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LaGooner Report 5 May 2010 21:11

Well !!!!! I never get a cushion SULKS!!!.

I am tired out too you know LOL


YG Report 5 May 2010 22:07

Still haven't made any decision about who to vote for yet!! Guess I haven't got long left!!

lol LG, you're younger than me!!


LaGooner Report 5 May 2010 22:12

Ah but my knees are worse than yours LOL

I know who we will vote for so it's off first thing in the morning to have our say !!


YG Report 5 May 2010 22:17

I'll go straight from work probably, unless I call home for a cuppa first!!

I'm off under the duvet now, as I had a very late night last night watching the bloomin' political discussions!! Was supposed to be having a bath, but I'm falling asleep here, so I'll have to get up a bit earlier tomorrow lol!

Sleep well LG x


LaGooner Report 5 May 2010 22:23

Nite YG sleep well. I won't be long going off myself I think.


Mazfromnorf Report 6 May 2010 07:51

morning all well we need the thrones back again as we are all knckered but i think we should have chaise longs or however its spelt .its pooring with rain here at the moment as i have two loads of washing folded up well mayb it will dry up later .i did a postal vote as I disagree with the schools being off for voting .and when we were abroad we did postal too so we continued


AuntySherlock Report 6 May 2010 08:29

So when do you all vote. Heavens I've been reading some of the other threads about the election. You are able to vot up until 10.00 pm. Our polling places close at 6.00 pm and that's it!! And your schools are closed as well, am I reading that correctly Maz. Our elections are always held on a Saturday so there is no school anyway. Do you have compulsory voting. We do. If you don't vote you are fined, although they are pretty lenient with accepting excuses. Some people use their voting slips to tell the electoral office how they feel about having to vote. Makes rather interesting reading let me tell you.

We might have compulsory voting but all you have to do is have your name crossed off the list. What you put on your ballot paper is your business.

Are you all excited about learning who will govern you, or it a case of same old same old!!

Thought you might like to know daughter has her results back on her gluten tests. She is not gluten intolerant, does not have celiac disease, she is as fit as a fiddle. And boy is she cheesed off. Chucked out all the "bad" food, bought lots of "good" food. Doctor has told her she has to eat more and the foods she is eating are very healthy. They are putting her abdomen/stomach problems down to stress. I've told her it's the onset of old age!!


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 6 May 2010 08:59

Morning Aunty and Maz (and LG for later)

Glad to hear that your daughter doesn't have anything life changing wrong with her. A health eating regime is going to do her good, what ever the cause was. Let's hope the cramps don't reoccur.

Polling Stations for General Elections are open from 7am to 10pm, but the hours are a bit shorter for only Local elections, possibly 7am-9pm. Not all schools are closed, only those being used as Polling Stations, usually Primary Schools. Our Ward has a Portable Cabin parked in a side road! I like the idea in principle of compulsary voting, but what happens it you are ill on the day? If it were to be introduced, I can see more people not bothering to register. Beta Male wants us to go as a family, so OH and I will wait until this evening when BM gets home. Problem Child is going this afternoon when she finishes her shift at work as she is gaddying about later.

Which ever Party is going to be able to form a Government, it's going to be the same old, same old, with spending cuts, higher taxes and their noses in the trough. Apparently, there is one Independent Candidate who has put himself forward as the 'None of the Above' candidate and has promised to resign if elected after 2 months!


LaGooner Report 6 May 2010 09:11

Morning / evening one and all. We are off to vote at lunchtime when OH comes home for his dinner.

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 6 May 2010 10:27

Hi everybody.

*comes in carrying a red & white cushion for you know who*

I think compulsory voting is a good idea in principle as well. Mind you, I agree with DET that it doesn't make much difference who gets in - it'll be higher taxes for us and noses in the trough for them.

It's cold and wet here so it might put a lot of people off going out to vote.


LaGooner Report 6 May 2010 11:03

Ooooooooo thanks for the cushions Pauline, just what I need.


AuntySherlock Report 6 May 2010 11:03

It is a very big news item over here.

Word is Brown is gone and the swing to "someone else" might not be uniform across the country.

Registering for voting is our electoral rolls. Once you have filled in the card and your name is on the roll you must vote. If you are ill on the day there are several options, absentee and postal voting are available and you can vote from your hospital bed.

Swipes red and white cushion and exchanges it for a red, blue and gold cushion.

Did Tottenham do something remarkable. I always thought spurs were something cowboys wore on their boots to make their horses go faster. Does it work with soccer players as well.


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 6 May 2010 11:30

Ooooo! Glad my cousin can't hear you Aunty! Our family comes from Tottenham (1881 onward) and he is a fan(atic)!!!! My aunt had to put brooms and dustbins in front of her house if we were visiting on Match Day, just so my parents could park the car lol

I've no idea who will have the most votes or seats. Some people will stick to the devil they know rather than an untried party.

Keep the seat warm Pauline - off to get the barnet cut. Catch you later


Mazfromnorf Report 6 May 2010 14:44

hello well here we are again the school i am in now was in but the previous one will be off as they use the building .I think compulsory voting is good too .
i have risked the washing it is dry but dark so will see


Mazfromnorf Report 6 May 2010 14:51

its looking more and more like a hung parliament at the moment


YG Report 6 May 2010 18:48

Evening/morning all.

I've done my bit and been to vote. Flippin' local elections too!!

I think compulsory voting would be a good idea too. There has been far too much complacency in the UK for a long time, although the new debates this time have created a lot more interest. I have noticed it at work, where we have all been discussing the whys and wherefores! We've even persuaded the youngest in the pack to vote now her Mum has found her polling card lol!! She phoned me at 6pm to tell me she was on her way!!

Done another hour's gardening, so only a little weeding to do this weekend, or tomorrow night. Saturday has rain forecast with some very heavy showers so I won't be doing it then! I must admit the garden needs the rain, so I won't complain too much!


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 6 May 2010 21:04

Well, we've exercised our rights now! Not sure if we will stay up too late tonight as there are things to do in the morning. Aunty will probably have an idea how things are going before we do - lol


YG Report 6 May 2010 21:17

I can't stay up either DET. I have to be up at 6.30am. Don't know whether there will be a result by then, but I'm sure they will have a good idea! If I have to get up during the night I might well be tempted to switch the tv on!!


AuntySherlock Report 6 May 2010 21:31

Here you are, just to keep you up to date on your electiion. This is the major headline at the present time............

Nigel Farage, a high-profile candidate for the eurosceptic UK Independence Party (UKIP), suffered minor head injuries and needed heart tests after the light aircraft he was travelling in crashed at an airfield in Northamptonshire.

His campaign manager said the pilot desperately tried to call for help in the seconds before impact.

"Apparently the plane nose-dived. We had a banner attached to the back of the plane which basically got wrapped around the tail," said Chris Adams. "It's all a bit of a shock, especially on polling day."


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 6 May 2010 21:37

THATS a major headline??? Good grief! Obviously a nasty accident for anyone involved and their families, but really, to make the International news!!!! (or have you been sneaking a peak at the BBC website - lol?)

Just been sorting out stuff for a visit to the Library tomorrow. Wretched person couldn't make up how old he was. Have a suspicion he was a bit of a rogue so hope they old papers with him in.