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Mazfromnorf Report 28 Apr 2010 20:03

ooo peace and quiet lol


YG Report 28 Apr 2010 20:07

How much!!!!!


Mazfromnorf Report 28 Apr 2010 20:11

excactly lol hello how are you ?


YG Report 28 Apr 2010 20:27

I'm ok Maz thanks, but always seem to be so tired now in the evenings at the moment. I think I need some new glasses as well, which doesn't help, as my eyes always feel strained. I must sort it!!


Mazfromnorf Report 28 Apr 2010 20:38

poor you i need my eyes tested but am leaving it until after the wedding now .i am just so busy with all the logistics now


YG Report 28 Apr 2010 20:42

You must have had enough expense for now, but once it is all over, you will be able to spend some on yourself instead!!


LaGooner Report 28 Apr 2010 21:41

LOL YG I think DET meant my little Granson who was rushed into hospital to have his appendix whipped out . He was out after 3 days and is recovering really well. Enjoying a couple of weeks of school at the moment and enjoying the attention and treats LOL.

I am exhausted what a night at Brownies, really hectic but great fun.


YG Report 28 Apr 2010 22:21

I didn't know LG. I hope he soon has a full recovery. Little ones can get over these things so quickly, can't they. And he won't miss his appendix, that's for sure!!


AuntySherlock Report 29 Apr 2010 02:04

Missed you lot this morning.l Did a fitness class at 6.15 am. Well I have to work off all this chocolate I am eating. I know, I know, don't yell. It was bound to happen sooner I later. I did last six months. Never mind I am almost sick of the stuff again (she says with her fingers crossed behind her back). It won't be long, munch, munch and it isn't an apple.

I am so pleased it was not only me who did not know about the little tacker's appendix. I spent twenty minutes tracking back over the threads thinking I too had missed the information or that I needed my eyes tested.

My long distance vision is finally gone. Can't read the TV screen anymore so I am set for the next stage in geriatrica, tri-focals or whatever they call them.


Mazfromnorf Report 29 Apr 2010 06:39

lol Aunty
i cant focus some mornings at all lol ,
At the end of May i will reset the house hold budget to sort the lack of funds out it could be a lot worse i guess .its energy I neeed now lol still quite a bit to do it looks like rain here and the weekend forcast is not good either its my last weekend before the house begins to fill up lol


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 29 Apr 2010 08:42

Morning all.

Not long now Maz! If it's any help, when eldest married, we made out a chart which was stuck on the fridge. It had headings of time, what and who as well as reminders. Things like

0800 leave for hairdressers meet S there. Buy sarnies. (M.C)
0900 Button holes to arrive.
0930 back from hairdressers (M,C,S)
1130 Take 12 buttonholes to K, then to reg office. M's car. reminder change for car park (J)

Everyone could go down the list and work out what they were doing.

How does Aunty have the energy to go exercising so early n the morning? Didn't know the day started that early lol


LaGooner Report 29 Apr 2010 09:09

Whoops I deleted instead of edited.


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 29 Apr 2010 09:10

tut - go and have another wake up tea or coffee lol


LaGooner Report 29 Apr 2010 09:22

LOL. just made one !!!

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 29 Apr 2010 09:57

I've just made one as well......... morning all.

Sorry to hear about the little-un LG hope he's OK.

I couldn't bring myself to exercise 6.15 - no mater how much chocolate I'd eaten.


LaGooner Report 29 Apr 2010 10:00

Morning Pauline. Want to hear something spooky LOL

I was just thinking about you and was wondering if everything was ok. I was just going to pm you. Oooooooooooo. Mind reading now LOL

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 29 Apr 2010 10:03

It's magic!! ................LOL

I'm OK LG, just been very busy and my sister's not well, she starts another 6 months of chemo today, she has 6 months on and 6 months off.


AuntySherlock Report 29 Apr 2010 10:05

Aunty goes exercising in the morning because it leaves her evenings free to do this. If she exercises in the evening she is so tired she falls asleep over the keyboard. Exercising in the morning means she can be tired all day at work and then bright eyed and bushy tailed in e ..... evenn nnnnn ing. ...zzzzzzzzz.

Bother knew it would not work and this stupid GR is typing very slowly again tonight. It is really sad when I can type faster than the screen is able to print.

Hope you all are well, still wondering if LGs cookies arrived and exactly how many she has consumed. Everyone can eat all the junk food and rubbish they like at present because I am now being very bad with my diet, so you all have to join me. Beware it won't last very long but it is amazing how much chocolate one is able to consume in a short space of time.

Must say I do like DETs idea of the roster on the fridge door. An excellent way of being able to let people know what needs to be done without them asking questions all the time. Maz will be able to sit back relax and enjoy the festivities, heavens knows the preparations have been well done. And we all think Maz is going to sit back relax and.................. oh well it was just a thought. Enjoy yourself Maz. It will be a good dress rehearsal for the next one, wink, wink!!


LaGooner Report 29 Apr 2010 10:06

My friend has just finished her last chemo 2 weeks ago. Fingers crossed for them both. I think we will have to book a bed in the childrens ward for our lot. That is now 4 of the 9 that have been in the same ward since December LOL. Whoops hope that does not tempt fate. LOL


LaGooner Report 29 Apr 2010 10:09

Morning Aunty. answers to cookies question.
1. No they have not arrived yet
2. They are for the Brownies and Rainbows so I will not get a look in LOL.

I am doing the best exercise at moment. Sitting on butt drinking coffee LOL