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+++DetEcTive+++ Report 8 May 2010 09:43

Hee, hee! That's one advantage of being quiet in real life - lol

Try the buses as an experiment on a 'good day'. A lot of the newer ones sink down to the kerb and have 'little' steps to get in. Nothing as convenient as a car of course, but worth investigating if/when it doesn't cost you anything.

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 8 May 2010 09:59

Morning all.

Happy Mother's Day Aunty (well, I think I've just read it's your day today).

I've had to go back and read that much that I can't remember what I've read.

It's freezing here today, I think you're right LG, we did seem to have our summer one day last week, or was it the week before? Anyway, it was nice and lasted a whole day.

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 8 May 2010 10:03

I've never been on a bus since I was about 19, they had conductors on them and no doors.

I'll be old enough to get a bus pass next month, might get one just to have a free ride on one of those new buses.


AuntySherlock Report 8 May 2010 10:30

I have been a good little historian today. After I finished the things-which-could-not-be-put-off I tidied up all my family history paper work and folders and threw out heaps of notes which were taking up room on my desk. All my certificates are now in one folder in order and category. Ah it is lovely and tidy.

No don't start with the shock horror you will need those notes one day. They were hand written notes of stuff I now have on computer.

Mothers Day is tomorrow here. By unanimous agreement my wonderful family are NOT taking me out for feeding tomorrow, we are going next weekend. Very clever thinkers this lot of mine.


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 8 May 2010 10:39

You go for it Pauline! Although you live in the wilds, there is never knowing when your car is off the road.

Notes Aunty- buy or 'borrow' exercise books, then they are in one place while you are making them. If you got spiral bound A4, then you can tear out the page and put it in your folder. I don't trust saving everything on a computer in case it dies or the file gets corrupted.


Mazfromnorf Report 8 May 2010 12:50

hi there just got back from asda all our buses kneel thats the mechanical name for it lol or the bus stops have raised kerbs to get on now so its worth trying LG
i am on a roll not lol i am not seeing frog until monday evening so i can chill but am going to do some chores like cut the grass as its dry still here
the mess was reduced by Gizmo as i got there the same time lol
fogot to say i have had a hit my olivers message on Curios Fox come up with a niece of sarah rowley lol lol


YG Report 8 May 2010 18:45

Evening/morning all!!

Lol LG, a birthday very soon. Can we party!! I got my outfit ready for Maz's betrothal that she won't arrange at the moment and I need to wear it!!

Please, please, please!


Mazfromnorf Report 8 May 2010 19:08

party party lol please please and i can let my hair down ,before the house fills up lol they are on their way so i am trying to keep calm as the house will be chaos but looking forward to seeing them


LaGooner Report 8 May 2010 20:26

Definately party party party. I'll get the drinks in who will supply some food LOL


YG Report 8 May 2010 21:02

I'll bring a hippo stew!! There'll be plenty of it to go round lol!!


AuntySherlock Report 8 May 2010 22:29

Oooh I did read that LG had an upcoming bicentennary. What a wonderful excuse for a party. When is it oh great leader.

And just remember we will arrive bearing gifts. Virtually speaking.


LaGooner Report 8 May 2010 22:36

Mmmmmmmm Hippo stew will there be mississippi mud pie afterwards LOL.

All I will say is my day is unlucky for some LOL


RockyMountainShy Report 8 May 2010 22:42

Thursday the 13th !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


LaGooner Report 8 May 2010 22:44

Oooooooooo who's a clever girl then LOL


RockyMountainShy Report 8 May 2010 23:26

Ooooooooooooooooooooo I win I win!!!!!!!

I get a special prize for guessing right !!!


LaGooner Report 8 May 2010 23:30

Special prize now hmmmm let me think about that one LOL


Mazfromnorf Report 9 May 2010 07:01

ooer looks like i will miss the party cos we are rehearsing and all the brides maids are here for meals lol so will share the stew .I am shattered and i have a sore throat .have got up as there is a lunch to cook and we are all at church later .they arrived last night and the first moan my dress wont fit in a wardrobe so its hung on a hook in her bedroom away from kitty
.shock horror they did the washing up last night
apparently the house they are renting is grotty and needed scrubbing there was cat litter under the fridge and cupboards even the floor boards smell of cats they say and kids wee .


YG Report 9 May 2010 08:13

Don't you be going down with a cold now Maz!! We can't have you sneezing and snivelling in church!!

Well, I woke this monring and looked at the time on my mobile. Ah, 8.45, better get up, lots to do >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


After being up for almost an hour, I discovered that it was actually 6.45 when I got up. That will teach me to look at the time without my spec on!!!

I'm lurking now, pondering over whether to do some ironing before I have to go out to buy a birthday pressie.

I have a couple of borders to finish weeding and at the moment it is lovely weather, so I hope it stays like this till I get back from shopping!


Mazfromnorf Report 9 May 2010 08:26

I am on the paracetamol here lol
its raining here quite hard i was going to do some washing to keep up but not worth it .
i was up early as i was thirsty so as i was wide awake i stayed up but will be knackered later


LaGooner Report 9 May 2010 09:30

Morning all. Maz it could be stress thats causing your problems. Chill out a bit and let the others get on with it.

Oh YG you are as bad as me without my specs LOL.

I have been up ages and done the chores and will be off out soon to return an unsuitable bathroom item to the store.