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LaGooner Report 6 May 2010 21:43

I am happy oh so happy, La lallla . I have just been in contact with a second cousin I did not know existed until yestreday and hopefully his Nan will have photos of her Dad, my Grandad who I never ever met. I am so excited I could burst.
Best not do that though just think of the mess LOL


YG Report 6 May 2010 22:19

Well done LG!! How exciting for you.

But no, don't burst!! I can't take the mess on my clean windows lol!!


LaGooner Report 6 May 2010 22:34

LOL YG I will try not to. It was just sheer luck I spotted him on Ancestry.


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 6 May 2010 23:14

Well done LG - beats the election any day.

Night everyone, off to bed.


LaGooner Report 6 May 2010 23:20

Thanks DET. Must be my day today, bathroom completely finished, new relaitve and peaceful evening LOL
Nite nite x


Mazfromnorf Report 7 May 2010 06:24

morning all ,here we are saturday and its raining ,this election is going to drag on over the weekend i think . My daughter keeps e-mailing me with her jobs for me to do but is leaving everything until the last minute folk up here want to know what is going on ..and andrew and i dont have a clue lol grr!!! daughters


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 7 May 2010 08:28

Morning Maz - hope you are at work cos it's FRIDAY! Mind you, I got in a muddle on Wednesday and thought the next day was Friday, so you are not alone.

No clear majority in the elections. We will probably have another one in a few months, regardless who forms the one at the moment.

Not sure if I'll be going out - can't move my left arm very much so might not be able to change gears. Going to be interesting trying to shower - one half will be soaped, the other not - lol

Hope you are enjoying your brand new bathroom LG. Don't spend too long soaking or else you'll go all wrinkly.


LaGooner Report 7 May 2010 09:27

LOL DET I have not had a bath for about 21 years !!!!!! (Thousands and thousands of showers though )LOL


David Report 7 May 2010 09:48

Its the same water the rained on Noah


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 7 May 2010 10:09

Hi David Where have you been hiding?

Off out now.....on the bus!! lol


AuntySherlock Report 7 May 2010 11:41

Well hi there my hearties. Hope you are all well.

I am on a chocolate induced high. Who needs broomsticks to fly around the ceiling. Anyone wanna pick a fight.

Oh dearie me I am going to have such a headache when I stop this sugar indulgence.

Do you know the last time I had a bath.........

When I discovered that I could not read in the bath because the steam fogged up my glasses. Cheesed me off sumfink terrible it did. Never again to soak up to my neck in warm smelly water.

Hey if you lot are going for electoral reform, and given the garbage we have been hearing about the running of your election, could I suggest you try the Aussie model. At least you all get to vote when you do it our way. In fact some of you will get to vote two or three times which is better than not at all.

Oh dear I feel quite sick. Luckily I've run out of chocolate, have to start on the jelly snakes.


LaGooner Report 7 May 2010 11:46

Hi Aunty, just cut the front lawn and sitting for a coffee before starting the back one. Black clouds are looming so I must get on with it before the dreaded rain we have been threatened with.


Mazfromnorf Report 7 May 2010 14:21

hello yes i went to work lol it was a B of a shift the numbers were down so i have lasagne ,garlic bread ,and chocolate crunch and white sauce with disposable plates cos iam on strike lol
Iit has brightened up here and i have put a wash in so we will see if it dries
I am living by lists as i think of something i write it down lol now tonite i am in the dale with the youth so am lookng forward to that as long as i remember all the gear lol .


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 7 May 2010 15:15

Hope the rain holds off for your evening trip out Maz.

May I join in with the swearing?


Bus timetable printed off the web site.

Outward journey came 10 mins late.
Return ticket £5.40
Homeward journey timetabled at 1350.
Turn up at the bus stop at 1345, just in case.
Sit there until 1415...after all cumulated delays have a knock on effect.
Ask other people if it is normally this late.
Attention drawn to timetable which says it left at 1340.


Next one is due at 1530.

Get a taxi - Cost £11.00
Total travel out lay......£16.40 on transport. Could have gone to London for the day with that, and have change for a coffee.

AND I laddered my tights.

Don't suggest a chocolate fix - way past that stage. More in the realms of G+T, except we've run out of G.

Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr on all counts.
Bah Humbug. Slams Door and stomps off.


Mazfromnorf Report 7 May 2010 15:22

carry on Det feel free to swear i am chilling out before getting packed up for tonite
Aunty I forgot to say how pleased your daughter will be at her diagnosis Wheat intolerence can just show itself for no reason ,and sometimes its worht reducing gluten in any diet as its the biggest culprit of problems
will someone else eat this food cos i will be like Bessie lol if i keep eating it


YG Report 7 May 2010 17:52

Ooh dear DET!! Not a good trip, but please feel free to carry on swearing!! I have cotton wool stuffed in my ears!!

What a debacle yesterday with the polling stations! After all the increased interest too! It is a shame for those who couldn't vote. Something needs to change.


LaGooner Report 7 May 2010 19:22



YG Report 7 May 2010 20:00



LaGooner Report 7 May 2010 20:14

How are you today ?


David Report 7 May 2010 21:01

Not hiding lol

No Hiding Place