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LaGooner Report 24 Apr 2010 00:44

Anyway I am going off to bed now so hope to catch you all tomorrow nite nite xx


RockyMountainShy Report 24 Apr 2010 00:48

Family tree maker is reallllllllllllllly easy to use. If i can use it, I'm sure you could :_)())))))

Night night any body,

Wish me luck, we are taking our Sparks camping tomorrow;


AuntySherlock Report 24 Apr 2010 06:22

Are there any nutters awake???

Please tell me what site is in your log in address bar.

I am logged into the which I think could be South Africa.

Noooooooooooooo advertisements apart from the GR friends reunited.


Mazfromnorf Report 24 Apr 2010 06:45

morning all big question now I have a tree only on genes and all the paperwork involved as i used the forms and copied it all down .I am thick on PC what is a ged com .please in ABC ta and how do you do it and read it ?
I am out today frog has told me to be ready for 10.00 and we are off for the day surprise .he says but i have to go to asda early as son is off out paintballing hence the time and its saturday lol .
just seen your my log i n has adverts mine is .com au


AuntySherlock Report 24 Apr 2010 07:36

Maz Gedcom is the language which family trees are written in. It is a little program which converts all our information into tags which mean something to the program..

Unless you are training to be a computer wizz you do not need to know what it is or how it works. You do need to know that when you follow the instructions in GR or Ancestry about using it you can move the information from one tree to another.

So tell us where you need to move info, from "this" program to "that" program and we will tell you how.

You can not move photographs or certificates which are stuck in your family tree, well not with GR at least.

If you need to know more about it google Gedcom. You will wish you had not.


AuntySherlock Report 24 Apr 2010 08:27

Maz I know you are in UK. And I know you are out enjoying yourself on a "surprise" day out.
Rummages through drawer for fascinator........

but I wonder why your site has logged you into which is Australia and I am logged into which is South Africa.

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 24 Apr 2010 08:45

Morning all, took me a while to read all the posts because GR wouldn't let me move from page to page - it got stuck. Seems to be OK now though.

DET, I'll try that with the water and let you know if it works - I'm really sick of getting soaked. The wet T-shirt look isn't a good look at my age, things aren't as perky as they used to be.

Aunty, I don't think there's anything I can put on the tap to stop it from being like a power jet.

I'm on but I don't have any adverts at all because I've got an ad-blocker on. I can block the adds from any site on any page.


AuntySherlock Report 24 Apr 2010 08:54

I just throw mine over my shoulders these days. Keeps them out of my way.

I usually just ignore the ads but this is really peaceful without the constant flashing and jumping about.

Your hot water is activated by turning on the tap. Therefore you must use the basin or sink the tap is over. Just thinking out loud. Would not work to put a piece of hose pipe onto the tap so the water comes out lower in the basin.
Nope. I like DETs idea best. Turn the tap on just a little bit at a time.


LaGooner Report 24 Apr 2010 10:15

Pauline, it is because your water pressure is to high. Turn the Mains stopcock valve down a bit.

Morning all, Just looking in quick as I am going to wade through the dust and attempt to clean the house a bit. I am wondering why?? as builders are back on Monday to finish the tiling so more dust !!!! Have to search through dirt and dust to find fascinator.


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 24 Apr 2010 10:49

Morning/Evening everyone.

Right Aunty. Although my version is Family Historian V3, the latest is Family Historian V4. You can download a trial version from The publisher is Calico Pie. The users's group is

Someone has written an additional free programme to download and run alongside any version to create facts & source citations for census. He intends to do the same for giving facts/sources for (UK) BMD.

You can attach any number of photos and ceritficates, write notes etc.
You can display trees as either the immediate family, ancestors, descendents, have spouses in seperate boxes or in their own. The tree will show BMD and places if entered. The tree layout is similar to GR in one respect, but you control exactly what you want to see. It can also display from left to right, if you so wish, instead of top to bottom on the screen. It will do pedigree views, but not hour least I don't thnk it does.
Unlike LG and her FTM, I find it easier to use my FH to find recorded rellies when I'm asked about a connection, rather than mess around with GR.

If you want to display everything at once, without scrolling, buy a roll of lining or plain wall paper and redecorate!

If you do decide on FTM with the 6 month Ancestry membership, I've read that other people have phoned them and had their membership extended for 6 months.

Maz, Aunty has tried various free tree programmes - ask her which is easiest to use until you decide you need to buy one. Whatever you do BACK UP, BACK UP, BACK UP! You can buy thumb drives (little memory sticks) that plug into your computer quite cheaply - anything from about £6. You can download your gedcom from here so you won't have to start again.

Hope you have a lovely day out Maz. And that RMS has packed the asprin for the headaches!

I'm logged on to with the adverts. I just ignore them. OH says we can block pop ups, but says we can't do anything about imbedded ads.

So no more Wet T shirt displays by Pauline? Hope your OH isn't too disappointed -lol

Should have thought the worst of the dust is over by now LG...unless there is more fall out from iceland lol

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 24 Apr 2010 13:44

That was the first thing I tried LG but it didn't make any difference, I still had to turn it up full blast to make the boiler ignite.

What DET said has worked, just turn it on normal and wait for the boiler to realize the water is running. It takes ages and wastes a lot of water but it's better than getting soaked. Thanks DET.


YG Report 24 Apr 2010 18:39

Hello everyone.

It has been a lovely day here today and more forecast. Great!!

Pauline, what sort of boiler do you have now. I don't profess to know much about them, but i think I will be having a combi boiler when they do the refurb - or shoud I say, IF, depending who wins the election!!

I have a water meter so am a bit concerned about having to run water to fire the boiler up!!


AuntySherlock Report 24 Apr 2010 21:08

You lot sound so different talking about your boilers. We have gas hot water. Turn on the tap and the hot water comes out. It take about ten seconds or so of running the tap before the hot water gets there but that is only because there is cold water in the pipe.

We can also have electric hot water but prefer the gas.

I know the site you are talking about DET. That's the one I found the other day by accident. The site where you can put in a name and wait for people who are doing the same research. I had a good look at the Ancestry FTM and quite like it. I will go back to the FHUK site and check out their tree.

Anzac Day today and we will be out of here very early this morning. So far it is not raining but there are lots of clouds in the pre dawn sky. I will catch up with you all later.

I am back on this morning. Yes the ads are also back. Wonder how I log into the other site permanently.


Mazfromnorf Report 24 Apr 2010 21:11

evening well I have had a wonderful day out in Cumbria we went on the steamer at Bowness had a picnic in the park which he ordered from a farmshop .and i have just got back beatiful weather and scenery .
Yg there was a Fire engine at Morrisons washing the cars down for charity in Kendal they are
I have a water meter and combi boiler and my boiler dont run so much before it gets hot but our water pressure here is not too bad


AuntySherlock Report 24 Apr 2010 21:27

I have just offered the Arsenal ArkRoyal for the meet in Toronto Canada. Janey is organising it and the discussion centred around transport to the event. So I offered!!!


YG Report 24 Apr 2010 21:30

We can have electric hot water too Aunty!!!

Maz, sounds as though you had a lovely day. I love the Lake District, in good weather!! and would like to spend a week up there sometime.
We spent our main holiday in Ambleside a few years ago and went on the boat on Windermere. I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Perhaps I ought to pay a visit to Kendal again lol!!! Don't like the Mint Cake though!!


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 24 Apr 2010 21:40

Aunty, I never look at the Family Historian site, so don't know if its the same one you are talking about. I suspect there is something similar for research.

And it's FHUG, not FHUK...Family Historian Users Group.

Hope the rain holds off. like it did last year. Don't want it to rain on your parade - lol

Sounds as if you had a lovely day Maz. How lucky to have someone arrange a 'surprise' outing for you!

Boilers - where do we start? Answer - we don't! If they work great, when they break down they are a right pain in the .......... . Bear in mind we also need heating for warmth. Most people have gas central heating, so the boiler can heat the water in the radiators for the house as well as the water. At home, we also have an electric emmersion water heater, but rarely use it.


YG Report 24 Apr 2010 22:09

Hope you're charging an appropriate rate Aunty for the hire of the Arsenal ArkRoyal otherwise you will have Her Maj to deal with!! We need to make money at Nut Lodge for the upkeep of the CPs.

DET, I think there is love in the air, don't you!!! And don't look at me!! No chance!!


Mazfromnorf Report 25 Apr 2010 07:32

morning Yg that is a song Love is in the air lol lol i caught the sun yesterday but not rudolph yet and i dont need a to be with the wedding in three weeks lol I am shattered today but I can relax a little as i do not plan to do too much today .


LaGooner Report 25 Apr 2010 09:09

Morning all, it's raining here but not enough to launch Arsenal ArkRoyal LOL Typical today I had time to go out and cut the lawns!!!!