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Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 12 May 2010 23:55

PMSL *Looks around for decrepit old bloke*


AuntySherlock Report 13 May 2010 03:50

Well RMS. There is a very simple explanation to your 3gr grandfather's whereabouts. With the temperatures you have in Canada he is obviously being held cryogenically or something frozen like that. Lets call it "in frozen suspenders."

Of course if he is still in the UK he is obviously sitting at Emirates stadium waiting for Arsenal to win the premiership. Which I should not chuck rubbish about because Adelaide has just been knocked out of the Asian soccer cup thingy.

Now tell us where your grandfather x 3grs was last seen and we will try to find him.

Now this does not jump around. So my problem becomes my problem and it must be to do with how I have my screen resolution set up. I will need to have another fiddle with it tonight. Poor GR they are going to have another problem they can not replicate.

Maz the best advice you can be given is to put a wide cheesy grin on your face, bite your tongue, and be Ms Pleasant Person until it is all over. You could model yourself on Mrs Bucket and sail through the proceedings with chaos surrounding and have a really enjoyable time. Just remember you have put in the hard yards with this event. Imagine them all standing around naked, keep that vision in your head, and have a private chuckle each time they are obnoxious.


RockyMountainShy Report 13 May 2010 04:28

Sorry had to go to Brownies.

Thomas Young was last seen in 1881 age 77, living with his wife Mary Ann, age 81, in West Browmich, staffordshire. Born somewhere in Essex, but was to ashamed to say actually where(maybe ?Chensford?). Has been an excavator, Ag. Labourer and just a plain Laborer. Has at least one daughter, Ann Maria, Sarah Ann might be his daughter or possibly his granddaughter or both!

I will leave you now and say GOODNIGHT until tomorrow. (mine not yours) -[:_))))))


Mazfromnorf Report 13 May 2010 05:52

morning all well last shift of the week have got up early to make lists for food etc am making shepherds pie as it will warm up and go a long way tomorrow well it will be a running buffet i think checked milk, teabags etc we are now getting a steady stream of visitors from today and the rehearsal is tonite
.Aunty great advice will remember that one .i was once told
something similar years ago .
RMS perhaps he is an old recluse somewhere lol living on some potion for life .


LaGooner Report 13 May 2010 09:16

Morning all, wish I was an old recluse damn phone,email and doorbell never stop LOL


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 13 May 2010 10:24

Maz, did the alternative vision involve the smallest room of the house and knickers around the ankles? lol. That was my Dad's version anyway!

Have to get our heads around the missing Thomas Young. I'm going to copy and paste it onto the 'Ask the Nutters' thread on History. Fannybygaslight often pops by there in the late UK evening and is also good at finding missing relatives.


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 13 May 2010 10:51

Isn't it La Gooner's birthday? Perhaps that's why she is being interrupted today!

Happy bathday to you
Happy bathday to you
Happy bathday, dear LG
Happy bathday to you!

Have a good a day. Hope you are being pampered something rotten.


LaGooner Report 13 May 2010 11:02

Morning DET I had forgot it was birthday until little one phoned at 8.00 am to say happy birthday Nanna ,in her little way that is lol.

Thanks for the song very fitting with new tub installed LOL


AuntySherlock Report 13 May 2010 13:13

Evening all. Finally sorted out my filing for the day. Took a couple of more hours at home before it was all done.

A very happy birthday to you, LG. Hope you have a lovely day and manage to regain at least some of your memory. Tch, tch fancy forgetting your birthday!!! I wish!!!

It is very cold here. We put the heater on for the first time this evening. I remember last year I used to sit here all rugged up in a blanket with frozen fingers peeking out while I typed. OH is retrieving the heater from the shed before I reach that stage this year.

I see your government is sorting itself out. The change in your leadership does not seem to sit very well with a lot of people. Really strange when you think about it, because that is the way the majority voted, so someone must want them in power.

Well that is as many words as this stupid computer will let me type. I tested this at school today and it lets me type a lot more. So I am still looking for the reason for my problem.

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 13 May 2010 16:59

︽☆︽ ︽♥︽ ︽☆︽ ︽♥︽ ︽☆︽ ︽♥︽ ︽☆︽
..................Happy Birthday LG.......................
︽☆︽ ︽♥︽ ︽☆︽ ︽♥︽ ︽☆︽ ︽♥︽ ︽☆︽

Hope you had a lovely day.


YG Report 13 May 2010 17:38

Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday Your Maj
Happy Birthday to you!!!!

Hope you have a really special day LG xx


LaGooner Report 13 May 2010 20:50

Thanks everyone for your good wishes,sat here eating birthday cake as I type!!!
Another helping tomorrow as it is OH's birthday LOL


YG Report 13 May 2010 21:14

Where's my piece lol!!


AuntySherlock Report 13 May 2010 21:48

Oh dear. I am non functioning this morning. Did not go to sleep until after one in the morning and am up again at six. Spent lots of time on OHs search and advising the transcription service about why I need certificates. Had no idea it was so late. Also I had a quick look at RMS's Thomas Young, nope did not get very far.

And you lot will be pleased to know our winter has arrived early. It is about 4 degrees C. Waaaaaah!! I want my hot weather back. Time to become a grey nomad, hitch up the caravan and travel north to where it is warmer. The idea of travelling north to be warm must raise your collective eyebrows, just remember we are upside down here.


LaGooner Report 13 May 2010 21:48

Just fired some over to all Nutlodgers . Duck everyone LOL. It is very sticky >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


YG Report 13 May 2010 22:07

Thank you LG. but will you please take lessons on aiming before you send anything else!!

Aunty, we are not laughing at your cold temperatures >>>>>>> YET!!
We had an overnight frost and -2degs!!


LaGooner Report 13 May 2010 22:11

Sorry YG I had not got my specs on LOL


Mazfromnorf Report 13 May 2010 22:16

hello happy birthday LG well have fed the tribe rehearsal went well off for a bath while the house is empty


LaGooner Report 13 May 2010 22:22

Thanks Maz, Glad the rehearsal went well.


AuntySherlock Report 13 May 2010 22:49

Good evening Maz.

Oooh it sound like the big day is almost here. I'd lock all the doors and windows and have a lovely bath and then a few hours peace and quiet to myself. If they come back just ignore them, leave a note on the door telling them to go down the local for a while.

How did you score an OH with almost the same birthday LG. I managed in the same month but 24 days apart so we are different star signs.

Whoops, sorry forgot.

Gimmee crown, broomstick and the throne. Now how does that little dittty go.

Killer Queen dynamite with the laser beam, kills threads wherever she has been!!

It is becoming like I hesitate to reply on a thread. I have deaded so many lately. There's no life left in these boards anymore.

Oooh it's Friday wanna start of big ruckus and a fight just to liven things up. Nope, nor do I, too tired!!!