadium
27/06/10 England v Australia Old Trafford
30/06/10 England v Australia The Brit Insurance Oval
03/07/10 England v Australia Lord's
08/07/10 England v Bangladesh Trent Bridge
10/07/10 England v Bangladesh Bristol
12/07/10 England v Bangladesh Edgbaston
10/09/10 England v Pakistan Emirates Durham ICG
12/09/10 England v Pakistan Headingley Carnegie

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 23 Jun 2010 10:04

Morning all.

I was at the cricket ground on Friday (the County Durham one), the windows in the cricket club don't open and it was mad hot.


AuntySherlock Report 23 Jun 2010 11:26

Completed a bit over an hour and a half sand papering and wire brushing part of the daughters verandah wire trellis thingy.

I think I will have sore arms in the morning but at least that is about a third of the job started.

You are all ready for your big match tonight. Good luck, and by the way you do know the England cricket team beat us in that one day match. Deja vu!!!


Mazfromnorf Report 23 Jun 2010 14:43

Hi there
well am running late been doing allsorts today ,On the maths tests some of the answers require not the answer but the method or the formula ,Confused lol yes it is so I can use what ever calculation i want to get the answer but . when the answer is need ing the formula that is the test bit lol
am doing some washing and getting some gardening done ready for the weekend am half expecting andrew in early today for the match
hope your arms are ok Aunty


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 23 Jun 2010 18:08

You missed the match Aunty. It started at 1500 our time. England won which means there will be more days on FMP. Hurray!

The warmth has finally arrived; pity I've been stuck in a stuffy gym all day :(

What was the occassion on Saturday, Pauline? Glad you were able to get out, unless it was connected to your recent family news.

BM already knew about the cricket.....but never tells us anything lol. He might go to the game at the Oval or Lord's after work, depending on the weather.

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 23 Jun 2010 20:06

It was Friday I was at the cricket club DET, and yes, it was connected to recent family events. My sister's house is only about a mile away from the cricket ground. There wasn't a match on at the time, just looked like school boys and a teacher practicing. I quite like cricket, we played a lot when we were kids.

Maz, I'll just keep my fingers crossed for you next week.


AuntySherlock Report 23 Jun 2010 22:18

Morning all. Arms are fine, so far. Well I'm pleased to say I have done my Australian bit for the nation and watched the second half of the Australia - Serbia soccer match. Thank goodness that finishes the World Cup and if I stay away from newspapers TV and Radio for the next couple of weeks it will all fade to a distant memory.

I must offer the opinion that I think we need penalty shots in the tennis. Ten hours for one match is ridiculous, however it is good publicity.

We have 20 degrees here today. Yes twenty and in the middle of winter. Forecast for rain starting Saturday but they don't seem to be very accurate with their forecasting so we'll wait and see.

Understand about the formula versus the correct answer. Just think you will be able to go around quoting formulas. The only one I can ever remember is pi R squared. Never had to use it in my life.


Mazfromnorf Report 24 Jun 2010 06:44

morning all Aunty your memory is better than mine ,it is gorgeous here and I am doing my chores while its cool
have youth tonite although they will probably want to be outside rather than in so it will be quiet again i think


Mazfromnorf Report 24 Jun 2010 13:48

poor little thread you are well in the pit

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 24 Jun 2010 18:38

Found this poor little thread half dead.

Everyone must be taking advantage of the good weather.


Mazfromnorf Report 24 Jun 2010 19:56

i am the throne looker afterer i is tired


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 24 Jun 2010 20:57

Glad you've made your self comfy. Hope you woke up in time for 'Yuf'.

Been busy all day, then food shopping. My back ain't 'alf killing me - lol. One more session in the morning, then 2 next week. Really looking forward to the end of it.

Got one boy disqualified this morning. Phones/ipods/mp3's etc are not allowed in the room, even if turned off. The group were asked at least twice, to hand them in for the duration. 20mins later, I spot him with ear phones in. "Can't I even listen to music?" Doh!!!! Pity really, cos he was likely to get a good grade. At least as he is yr 10, he can repeat/retake next year.


LaGooner Report 24 Jun 2010 21:02

Evening / Morning all


Elizabethofseasons Report 24 Jun 2010 21:13

Dear All


Hope you are keeping okay and managing with the heat.

All this tension and build up for the England match in the World Cup.

I like football but there is so much sport on the TV that you can't move literally!

As its a weekend match, plenty of time to prepare some food and
get the housework out of the way.

Can I say that word on here?

I'll even make sure that there is the emergency radio working just in case there is a power cut for the match!

Take gentle care
Very best wishes


AuntySherlock Report 24 Jun 2010 21:42

Morning all. Raining here. What's World Cup??!! Tee hee. Sound like some sort of communal drinking vessel.

Am only working a half day today. Daughter has the day off so I am off to lend a claw with the renovation the proceedings. Only a week to go before holidays. And by the looks of my schedule I will be glad to go back to work for a rest.


AuntySherlock Report 25 Jun 2010 00:16

Looking out of my office window. Outside it is grey, miserable, raining and cold. Oh well inside is better than outside today. Off to make a cup of soothing milo before I start the days toil.

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 25 Jun 2010 13:50

No Elizabeth, you can't say that word on here!

Now go and wash your mouth out.

Don't want to rub it in Aunty (well, yes I do) but it's beautiful sunshine here.

I'm going back into the garden (to work) now.


Mazfromnorf Report 25 Jun 2010 14:05

well i am having a good day was on here early but what did i do no post lol , i was engrossed in some rellie hunting lol