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Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 23 Apr 2010 11:58

Hi every body, just a flying visit, got to try and sort these cupboards out.

I'm not sure I like this new heating system I've had put in, well, the heating is OK but I don't like the way I have to turn the taps on full to ignite the boiler. I keep getting soaked, when I turn it on full it splashes up like a power washer. And I've got the kind of hair that goes all curly when it gets wet, by the end of the day I look like Shirley Temple.

Sorry the dish got lost YG, he's probably a bit thick............well, you can't have everything can you?

Must get some work done now, be back later.


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 23 Apr 2010 12:01

lol at mental image of Pauline, soaked front and frizzy hair!

Think we are about to head off to the shops. So much for an early start!


LaGooner Report 23 Apr 2010 12:02

Hello, Goodbye Pauline. You must be on my high powered broomstick LOL


AuntySherlock Report 23 Apr 2010 12:44

Hi all. I did type you a message this afternoon while at work. Forgot it somethimes deletes itself on that computer. I'm supposed to copy it just in case. Guess what?? Well it ain't here.

I'm tracking a rellie around Australia. So far so good, but it would sure be better if I could have access to birth records after 1914.

Pauline is there not an end bit you can put on the tap to make the water spray more gently.

GR is giving me the whoops right now. It is typing very slowly. We haven't had a disturbance in the force for a while!!!


LaGooner Report 23 Apr 2010 14:41

May the force be with you Aunty LOL


Mazfromnorf Report 23 Apr 2010 15:17

hi there i am on a break from grass cutting just the back to do but Gizmo kept getting in the way so have fed thim hence the break the washing is tio put away but well i am at youth too so cant stop long
Pauline you will get used to it I am sure lol just asay its a new hairstyle lol
Aunty I have visions of you going around Australia with the backpack on


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 23 Apr 2010 20:22

Evening all. Hope all is well and the force has settled down.

Pauline, have you just tried running the tap ordinarily? I'm sure my daughter didn't have to have it on full throttle, although she did have to wait for the boiler to register that cold water was running through before firing up. Not so good if you are on a meter, but better for gas consumption...I think.

If Aunty is off hitching round Australia, she'll have to remember to take her thermals, billy-can and hob nailed boots. Best to leave Spot at home as he might put off any lift givers - lol


AuntySherlock Report 23 Apr 2010 22:07

OK You lot enough with the travelling jokes. Heavens if you knew where I'd been in my life.......

No these people I am tracking one was born in NSW he married a girl whose family was born in Tasmania they moved to NSW then the familes moved to Queensland to live. I can't search Tasmania on line so that will have to be a library job.

Now. Are we listening. Question without notice. Do any of you use the Ancestry Family Tree Maker. I am not happy with the Ancestry tree you use with your Ancestry membership. Any coments. OH asked what I would like for Mother's Day and I am thinking maybe this might be an opportunity to find a better tree package. He could pay a contribution toward the cost..


AuntySherlock Report 23 Apr 2010 22:10

And speaking of Spot he will be staying home with me while OH and the male members of the family go on a fishing excursion next month.

Oh I just can't wait. Winter fast setting in, out in the freezing cold and rain, so a stupid sabre-tooth tiger can go trotting around in the bush.


YG Report 23 Apr 2010 22:47

I'm excited tonight!!

NO, a fireman in full uniform with long hose has not arrived at my door!!!

I have found the grave in Gallipoli where my great uncle's brother is buried!! It was so easy when I started looking. I couldn't believe my eyes!!
Somewhere long ago I found his enlistment papers and the telegram sent to his parents when he died in 1915, but I can't think how I found them at the moment.

BUT I am only a novice!!


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 23 Apr 2010 23:33

That's wonderful YG!!! So pleased for you. Even though he died in conflict, you have remembered him and found his resting place.

Aunty, I have Family History, so can't advise. It does tend to be rather 'techie' but has a users support group (FHUG) where you can ask questions. The users also write downloadable 'free' programmes to enhance it. When OH bought it several years ago, the reviews thought it more flexible that FTM.

LG has Family Tree Maker, so you'll have to ask her to compare it to Ancestry.

What facilites do you want for your off line tree? Why not write a wish list and tick of the pros and cons for the different types available.


AuntySherlock Report 24 Apr 2010 00:09

Well done YG. Exciting isn't it. I'm currently looking at a family member's OHs family. Only just been given the info I need to trace them through history. Love it!!

Thanks DET. I just want a tree which shows me a page of rellies all connected together. I don't wish to have to click on buttons to take me from one level to another. I want it to be sort of like GR in layout but with all the information. I will go take a look at your tree program.

LG stop eating chocolate biscuits and come answer my question, please.

This has got to be psychological!! I just ran my internet options clean out your computer delete temporary files thingy. I am sure my computer system is running faster. Nah!! Optical illusion.


AuntySherlock Report 24 Apr 2010 00:13

Oh that was clever. DET google Family History and tell me which one yours is there are about half a million from which to choose.

And why aren't you lot in bed. You will all turn into pumpkins!!


RockyMountainShy Report 24 Apr 2010 00:20

I'll send you a copy of the copy of the original of the family tree maker if you like Miss Sherlack ma'am.

Well done. YG

Someone really must of been mad when my Great uncle survived Gallipoli cause they sent him to the Somme where he was killed.


AuntySherlock Report 24 Apr 2010 00:20

Nah nah, nah nah nah!!!

I did the 4000th post.

And the 4000 and oneth.


RockyMountainShy Report 24 Apr 2010 00:24

No you didn't I did the 4000 and oneth.



AuntySherlock Report 24 Apr 2010 00:30

Edit after reading RMS post correctly. Yes you were the 4000 and oneth. I did 4000 and 4000 and twoth. Ha!

Thank you for your very kind offer. I have no idea which family tree makeruppererer you are talking about.

However if I pay my hard earned money for the Ancestry version I receive six months free Ancestry subscription with it. And as it will be OHs pension which I will be using. I'm not too fussed about paying.

But explain more to me about what it is I may have a copy of. I might borrow your copy and try before I buy. I would hate to waste OHs money.


LaGooner Report 24 Apr 2010 00:31

Hi Aunty, which questions would you like me to answer.

The one I saw when I read back was about Family tree maker.

I use that,Ancestry and Genes for my tree.

The easiest to use is Ancestry as it is easy to add information that is found.
I find family tree maker a bit basic but ok.
for viewing the family members and details I find Genes easiest.

Probably confused you even more now LOL.

Hi everyone else just off to bed after a lovely evening celebrating grandson's birthday and then c hilling out with not a workman in sight LOL


AuntySherlock Report 24 Apr 2010 00:31

Oh fer goodness gracious sake.

What a dumbo. Can not tell the difference between edit and delte. Damn! I will be back. Let's see what my recall is like.

Deep breath.


My post is there. It disappeared and after LG posted it was back. Ignore the foregoing drivel.

Lovely to see you have had a sociable evening LG.

What do I want from a family tree. Sort of better than what Ancestry offers when you log onto it. I had a look at the Family Tree maker package and that look like what I want. I see you like the way GR's tree is laid out. Me too. But it does not have the information at the fingertips I need.

Actually what I really would like is a 3 metre x 3 metre computer screen so all the tree is visible at the same time. Maybe a projection onto a wall in the spare room might do.

What questions have I. Well no actual questions. Just does it work and do you find it helpful.

Now I need to go do the shopping and put in the lotto ticket so I can win lotto and buy FMP.


LaGooner Report 24 Apr 2010 00:42

I do find it helpful in some ways. I like the way the family is all listed down the page with their details so easy to check dates etc. I just have to remember to keep them all updated by Gedcom or else I completely lose the plot LOL All three trees are in a different layout. Neither Ancestry or FTM are like Genes..I have loads of folk on Ancestry that now need moving to the other 2 sites to update them, when I get a minute (what are those ???? LOL ).