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RockyMountainShy Report 3 May 2010 23:45

Wonder how fast Spot had to run??

They were going for stage 2 and then they took a ride in the helicopter and said "STAGE 4" but we don't have a stage 4 so they had to settle for 3

Well, it did sound like fun when we had to register but now I getting nervous.


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 4 May 2010 00:06

It'll be fine. After all, they've all been away over night before, and you will have other adult helpers.

Ear plugs may be a compulsary extra, don't you think, of you want *some* sleep???


RockyMountainShy Report 4 May 2010 00:19

Oh good idea, wheres my list .......................... ear plugs, Tylenol, rope to hang self, .............


Mazfromnorf Report 4 May 2010 07:11

morning all well the stuff went to the tip he came back about 1pm yes i needed to get rid of the stuff as it was a huge pile and its my seating area .some of the rellies are like royalty lol .today i ned to sweep and weed between the flag stones but apart from dusting its done lol .


AuntySherlock Report 4 May 2010 07:51

OK Maz. I want to see you down on the hands and knees with nail scissors clipping that grass between the flag stones. Now no slacking, do you hear me. And when you have finished that job I'm sure you can trim the edges of the lawn with the scissors as well. Oh boy you are a dynamo. I takes me hat off to you. Now if you are sure it is all done take a few hours rest and worry not you will find something else which needs doing before the hordes arrive.

I've had half the afternoon off to work at home. Have reports to write and just can't do it with all the interruptions. Oh and I get to keep Spot company because his dad is not at home.

Pouring rain on and off all day. Some bright sunny breaks but mostly wet.

One report finished five to go and I have to go out later. Never mind there's always tomorrow.

By the way I will put an interesting little game on Chat. Very quick, its to do with chocolate.


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 4 May 2010 08:51

Well done Maz! Once you've pulled the weeds out, get a bottle of spray weed killer, to stop them reappearing in the next 2 weeks. Not all that eco friendly, but it will cut down on your work.

Saw you chocolate quizz Aunty. I must be an odd ball cos I only think about chocolate about twice a year. Now give me cheesy waffer/crisps, and that's another matter lol


AuntySherlock Report 4 May 2010 09:18

I am going over to the nearest corner to sit there and cry. Just typed at full speed for twenty minutes. Thought I'd saved the work, closed out and went to look for something else, went back to finish my document and it has gone.

I think I must have been typing into the open outlook document instead of saving it to Word first. At least I have a handwritten copy of the work and I don't have to remember what was written. All that wasted time!!!

OK that's it for work. Going out instead, mutter, mutter, mutter!!!


LaGooner Report 4 May 2010 09:29

Morning all, had visitors arrive last night hence the dissappearing trick LOL. Oh dear Aunty I have lost count of the number of times I have not saved things and boy you should have heard the language LOL.

DET. Snap as far as the choccy goes. I am a cheese addict LOL


Mazfromnorf Report 4 May 2010 14:16

hi there the weed killer has worked i am too tired to do anything this afternoon much i have the kids club later .so tomorrow is the day I am going to tidy the freezer .
Aunty a knife is the best for the weeds lol but the scisssors will be neater lol


LaGooner Report 4 May 2010 14:25

Hi Maz, my you are a busy bee. I have just finished prepping for tonights Rainbows and have to go and wash up lunch dishes in a minute. Sitting on my butt after that until 4.15.


AuntySherlock Report 4 May 2010 14:48

Hi all, Just here to say goodnight. I have been out with the girls for tea. Came home and decided to have a look for my lost report. I actually found it in my temporary internet folder. Had a lovely time retrieving it from there and putting it into a word document. At least now I do not have to type it again. Don't ask me how I lost it and got it back again, I don't know, probably magic. I'm now off to bed.


Mazfromnorf Report 4 May 2010 15:41

have a good sleep Aunty glad you found your work ,hi LG apart from keeping it clean i am nearly there now ..
cant wait until i can do FH again there are loads of ends to tie up on my tree ,going to get the dating agency going for my son so i get this back again in the evenings


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 4 May 2010 15:45

Glad you had a good evening Aunty, with the other fishermens widows - lol And you rmagic fingers have found the lost document, so a good day by the sound of it.

Thanks to LG's husband who has long distance confirmed that I wasn't going to blow up my car - lol! Although I've since deleted the 'Help' thread, a guy probably from Sydney also replied. How's that for international co-operation lol.

Too wet to cut the grass - at least that's OH's opinion!!!


Mazfromnorf Report 4 May 2010 19:51

well what a treat sat here looking in lol will stop soon cos he is playing footy


YG Report 4 May 2010 20:07

Evening/morning everyone.

Maz, you are still a busy bee!! You put us all to shame!

I didn't get as much gardening done as I would have liked, due to the cold weather, so made the most of getting home on the earlier shift today at 4.15 and spent two hours cutting the grass. Still got the back to do tomorrow!

I'm finding it very difficult at the moment as my upper arms are causing me a lot of aggro, so am keeping the ibuprofen handy!!!


Mazfromnorf Report 4 May 2010 20:11

YG hi there its a really good likeness of her maj lol love it lol
i am only doing it cos i have to lol


AuntySherlock Report 4 May 2010 20:57

Naturally you all understand that the first one is definitely me. And I can see an amazing resemblance to LG in the second one, even down to the propelling motion on the conveyance.

Morning all. Things to do and unfortunately places to go, ie work!!


LaGooner Report 4 May 2010 21:00

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Whee flying through on Broomstick. Aren't I a good looker LOL. Going to print that off and hang it on office wall !!!!!!! LOL


YG Report 4 May 2010 21:31

She looks as though she's supercharged too lol!! Sorry, couldn't resist sending it!!


LaGooner Report 4 May 2010 21:55

Don't apologise we love it. Son says yes it is a very good resemblance LOL