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Mazfromnorf Report 10 May 2010 18:48

evening you are cheerful yg shoot the charmer its bitter here still here but dry got all the washing dry so not bad


LaGooner Report 10 May 2010 18:52

Helloooooooooo. Bloomin cold here too. Just come in and turned up the heating.


Mazfromnorf Report 10 May 2010 19:03

the heating bills are going to be huge this year we will all be fighting for kenny to light our fires lol .LG is your bathroom complete now then


LaGooner Report 10 May 2010 19:11

It most certainly is except for OH putting up a new towel rail. Looking good !!!. It has been nice to be out and about today. I went to Aquacise this morning but after 3 weeks break it nearly killed me LOL. It was so nice this afternoon that I took a walk around a churchyard and took a photo of OH's Grandma's resting place. There are loads of his rellies in there according to the groundsman who very kindly showed me where Grandma was as she has no gravestone now. Got to get a list together and I will be able to look at the burial book and hopefully track some down.


Mazfromnorf Report 10 May 2010 19:34

Great you will be pleased a posh throne room then ,I am playing receptionist for presents enquiries and meal orders lol


LaGooner Report 10 May 2010 19:45

Oh heck lucky you . LOL. I am trying to do a bit more research on my tree but not getting that far.


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 10 May 2010 23:36

Talking of graveyards, I've found out where an elusive grt grt Uncle and his 1st wife are the same town I went to on Friday. Now all that is needed, is a receptive chauffeur cos I ain't trusting the buses again - lol


LaGooner Report 10 May 2010 23:59

I am getting up a list of OH's rellies that all died in and around 2 towns near me. Both very prolific families so could take a while. Next step then is to council offices to lok up burial records then walk round the churchyards to see what I can find in the way of headstones..

Take the car this time DET LOL. I will be


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 11 May 2010 00:14

But to take the car, the chauffeur will need to come.....he buried his head in his hands when informed lol The funny thing is, the cem is about 100yds from where our eldest used to live...and the butchers the grt grt uncle used to own is under M&S food court!

Most of my lot are further afield, although OH (aka the chauffeur) has been dragged to see his relatives about 20 min away. Bless him, he isn't the slightest bit interested but comes along anyway.


AuntySherlock Report 11 May 2010 05:09

Hi you lot. You are all well and truly asleep. Remember my comment about catastrophic technological mishaps.

Yep. Blew up me new computer. My poor computer guru, he worked so hard on it, and tested it, and installed it, and

I played with it for about an hour and

oh lovely blue screen!! Warning, warning this computer is doomed and will trash itself in about thirty seconds.

Now what doesa thinking Nut Lodger do. Well first of all have a look to see where Sweetpea is hiding. Nope couldn't blame him. So I phoned the one who knows all about these things. He seemed quite relieved that something had gone wrong. Always a danger when things run too smoothly.

Anyway computer is back in computer hospital again. he thinks the old hard dis drive containing my information is just not compatible with the new bits. And yes DET I most certainly did back up everything in my folders.

So don't know when I will be chatting again. Catch you all later.


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 11 May 2010 08:50

Oh dear :( Is it fixable? Or is it really the time to splash the cash and get a brand new one? Is it likely that 'he who knows' can get a new hard drive, possibly at your expense. and fix it that way?

Hope you can pop in occasionally at work. Where were the CPs last seen, by the way?


LaGooner Report 11 May 2010 09:12

Morning all, Your OH sounds like my long suffering one LOL. I am lucky all his relations are in about a 7 mile radius of here. Me forget it, Derbyshire,Lincolnshire,Yorkshire, London and Leicestershire oh and nearly forgot the prolific breeders in Wiltshire/Somerset LOL.

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 11 May 2010 10:23

Oh dear, a computer relapse, wonder if it needs another operation. If it dies you can always put it on Shelly's graveyard thread - that's where my old one is.

We could give it a good send-off.


AuntySherlock Report 11 May 2010 13:01

Hello you lot. Watch out. I'm back, twice as fast, half as dangerous and a quarter as brainy.

Whatever it was turned out to be fixable. So far so good but I am not tempting fate by too many positive thoughts. However it really is a good deal faster and I now have all those stupid updates installed I always say no to.

DET about your shoulder. OH has had both his operated on. Nowadays they don't cut you open but do that keyhole surgery. I hope you will at least go find out what it is. I am not saying they shoulder operations are a resounding success it does depend on what is wrong. And here is person who does not go near a doctor telling you to do just that.

What on earth is wrong with GR. i can not go down the screen and it is jumping up and down. Please tell me it is not just me. This is so weird. Am going to submit this and see what happens.


AuntySherlock Report 11 May 2010 13:42

OK Here you are. To keep you entertained while flying, although I suppose you could use it on a bus or train........

What to do in a flight when you have an annoying passenger sitting next to you ....

1. Remove your laptop from the briefcase;

2. Open the laptop slowly and carefully:

3. Turn it on, as well as the sound;

4. Make sure that the passenger next to you is looking;

5. Access the Internet;

6. Close your eyes for a few moments, open again and look up to heaven:

7. Take a deep breath and open the site:

8. Observe the facial expression of the passenger seating next to you.


Mazfromnorf Report 11 May 2010 14:29

hi there well i am here just my sil to be is a tech geek and has been playing with this it has taken ages to get on here lol .he has changed the arrangement of it
Gizmo has a mouse and is having fun with it
Naomi is have her hair trial today ,they are doing well for cards and gifts so i have to keep the place clean for all the callers.I have kids club later on so must get ready for the little darlings will have to organise a game that dont need lots of voice


AuntySherlock Report 11 May 2010 15:15

I Maz. You can play charades. Doesn't need any voices.

Or give them a pile of paper, glue and coloured bits and pieces and ask them to make a party hat, or a fascinator out of the materials.


Mazfromnorf Report 11 May 2010 15:27

lol that would be good they are cleaning he building for the wedding on sat lol bit extra confetti no-one will notice lol


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 11 May 2010 16:31

Thats really funny Aunty, in a sick kind of way! That would be enough for a Skymarshall to have you pinned to the cabin floor!!!!! 'He who knows these things' must have spent all day sorting out your PC. Fingers crossed it is stable now.

Hope your sore throat is slightly better now Maz. Perhaps *you* should be the one going to the GP's!

I went yesterday evening AS. Although the intention was for an appointment towards the end of the week, it was either then or in 10 days time. The diagnosis is Tendonitis, although what the difference is between that and a 'frozen shoulder* is not clear. Over the counter Ibruprofen, or a prescription slightly stronger version for 4 weeks and move it as much as possible. It ain't 'alf awkward doing the ironing! Physio appointment to be sent.....but I may not need it and can cancel when it eventually comes through. Really Hate Ibruprofen - it makes me so drowsy. May have to phone for a different anti -inflam script if I can't overcome the urge to go back to bed mid morning -lol

With our cash strapped NHS, ops are a final resort, which is fair enough.

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 11 May 2010 17:32

DET, it's best if the operation is the last resort because it doesn't always work. If the tablets don't work - ask for an injection.

That link made me laugh Aunty, although I might not see the funny side of it if I was on a plane.....LOL

Maz, you won't know what to do with your time when this wedding is over.